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Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Chapter 10: the march to the Chickahominy. (search)
ecame blocked, but resting nowhere long enough for dinner. The march was for twelve miles. Several plantations were passed on the line of march. On the gates leading to the magnificent residences where white flags and the strict orders against leaving the ranks prevented all depredation or purchase. The rations which were served during the hot weather on this march consisted of clear fat bacon. The river bank at Bottom's Bridge, within fifteen miles of Richmond, was finally reached on May 21. Here camp was pitched on the borders of a swamp which was almost impenetrable. Many moccasins and copper head snakes were seen, and the magnolia trees in full bloom filled the air with their fragrance. Troops were thrown across at Bottom's Bridge, but the bulk of the army lay on the East bank of the river until other bridges could be built, among them being Sumner's Grape-Vine bridge across the great Chickahominy swamp, destined to play a most eventful part in subsequent events rapidly
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Roster of the Nineteenth regiment Massachusetts Volunteers (search)
. H as Berger; deserted Apr. 13, ‘62; returned May 21, ‘64, to duty without Court-Martial; Sergt. Ja. July 21, ‘65. Christy, Wm. J., priv., (E), May 21, ‘64; 23; died of w'nds Sept. 22, ‘64, Deep Boat Gettysburg, Pa. Doyle, William, priv., (B), May 21, ‘64; 31; sub.; abs. pris. since June 22, ‘64, ‘64 to 20th Inf. Hogan, Stephen, priv., (E), May 21, ‘64; 37; sub. S. E. Brown; died Aug. 18, ‘64,E., priv., (H), Dec. 1, ‘61; 23; disch. disa. May 21, ‘62. Lee, Sargent S. P., priv., (C), June 16a. Dec. 8, ‘63. Osborne, William, priv., (A), May 21, ‘64; 19; died Aug. 7, ‘64, Andersonville, Ga. June 22, ‘64. Spinney, James W., priv., (A), May 21, ‘64; 18; pris. from June 22, ‘64, to May 8, shot by sentence Court Martial, Spottsylvania, May 21, ‘64. Starkweather, James, priv., (K), Aug. 18; sub.; N. F.R. Sweeney, Michael, priv., (B), May 21, ‘64; 25; sub. abs. pris. since June 22, ‘64;F., priv., (H), Dec. 9, ‘61; 29; disch. disa. May 21, ‘62; s