Browsing named entities in D. H. Hill, Jr., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 4, North Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for May 14th or search for May 14th in all documents.

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troops at his disposal and take the field. With this brigade, composed of the Seventeenth, Forty-second, Fiftieth and Sixty-sixth regiments, he went into camp near Wilmington and soon had as well-drilled and equipped a command as the Confederate army possessed. When Pickett made his demonstration against New Bern in February, 1864, Martin successfully attacked and drove the Federals from Newport. When the campaign of 1864 opened in Virginia he was called to Petersburg, and reaching there May 14th, was first in the field under Whiting. D. H. Hill was in command of the division May 20th, and Martin and his brigade won distinction by their gallant charge, driving the enemy from the works in their front. After this battle of Howlett's House, his men carried him around on their shoulders, shouting: Three cheers for Old One Wing, much to the surprise of the gallant officer, whose stern discipline had not been calculated to inspire affection. After this Martin was the object of the warm