Browsing named entities in Col. O. M. Roberts, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.1, Alabama (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for June 28th or search for June 28th in all documents.

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unded. It also earned a well-merited meed of honor at Gaines' Mill and Cold Harbor, June 27th and 28th; Malvern Hill, July 1st to 5th; Second Manassas, August 30th; Boonsboro, September 15th; Sharpsbuern Virginia, including Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862; Cold Harbor or Gaines' Mill, June 27th and 28th; Malvern Hill, July 1st to 5th; Boonsboro, September 5th; Sharpsburg, September 17th; Fredericksbay 3, 1862; Williamsburg, May 5th; Seven Pines, May 31st to June 1st; Gaines' Mill, June 27th and 28th; at Frayser's Farm, June 30th, and Second Manassas, August 30th. It was engaged in the capture o 23, 1862; Winchester, May 25th; Cross Keys, June 8th; Gaines' Mill or Cold Harbor, June 27th and 28th; Malvern Hill, July 1st, and Hazel River, August 22d. It fought and lost heavily at Second Manaseport of same engagement, as supporting battery at junction of New Road and Charles City road, June 28th. Vol. XI, Part 3—(651) Wright's brigade, Anderson's division, July 23, 1862; Col. James Ken
ish at Middleton, January 31st. (136,137, 335, 343) Mentioned in Union reports of fighting at Middleton, May, 1863. (346) Mentioned in dispatch of General Martin to General Polk, May 22d. (534, 558) Mentioned in Union reports of Shelbyville, June 28th. Adjutant captured while endeavoring to protect the commanding officers. Vol. XXIII, Part 2—(459) General Stanley reports regiment on way to Chapel Hill, June 25, 1863. (847) General Martin reports part of regiment captured at Fosterville,om official war Records. Hardie's Reserve Company: No. 74—(975) Mentioned by Major Walthall in report of Rousseau's raid, July 14, 1864, about 20 men. No. 75—(793) Mentioned near Rome, Ga., June 22d. No. 78—(686) Mentioned by Captain Bowie, June 28th, at Cave Spring. Hardie's Reserve Battalion: No. 93—(233) In Armistead's brigade, central Alabama, November 20, 1864. No. 94—(634) In Armistead's brigade, central Alabama, December 1st. No. 103—(998) Hardie's bat
Col. O. M. Roberts, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.1, Alabama (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Battles of the armies in Virginia in which Alabama troops were engaged. (search)
Federal, Gen. Fitz John Porter, 5,000; loss 49 k, 207 w, 105 m. Alabama troops, 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 10tb, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 26th, 44th, 5th Battn. Inf.; Jeff. Davis and Hardaway's Battrs. Gaines' Mill, Va., June 27. Gens. Longstreet and Jackson, 50,000; loss Loss does not include Longstreet's a — in Hills corps. 589 k, 2671 w, 24 m.—Federal, Gen. Fitz John Porter; loss 894 k, 3107 W, 2836 m. Alabama troops, same as at Mechanicsville. Golding's Farm, etc., Va., June 28. Gen. Magruder.— Federal, Gen. Smith; loss 37 k, 227 w, 104 m. Alabama troops, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 14th, 44th, 5th Battn. Inf. Savage's, Peach Orchard, Va., June 29. Gen. Magruder.—Federal, Gen. Sumner; loss 80 k, 412 w, 1098 m. Alabama troops, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 14th, 44th, 5th Battn. Inf. Frazer Farm, Glendale, White Oak, and Charles City Cross Rds., Va., June 30. Gen. Longstreet.—Federal, Gen. Hooker; loss 210 k, 1513 w, 1130 m. Alabama troops, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11
Col. O. M. Roberts, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.1, Alabama (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Battles of the Western army in which Albama troops were engaged. (search)
v., and 1st, 8th Conf. Cav. Shelbyville, Tenn., June 27. Gen. Jos. Wheeler; total loss 260.— Federal, Gens. Granger and Stanley; total loss 80. Alabama troops, parts of 1st, 3d, 4th, 5th Cav., and 1st, 8th Conf. Cav. Tullahoma, Tenn., June 28. Gen. Jos. Wheeler; total loss 9.—Federal, Gen. Stanley; total loss 50. Alabama troops, parts of 1st, 3d Cav., and 8th Conf. Cav. Manchester Rd., Tenn., June 29. Gen. Jos. Wheeler; total loss 5.— Federal, Gen. Stanley; total loss 80. A., and 1st, 3d, 4th 7th, 51st, 53d Cav. Works near Rice's, Ga., June 27. Gen. Jos. Wheeler; total loss 59. —Federal, total loss 450. Alabama troops, parts of 1st, 8th, 10th Conf., and 1st, 3d, 4th, 7th, 51st, 53d Cav. Marietta Rd., Ga., June 28. Gen. Jos. Wheeler; total loss 37.—Federal, total loss 130. Alabama troops, parts of 1st, 3d, 4th, 7th, 51st, 53d Cav. Rosswell Rd., June 29. Gen. Jos. Wheeler; total loss 30.—Federal, total loss 70. Alabama troops, parts of 1st, 8