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o the interests of commerce, Now, therefore, be it known that I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, pursuant to the authority in me vested by the fifth section of the act of Congress, approved on the thirteenth of July last, entitled, An act further to provide for the collection of duties on imports, and for other purposes, do hereby declare that the blockade of the said ports of Beaufort, Port Royal, and New-Orleans shall so far cease and determine, from and after the first day of June next, that commercial intercourse with those ports, except as to persons and things and information contraband of war, may, from that time, be carried on, subject to the laws of the United States, and to the limitations and in pursuance of the regulations which are prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury in his order of this date, which is appended to this Proclamation. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Don
cretary of War. my telegraphic despatch of June 1st, in regard to the battle of Fair Oaks, Thin, Major-General Commanding. Field of battle, June 1, 12 o'clock. To Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary ps in the battle of the thirty-first May and first June: The Fourth corps, being in the advance, Camp. H — Naglee's Camp. I--Rebel line, 1st June. J--Union line, Sickles's, 1st June. K 1st June. K — Seven Pines. L--First line of defence. M--Second line of defence. N--Third line of defenc to meet the enemy. At daylight, on the first of June, I was placed in command of the intrenchmer line was made secure for the night. Sunday, June first. The army had lain on their arms all niontest at this point on May thirty-first and June first. Their coolness and steadiness under a heav the said battle and its continuation on Sunday, June first. First. One journal states that afteride of the river. On the morning of the first of June, the enemy attacked the brigade of Gen. Pi
taken at different times from Gen. Banks's command. They have been treated with great severity, half-starved, and forced to follow the retreat of his army, whether sick or well. Officers fell by the roadside from exhaustion and illness, and were forced on at the point of the bayonet. They were not allowed to stop on the road even for a swallow of the water which it crosses in frequent streams. I annex a complete list of casualties: wounded in Col. Cluseret's brigade, in skirmish, Sunday, June 1. Eighth Virginia regiment--Rufus Boyer, company A, slightly; Peter Wards, company B, do.; George W. Douglas, company B, do.; Thomas Skelton, company B; Clark W. Card, company E, severely. Sixtieth Ohio--C. Bennington, company A, slightly; Stephen Parris, company B, slightly. June 2, in pursuit. First New-Jersey cavalry--Corporal Charles G. Morsayles, slightly; George Jones, company D, severely; Sergeant George H. Fowler, company E, killed. First Pennsylvania cavalry--Geor
ding. I transmit herewith the reports of brigade, regimental, and battery commanders. I desire to make honorable mention of Captain John S. Godfrey, the Assistant Quartermaster of the division, for his zealous, faithful and meritorious services in the performance of all of his duties from the commencement of the campaign. As no official list has been furnished the Major-General commanding the corps, of the losses sustained by the division I have the honor to command, since the first day of June last, I herewith forward it. The number, as will be seen, is eight hundred and forty-seven, making the aggregate of my loss in battle, since the opening of the campaign in the Peninsula, two thousand five hundred and eighty-nine. And in this connection I may be permitted to add, in justice and fidelity to the living and the dead, that the brave officers and men, whose honor and welfare were confided to my care, have uniformly slept on the field on which they have fought; that in all
, whom I found strongly posted in the bottom of Tuscumbia Creek, eight miles south of Corinth. The next day this rear-guard was driven out, and on Sunday, the first June, the pursuit recommenced. We passed Rienzi only two hours behind the retreating army, and found the bridges between Rienzi and Booneville so recently fired that the timbers were nearly all saved. My advanced guard came up with the enemy late in the afternoon of the first June, about four miles from Booneville, and chased them within one mile of the town, when it was halted by my order, on account of the lateness of the hour. At five o'clock on the morning of the second June, I enteredCorinth to Twenty-mile Creek is reckoned by the inhabitants at thirty-nine miles. The facts of the farmer's story are these. I met at Rienzi, on Sunday, the first June, the citizen whose house Beauregard occupied while there, and his statement to me was that Beauregard was much excited and utterly surprised at the explosion of
, shelling every one who came in sight, whether on foot, on horse, or in a vehicle. Some peaceful citizens crossing Newtown Cut Bridge in a buggy, during this period, were very much startled by a shell, and took to flight on foot across the fields. Today a few shell thrown from the Stono, toward Secessionville, fell near the camp of Twenty-fourth regiment South-Carolina volunteers, and toward Brig.-General Gist, Capt. James Gist and Capt. Joseph Glover, of his staff, who were riding out. June 1--(Sunday.)--A gunboat came some distance up Folly River, but soon retired. Reconnoitring apparently. June 2.--A gunboat came up Folly River this morning, on the flood, about nine A. M., shelled the battery of Capt. Chichester at Legare's Point, that of Capt. Warley, close to Secessionville, and Secessionville itself. This place being then occupied by the Eutaw battalion, Lieut.-Col. Charles H. Simonton commanding; the Charleston battalion, Lieut.-Col. P. C. Gaillard commanding; the cava
ne 7, 1862. General R. B. Marcy, Chief of Staff, Army of the Potomac, New-Bridge: General: I have the honor to report the operations of the Third and Fourth army corps, under my command during the engagements of the thirty-first of May and first of June. On the twenty-fifth of May, Gen. Keyes's corps was placed under my command. He was directed to advance to the Seven Pines, on the Williamsburgh stage-road, about seven miles from the city of Richmond. My corps was ordered to cross the Cn the lines before spoken of, and the artillery so disposed as to resist a heavy force should the attack be renewed the next day. At midnight I had an interview with Gen. McClellan, and was ordered to hold my position. On the next morning, Sunday, June first, a little before seven o'clock, firing of musketry commenced near the Fair Oaks station. This soon became heavy, occasioned by an attack by the enemy on Gen. Sumner's corps, on my right. I immediately gave orders for that portion of Gen.