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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bunker Hill, battle of. (search)
age issued a proclamation (June 12) of martial law, and offering pardon to all who should return to their allegiance, except Samuel Adams and John Hancock. At that time the New England army before Boston numbered about 16,000 men, divided into thirty-six regiments, of which Massachusetts furnished twenty-seven, and the other three New England colonies three each. John Whitcomb, a colonel in the French and Indian War, and Joseph Warren, president of the Provincial Congress, were appointed (June 15) major-generals of the Massachusetts forces. These provincial troops completely blockaded Boston on the land side, and effectively held the British troops as prisoners on the peninsula. Gen. Artemas Ward, the military head of Massachusetts, was regarded, by common consent, as the commander-in-chief of this New England army. The Americans had thrown up only a few breastworks — a small redoubt at Roxbury, and some breastworks at the foot of Prospect Hill, in Cambridge. The right wing of t
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Celoron de Bienville (search)
ldiers, 180 Canadians, thirty Iroquois, and twenty-five Abenakes, with instructions to go down the Ohio River and take formal possession of the surrounding country in the name of the King of France. Contrecoeur, afterwards in command at Fort Duquesne, and Coulon de Villiers accompanied him as chief lieutenants. Celoron was provided with a number of leaden tablets, properly inscribed, to bury at different places as a record of pre-occupation by the French. The expedition left Lachine on June 15, ascended the St. Lawrence, crossed Lake Ontario, arrived at Niagara July 6, coasted some distance along the southern shores of Lake Erie, and then made an overland journey to the head-waters of the Alleghany River. Following that stream to its junction with the Monongahela, they went down the Ohio to the mouth of the Great Miami, below Cincinnati, proclaiming French sovereignty, and burying six leaden tablets at as many different places. From the mouth of the Miami they made an overland
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Congress, Continental (search)
appeal to the oppressed inhabitants of Canada. They also issued a proclamation (June 9) for a day (July 20) of general solemn fasting and prayer. They resolved that no obedience was due to the late act of Parliament for subverting the charter of Massachusetts, and advised the Congress of that province to organize a government in as near conformity to the charter as circumstances would admit. The Congress adopted the army at Cambridge as a continental one; appointed a commander-in-chief (June 15), with four major-generals and eight brigadiers; arranged the rank and pay of officers, and perfected a preliminary organization of the army. They worked industriously in perfecting a national civil organization and for support of the military force, authorizing the issue of bills of credit to the amount of $2,000,000, at the same time taking pains not to give mortal offence to the British government. But the inefficiency of the executive powers of Congress was continually apparent. The
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Everett, Edward, 1794-1865 (search)
verely handled by Pleasonton at Beverly Ford, Aldie, and Upperville, instead of being able to retard General Hooker's advance, was driven himself away from his connection with the army of Lee, and was cut off for a fortnight from all communications with it—a circumstance to which General Lee in his report alludes more than once with evident displeasure. Let us now rapidly glance at the incidents of the eventful campaign: A detachment from Ewell's corps, under Jenkins, had penetrated on June 15 as far as Chambersburg. This movement was intended at first merely as a demonstration, and as a marauding expedition for supplies. It had, however, the salutary effect of alarming the country; and vigorous preparations were made not only by the general government, but here in Pennsylvania and in the sister States, to repel the inroad. After two days passed at Chambersburg, Jenkins, anxious for his communications with Ewell, fell back with his plunder to Hagerstown. Here he remained for
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Great charter (search)
ights, and concessions truly and peaceably, freely and quietly, fully and wholly to themselves and their heirs, of us and our heirs, in all things and places, forever, as is aforesaid. It is also sworn, as well on our part as on the part of the barons, that all the things aforesaid shall be observed bona fide and without evil subtlety. Given under our hand, in the presence of the witnesses above named and many others, in the meadow called Runnymede, between Windsor and Staines, the fifteenth day of June, in the seventeenth year of our reign. Coke points out the evils from which the charter is a protection, in their proper order. 1st. Loss of Liberty. 2d. Loss of Property. 3d. Loss of Citizen Rights. Creasy remarks that a careful examination of the great charter will show that the following constitutional principles may be found in it, either in express terms or by logical inference: The government of the country by a hereditary sovereign ruling with limited
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Maryland, State of. (search)
ace towards the Potomac, but the Nationals were stopped by a force some miles from Winchester, and many of them made prisoners. The garrison at Harper's Ferry fled across the river to Maryland Heights. Informed of Lee's movement, Hooker moved rapidly northward, intent upon covering Washington, while his cavalry watched the passes of the Blue Ridge. The national authorities, as well as those of Maryland and Pennsylvania, were thoroughly aroused by a sense of danger. The President called (June 15) upon the States nearest the capital for an aggregate of 100,000 militia; and the governor of Pennsylvania called out the entire militia of the State. Lee had about a week the start of Hooker in the race for the Potomac. On the 15th 1,500 Confederate cavalry dashed across the Potomac at Williamsport, in pursuit of Milroy's wagon-train; swept up the Cumberland Valley to Chambersburg, Pa.; destroyed the railroad in that vicinity; plundered the region of horses, cattle, and other supplies; a
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Petersburg. (search)
ops on June 14, and pushed on to the front of the defences of Petersburg, northeastward of the city. These were found to be very formidable and, ignorant of what forces lay behind these works, he proceeded so cautiously that it was near sunset (June 15), before he was prepared for an assault. The Confederates were driven from their strong line of rifle-pits. Pushing on, Smith captured a powerful salient, four redoubts, and a connecting line of intrenchments about 2 1/2 miles in extent, wit these troops were reposing, nearly the whole of Lee's Attacking the Confederate intrenchments. army were crossing the James River at Richmond, and troops were streaming down towards Petersburg to assist in its defence, and during the night (June 15-16) very strong works were thrown up. The coveted prize was lost. Twenty-four hours before, Petersburg might have been easily taken; now it defied the Nationals, and endured a most distressing siege for ten months longer. At the middle of June
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Philippine Islands, (search)
General Lawton was killed in attacking San Mateo. Jan. 22, 1901. Treaty with Spain for the purchase of the island of Cibutu and Cagayan for $100,000 ratified by United States Senate. Jan. 28. Petition from Filipino federal party praying for civil government presented to the Senate. March 1. Twenty-one officers and 120 bolomen surrender. March 23. Aguinaldo captured by General Funston. April 2. Aguinaldo takes oath of allegiance. April 20. General Tinio surrendered. June 15. United States Philippine Commission appoints Arellano, chief-justice, and six other Supreme Court judges. June 21. Promulgation of President McKinley's order establishing civil government and appointing William H. Taft the first governor. June 23. General MacArthur is succeeded by General Chaffee. July 4. Civil government established. July 24. General Zunbano with twenty-nine officers and 518 men surrender at Zabayas. Sept. 29. Massacre of forty-eight Americans at Balangi
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Spain, War with (search)
It was signed by the President June 13. June 11. Marines landed at Guantanamo, and skirmished with the Spaniards the following day. June 12-14. General Shafter's army of invasion, 16,000 strong, embarked at Key West for Santiago. June 14, 15. There was fighting between marines and Spaniards at Guantanamo Bay and a bombardment of the fort at Caimanera by war-ships. June 15. Admiral Camara's fleet sailed from Cadiz for the Suez Canal. June 20-22. General Shafter's army landed at DJune 15. Admiral Camara's fleet sailed from Cadiz for the Suez Canal. June 20-22. General Shafter's army landed at Daiquiri; one killed, four wounded. June 21. The Ladrone Islands were captured. June 22. The auxiliary cruiser St. Paul repulsed a Spanish torpedo-boat attack off San Juan, Porto Rico. June 24. Juragua was captured. The Spaniards were defeated at Las Guasimas. Capron and Fish were killed. June 26. Admiral Camara's fleet reached Port Said. June 28. General Merritt departed for Manila. July 1, 2. The Spanish earthworks at El Caney and San Juan, Santiago, were carried by a
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Tweed, William Marcy 1823- (search)
which he was the leader, in appropriating vast sums of public money to his own use. He was arrested on charges of malfeasance in office, but gave bail in $1,000,000, and was released. Soon afterwards he was re-elected State Senator, but did not take his seat. In 1873 he was found guilty of fraud, fined $12,550, and sentenced to twelve years imprisonment. In 1875 a suit was brought against him by the people of New York to recover $6,000,000 which he had fraudulently appropriated; but on June 15, in the same year, the court of appeals decided that his imprisonment was illegal, because the court below had exceeded its powers in pronouncing a cumulative sentence against him. Being released from jail, he was at once ordered to find bail for $3,000,000 in the civil suits then pending against him, and, failing to secure it, he was sent to Ludlow Street jail. On Dec. 4, in charge of two keepers, he was permitted to visit his home, and while there he escaped from custody, and made his wa
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