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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for June 3rd or search for June 3rd in all documents.

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on the shore at Aquia Creek are all destroyed. The damage to the beach battery is not considered permanent, as the Confederates can soon repair it.--N. Y. Times, June 3. About daylight, Company B, of the second U. S. Cavalry, 47 privates, under Lieutenant Tompkins and Second Lieutenant Gordon, and three members of the New Yo on both sides for about an hour. Three or four secessionists were wounded, one seriously. None were killed or wounded on the Federal side.--N. Y. Evening Post, June 3. Shortly before 12 o'clock last night a skirmish took place at Arlington Mills, near Alexandria, between Capt. Brown's company of Zouaves and Capt. Roth's, Che late Major Washington of the Army. He said he did not want to fight against the United States, and made amends by taking the oath of allegiance.--N. Y. Times, June 3. The big guns were planted at Cairo, El., and the first thirty-two pound ball was sent booming down the Mississippi, a warning to all traitors to keep at a r
ntinued all night.--N. Y. Times, June 6. About midnight a squad of secession cavalry made a dash at the outposts of the Twenty-eighth New York Regiment, and fired upon them. The alarm was instantly sounded and the regiment turned out, and a scouting party despatched in pursuit of the enemy, who retreated. The fire was returned by the outposts of the Twenty-eighth, with what effect is not known, as the night was exceedingly dark. No damage whatever was done by the enemy.--N. Y. Times, June 3. The Seventy-ninth Regiment, N. Y. S. M., Lieut.-Col. S. M. Elliott, commanding, left New York for Washington, accompanied by a body of recruits of the Seventy-first and Ninth N. Y. Regiments.--(Doc. 226.) Gen. Twiggs was appointed Major-General in the Confederate army, and accepted the rank. He will command the military district of Louisiana.--Natchez Courier, June 4. Senator Rousseau, a member of the upper house of the legislature of Kentucky, delivered a strong Union spe
June 3. Quartermaster T. Bailey Myers arrived at New York from Fortress Monroe, bringing from that quarter a secession flag as a present to the Union Defence Committee. The flag was captured at Hampton village, near the fort, and when taken was flying from its staff on the roof of John Tyler's country residence. Lieutenant Duryea, the colonel's son, let down the traitorous emblem, and ran up the Stars and Stripes, which are now flying. The scouting detachment brought in the secession colors to Headquarters, and they were forwarded by Major-General Butler. The flag is a dirty looking affair of red, white, and blue flannel, with eight stars. It is roughly made, the sewing having been done by half-taught fingers.--N. Y. Commercial Advertiser, June 4. Gen. Beauregard arrived at Manassas Junction, and assumed command of the rebel forces there.--N. Y. Times, June 6. At night twelve volunteers from Camp Lincoln, near Leavenworth, Kansas, headed by Sergeant Decurin, of the
d six prisoners were taken. The regiments fled in confusion across the creek. The national loss was four wounded. A party of National troops from the Fifth Virginia regiment, and Captain Fish's company of Connecticut cavalry, under the command of Lieut.-Colonel Latham, surprised a guerrilla band on Sheff's Mountain, Randolph County, Va., and put them to flight, capturing most of their arms and equipments, and without any loss on the National side.--Wheeling Intelligencer, May 27. The steamer Swan, laden with one thousand bales of cotton, and eight hundred barrels of rosin, was captured off the coast of Cuba by the United States brig Bainbridge, and bark Amanda, and sent to Key West, Florida, for adjudication.--National Intelligencer, June 3. A reconnoissance in force was this day made from General Keyes's headquarters, for the purpose of ascertaining the strength of the rebels in the neighborhood of the Pines, some eight and a half miles from Richmond, Va.--(Doc. 115.)
ealed in the adjoining bush, mortally wounding two or three of their number. The foraging party coming up, succeeded in killing four of the rebels and taking some prisoners.--St. Louis Democrat. The steamer Gordon, (Nassau,) whilst attempting to run the blockade of Wilmington, N. C., was captured by the gunboats State of Georgia and Victoria.--The bombardment of Fort Pillow on the Mississippi was resumed after nearly a week of quiet on the part of the Union troops.--Baltimore American, June 3. A fight took place near Corinth, Miss., between a force of Union troops under the command of Col. Purcell of the Tenth Iowa regiment and a brigade of rebel infantry, resulting in the defeat of the rebels with considerable loss. The Speaker of the House of Representatives at Washington laid before the House a message from the President, referring to the history of the commencement of hostilities, and his exercise of the broad powers of the Constitution to preserve the capital of th
te.--The public debt of the United States on this day was four hundred and ninety-one million, four hundred and forty-five thousand, nine hundred and eighty-four dollars, at an average interest of 4.35 per cent.--Captain Frisbee, commanding a detachment of three hundred and seventy-eight infantry and First Missouri cavalry, captured near Neosho, Mo., two colonels and one lieutenant-colonel, two jayhawkers, and numbers of guns, revolvers, fifteen horses, and a train of forage.--Dubuque Times, June 3. This morning at nine o'clock, the Yankee cavalry followed by infantry, entered Ashland, Va. The confederate troops, quartermasters, and commissaries, and even the pickets had withdrawn, leaving valuable stores behind, including cars filled with flour, etc. The village was swarming with the people of the neighborhood, and negroes who were helping themselves to the public stores. Mr. Crichter, of Westmoreland, and Mr. Grimes, of King George, assumed authority to order about forty negroe
June 3. Major-General Robert W. Lee was assigned to the command of the rebel army in front of Richmond, in consequence of a slight wound to General Johnston, and, upon assuming his important position, issued an address to the army, which was read at the head of the regiments. Its sentiments created the liveliest enthusiasm. The address informed them, in a very few words, that the army had made its last retract, and that henceforth every man's watchword must be, Victory or death! The response was cheers from all the regiments.--Petersburgh Express, June 5. The Twenty-fifth regiment of New York volunteers, under the command of Col. Bryan, left Albany for the seat of war.--Gen. Hooker made a reconnoissance in force on the Williamsburgh, Va., turnpike, reaching a point within four miles of Richmond. The rebels were not numerous; their pickets were visible, but they fled on the approach of the National troops. A letter was published in the Richmond Dispatch, said to hav
June 3. Col. Kilpatrick returned from an expedition through the country situated between the Rappahannock and York Rivers, in Virginia, having been entirely successful.--(Doc. 3.) A meeting was held at Sheffield, England, under the presidency of Mr. Alderman Saunders, at which the following resolution was adopted: That this meeting has heard with profound regret of the death of Lieutenant-General Thomas Jefferson Jackson, of the confederate States of North-America; a man of pure and upright mind, devoted as a citizen to his duty, cool and brave as a soldier, able and energetic as a leader, of whom his opponents say he was sincere and true and valiant. This meeting resolves to transmit to his widow its deep and sincere condolence with her in her grief at the sad bereavement, and with the great and irreparable loss the army of the confederate States of America have sustained by the death of their gallant comrade and general. It was decided to request Mr. Mason to trans