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J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Chapter 5: Bible and colportage work. (search)
cerning his work: Messrs. Editors: I hope that a few facts about colportage among the soldiers will not be unacceptable to your readers. Though I have been acting as agent for the American Tract Society in Norfolk, Portsmouth and the vicinity seven years, my labors have never been so blessed as from the 19th of April to the present time. I have distributed $300 worth of Bibles and tracts, and in all instances they have been gladly received by both religious and irreligious. Since June 1st, under the approval of all the pastors of this city, we have reprinted especially for the soldiers over 81,000 pages of each of the following appropriate tracts: A voice from heaven; Don't put it off; All-sufficiency of Christ; Selfdedication to God; Private devotion; The act of faith; The sentinel and Motives to Early piety —in all of these over 618,000 pages; and of the excellent tract, Come to Jesus, 17,280 copies, or 545,280 pages—making in all reprinted, 1,163,--520 pages; in value, $9
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Appendix no. 2: the work of grace in other armies of the Confederacy. (search)
us congregation on Sunday. May 14. A very pleasant prayer-meeting on the mountain peak with the Georgians at twilight. May 18. Owing to rain, did not preach to our regiment in A. M., but did in the P. M., but rained us out at Third Georgia at night. Monday, May 19. Preached to-night for Third Georgia Battalion. By request of Captain McCullam, Company G, Forty-second Georgia, preached for that regiment on the night of May 22. Much pleased with the captain and that regiment. June 1. Preached at 8.30 A. M. at the corner-stone, and at 11 A. M. to the Twenty-ninth North Carolina, and in the afternoon heard Chaplain Quigg of the Forty-second Georgia. Secured sixty-seven subscribers for The Weekly Message, a holiness paper published by Mrs. Bumpass, of Greensboro, North Carolina. Wednesday night, June 4. Preached for Third Georgia Battalion. On the night of the 6th preached for Yeizer's Battery, and received Mr. John D. Baker, of Rome, Georgia, into the church.