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21st of May that General Johnston was notified that they were disbanded. In accordance with the command of Brigham Young, the people of Utah, most of them reluctantly, abandoned their homes, and began another exodus, destined, it was said, to Sonora. After the people had been congregated at Provo, they were allowed to return to their homes. Neither the motives for the removal, nor for the return, have been satisfactorily explained. The commissioners from the President arrived in camp June 2d, and in Salt Lake City on the 7th. They accepted the submission of Brigham and the Mormons, and issued the President's proclamation of pardon. The army, having received its reinforcements and supplies, advanced June 13th, and arrived without opposition, June 26th, near Salt Lake City. The commissioners suggested that a proclamation would relieve the inhabitants from fear of injury by the army. General Johnston's reply and proclamation were as follows: General Johnston's reply to the
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 13: Port Republic. (search)
ged by them. They replied, Ashby's cavalry ; and, having thus deceived our forces, availed themselves of the advantage to charge the 6th regiment of cavalry, which was next the rear. These were thrown into disorder; and a few of them were ridden down, and wounded, or captured. Confusion was also communicated, to some degree, to the 2nd regiment next it; but the commander, Colonel Munford, soon reformed it, gallantly charged the enemy, repulsed them, and captured some prisoners. On the 2nd of June, the enemy succeeded in taking position where their artillery was able to cannonade the Confederate rear. The cavalry was thrown into disorder by the shells, and fled, carrying a part of its supporting battery with them. The Federal cavalry now pushed forward to reap the fruits of this success, when Ashby displayed that prompt resource and personal daring which illustrated his character. Dismounting from his horse, he collected a small body of riflemen who were lagging, foot-sore and
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 8: commands the army defending Richmond, and seven days battles. (search)
s deprived the army in front of Richmond of the valuable services of its able general is not more deeply deplored by any member of the command than by its present commander. He hopes his absence will be but temporary, and while he will endeavor to the best of his ability to perform his duties, he feels he will be totally inadequate to the task unless he shall receive the cordial support of every officer and man. By order of General Lee. W. H. Taylor, Assistant Adjutant General. On June 2d Special Orders No. 126 were issued from the Adjutant and Inspector General's office. Special orders no. 126. Richmond, Va., June 2, 1862. By direction of the President, General Robert E. Lee, Confederate States army, will assume the immediate command of the armies in eastern Virginia and North Carolina. By command of the Secretary of War. John Withers, Assistant Adjutant General At an early hour on June 1st the Southern President rode to the front to direct, in person, Gener
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 11: Chancellorsville. (search)
atched to Secretary Stanton that he was certain important movements were being made, and that he was in doubt as to the direction Lee would take, but probably the one of last year, however desperate it may appear. As Hooker could not be attacked except at a disadvantage, General Lee determined to draw him from his position and transfer the scene of hostilities beyond the Potomac. This embraced the expulsion from the Valley of Virginia of the Federal force under General Milroy. On the 2d of June Ewell's Corps marched for Culpeper Court House, and a day or two afterward Lee followed with Longstreet's Corps. Hill's Corps was left to watch Hooker and follow as soon as he should retire. A daring commencement of a campaign! Hill, with less than twenty thousand troops, was between Hooker and Richmond, sixty miles away, while Lee, with the other two corps, was at Culpeper Court House, some thirty miles distant in another direction. Mr. Lincoln and Halleck would not let Hooker att
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 13: campaign in Virginia.-Bristol Station.-mine Run.-Wilderness. (search)
laced on transports, carried down the James and up the York, landed, and marched to Grant. Lee was also re-enforced by a division of North Carolinians. On June 1st, at 5 P. M., Smith's command and the Sixth Corps attacked, the other corps being held by Grant in readiness to advance on receipt of orders. The Confederate thick skirmish or preliminary line was carried, but the main position was immovable, of which, after the loss of two thousand men, Smith and Wright became convinced. The 2d of June, says Grant, was spent in getting troops into position for attack on the 3d; on the 3d of June we again assaulted the enemy's work in the hope of driving him from his position. In this attempt our loss was heavy while that of the enemy, I have reason to believe, was comparatively light. This remarkable assault deserves more attention than the brief statement in which Grant disposes of it. Its isolation on the pages of history as the most extraordinary blunder in military annals will a
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, III. June, 1861 (search)
-house, which was fireproof. For his own department, he said he should be satisfied with a room or two anywhere. But my arrangement was not countermanded by the President, to whom I referred all objectors. His decision was to be final-and he did not decide against it. I had given him excellent quarters; and I knew he was in the habit of having frequent interviews both with the Secretary of War and the Adjutant-General, and this would be inconvenient if they were in different buildings. June 2 My wife had a little gold among her straightened finances; and having occasion to purchase some article of dress, she obtained seven and a half per cent. premium. The goods began to go up in price, as paper money fell in value. At Montgomery I bought a pair of fine French boots for $10 in gold-but packed my old ones in the top of my trunk. I was under the necessity, likewise, of buying a linen coat, which cost only $3.50. What will be the price of such commodities a year hence if the b
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 16 (search)
st, where the flesh was much swollen. He said, smiling, I'm going to the hospital just to have the ball cut out, and will then return to the battle-field. I can fight with my right hand. The detectives are jubilant to-day. They say one of their number,--, did heroic feats of arms on the field, killing a Yankee colonel, and a private who came to the rescue. At all events, they brought in a colonel's sword, pistols, and coat, as trophies. This story is to be in the papers to-morrow! June 2 Great indignation is expressed by the generals in the field at the tales told of the heroism of the amateur fighters. They say — stripped a dead colonel, and was never in reach of the enemy's guns. Moreover, the civilians in arms kept at such a distance from danger that their balls fell among our own men, and wounded some of them! An order has been issued by one of the major-generals, that hereafter any stragglers on the field of battle shall be shot. No civilians are to be permitted
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXVII. June, 1863 (search)
over to our side of the river. It was a very fine horse, and the Federal Gen. Patrick sent a flag demanding him, as he was not captured in battle. Our officer sent back word he would do so with pleasure, if the Yankees would send back the slaves and other property of the South not taken in battle. There it ended-but we shall probably soon have stirring news from that quarter. The Baltimore American contains the proceedings of the City Council, justifying the arrest of Vallandigham. June 2 We have a dispatch from Mississippi, stating that on Thursday last Grant demanded the surrender of Vicksburg in three days. He was answered that fifteen minutes were not asked; that the men were ready to die-but would never surrender. This was followed by another assault, in which the enemy lost great numbers, and were repulsed — as they have been in every subsequent attempt to take the town. A letter from our agent in London says H. O. Brewer, of Mobile, advanced £10,000 in March l
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 40 (search)
passport to Mr. Pollard, who wrote a castigating history of the first years of the war, to visit Europe. Pollard, however, was taken, and is now in the hands of the enemy, at New York. Another row with the Bureau of Conscription. Brig.-Gen. Chilton, Inspector-General, has been investigating operations in Mississippi, at the instance of Gen. Polk; and Col. Preston, Superintendent of the Bureau, disdains to answer their communications. My landlord, Mr. King, has not raised my rent! June 2 Very warm and cloudy. There was no general engagement yesterday, but heavy skirmishing, and several assaults at different points; and a dispatch from Gen. Lee says they resulted favorably to our arms. A dispatch from Gen. Johnston says his men are in good plight, after combats enough to make a battle, in all of which the enemy suffered most. The local troops (Custis's battalion, etc.) were ordered out today. I have not understood to what point they were ordered; but it indica
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography, Chapter 15: (search)
. General Logan had to avoid contact with the suppliants for tickets, as he could do nothing for them and could not endure the ordeal of listening to their pleas when he was unable to comply with their requests. There was no alternative but for me to see them and explain the situation. Not infrequently the explanation I was able to give only served to intensify the bitterness they felt toward Root on account of his treatment of General Logan. When the convention met at ten A. M. Wednesday, June 2, the fruits of Mr. Root's labor were evident, in the fact that the galleries were packed for Blaine, the clackers losing no opportunity to start a Blaine storm in obedience to their orders. The first session was very brief. Senator Cameron, chairman of the national committee, called the convention to order. Reverend Doctor Edwards invoked a blessing upon the convention in an earnest prayer. Mr. Hoar, of Massachusetts, was made temporary chairman, the committee on credentials was a