Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 30, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for June 1st or search for June 1st in all documents.

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ed, curtly. "I reckon! Put'em thar' when thet feller Dahlgreen wus a-gwine ter rescue'em — the Yankees?" "I recon." He said no more, but that was enough to reveal the black, seething hell the rebellion has brewed. Can there be any peace with miscreants who thus deliberately plan the murder, at one' swoop, of hundreds of unarmed and innocent men? Why the visit to the Confederacy was made. No reader of this magazine is so young as not to remember that, between the first of June and the first of August last, a peace simoom swept over the country, throwing dust into the people's eyes, and threatening to bury the nation in disunion. All at once the North grew tired of the war. It began to count the money and the blood it had cost, and to overlook the great principles for which it was waged. Men of all shades of political opinion — radical Republicans as well as honest Democrats — cried out for concession, compromise, armistice — for anything to end the war —