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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 13, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for May 31st or search for May 31st in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: June 13, 1862., [Electronic resource], Quartermaster's Department, General Longstreet's Corps, June 10, 1862. (search)
Quartermaster's Department, General Longstreet's Corps, June 10, 1862. To the Editors of the Dispatch: Being ignorant of the proper channel through which to remit contributions for the wounded soldiers of the 31st May, I take the liberty to enclose you eighteen dollars contributed for that purpose by the following named gentlemen, employees of my department. S. P. Mitchell, Ass't Q. M. Maj.-Gen. Longstreet's Division. W. Brown$1.00 T. J. Davis1.00 C. J. Brown1.00 E. Deeble1.00 G. Heth1.00 J. H. Colmant1.00 P. Hugher1.00 T. Dudley1.00 W. Fletcher1.00 W. H. Toryson1.00 R. W. Thomas1.00 J. Pagat1.00 J. A. Hockaday1.00 A. Friend1.00 A. M. Lane1.00 H. McCarthy1.00 --1.00 $18.00 [The contribution enclosed as above has been handed to the Committee of the Young Men's Christian Association, as the best disposition we could make of it.]
Reports of casualties. We append some further reports of killed, wounded, and missing, in the late battle near Richmond. List of the casualties in the 14th Regiment Georgia Volunteers, Colonel F Price commanding, in the battle of May 31st, 1862. Headq'rs 14th Reg't Ga. Vols., Camp near the Picket Lines. June 11th, 1862. Editors Richmond Dispatch: Below I send you an accurate statement of the casualties in the 14th Georgia Regiment, in the battle of the 31st of May. The 14th formed a portion of the brigade of acting Brigadier-General Colonel Wade Hampton; the other regiments being the "Hampton Legion"--19th Georgia and 16th North Carolina. The brigade arrived on the field about 6 o'clock P. M., after a double-quick of three miles, and immediately formed in line of battle, and charged a masked battery situated in the woods on the left of the line, and to the left of the road. A large majority of the casualties of the 14th Georgia regiment was occasioned by the en
e learn that the enemy are very numerous on the Charles City road, and that for many miles it is naught but a succession of camps. Others again give good reason for supposing that McClellan has withdrawn a portion of his force, but these are rumors merely, and at beat out little reliance can be, placed in them. An interesting incident occurred yesterday, which we feel great pleasure in recording. The noble conduct of St. Paul's Battalion in the late battle of the Chickahominy, ( Saturday, May 31st,) in conjunction with the 5th South Carolina, under Col. Grimes, is so well known that we have simply to revert to the fact to prompt the most tardy memory. In order to reward this heroic little Battalion for its achievements on that day, Gen. Longstreet ordered a beautiful battle flag to be presented to them. Yesterday, the ceremony of presentation took place, much to the gratification of all the brigade in which they serve Gen. Longstreet had written a very neat note to the command