Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for July 12th or search for July 12th in all documents.

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June 17. A letter from Cronstadt, Russia, written by the mate of a ship, says: There is a Charleston ship lying alongside of us that hoisted the flag of the Confederate States, and for so doing I understand that the captain was arrested and placed in the guard-house of the Russian officers. They would not acknowledge or in any way recognize the flag of the rebels. --Boston Journal, July 12. Lieut. George H. Butler with others proceeded from Fortress Monroe to Big Bethel to bring away the remains of Major Winthrop. At Little Bethel a picket took their message to Colonel Magruder, who sent Captain Kilsen, of Louisiana, to receive them. Two hours after Colonel Magruder came, and they were hand-somely received. With Colonel Magruder were Colonel De Rusey, brother of the Chief of the Engineers at Fortress Monroe, Colonel Hill, of North Carolina, and other late officers of the army. None of Lieutenant Butler's party were permitted to go near the batteries. The body of Majo
edy, immediate, and honorable peace.--(Doc. 75.) The entire postal service, embracing post-offices, post-routes, and route agencies in Middle and West Tennessee, were discontinued by order of the Postmaster-General.--National Intelligencer, July 12. A resolution passed the Lower House of the Virginia Legislature, at Wheeling, to-day, instructing Senators and requesting Representatives in Congress to vote for the necessary appropriations of men and money for a vigorous prosecution of turing five prisoners and seven horses. Harris retreated to Monroe, where another skirmish occurred, in which the rebels were again repulsed. Smith then took up a position and sent messengers for reinforcements from Quincy.--Baltimore American, July 12.--(Doc. 76 1/2.) The Seventh Massachusetts Regiment, under command of Colonel D. N. Couch, left Taunton, Mass., this afternoon for the seat of war.--N. Y. Evening Post, July 10. The New Orleans True Delta of to-day has two characterist
The fight lasted until dusk, and the last shot from the Federal side dismounted one of the rebels' guns. Just at that imminent Governor Wood, of Illinois, fell on their rear with the cavalry sent from Quincy and completely routed them, taking seventy-five prisoners, one gun, and a large number of horses. About twenty or thirty rebels were killed. Not one of the Unionists was killed, although several were severely wounded. General Tom Harris, the rebel leader, escaped.--Chicago Tribune, July 12. The New Orleans Delta, of this day, says that further persistence of the Confederate States in the endeavor to obtain the recognition of our nationality is useless. It also says that the British Ministry have not the courage nor the inclination to apply to the Confederate States the rules which they have uniformly applied to other nations. It adds: Too much importance has been assigned to the idea that France and England would break the blockade to get Southern products. The editor
July 12. Last night, after the battle at Rich Mountain, Colonel Pegram, who was in command, withdrew from the fort near Beverly, leaving behind six guns, a large number of horses, wagons, and camp equipage.--(Doc. 85.) J. P. Benjamin, Attorney-General of the Confederate States of America, issued a circular of instruction to Marshals in relation to prisoners of war, and persons captured at sea, as follows:-- 1. All persons captured at sea and placed in custody of the Marshals, are at once to be confined in such manner as to prevent their obtaining any information which could be made useful to the enemy. 2. All persons captured on board of vessels (whether armed or unarmed) employed in the public service of the United States, are to be considered as prisoners of war. All persons employed in the service of the enemy, are to be considered as prisoners of war even when captured on unarmed vessels not employed in the public service of the enemy. Persons captured on priv
the Queen, which made considerable fun at the table. Not understanding English very well was probably the cause of this little mistake. Unfortunately for the London Times and its celebrated prophecy of what would be the manner of the celebration, it happened to be in a very different style. No abuse of England took place in the replies to the toasts. The day was very pleasant, and was the first for the past four weeks that had been fine. The party broke up about six P. M.--London News, July 12. General McClellan issued an address to the Soldiers of the army of the Potomac, recapitulating the events through which they had passed during the preceding ten days, and declaring that they should yet enter the capital of the so-called Confederacy. --(Doc. 79.) A small body of Union troops under command of Lieut.--Col. Wood, while reconnoitring in the vicinity of the Little Red River, Ark., shelled a rebel camp, putting the rebels to flight, and captured a large quantity of prov
sent to Ship Island, by the command of Gen. Butler.--Special Order, No. 179. The Provost-Marshal of Memphis, Tennessee, issued an order requiring all persons connected with the rebel army or government to leave the city with their families within five days.--A company of guerrillas, ninety in number, engaged in drilling in a field between Gallatin and Hartsville, Tenn., were captured by a body of Nationals belonging to Col. Boone's regiment and carried into Nashville.--Nashville Union, July 12. John Morgan, the rebel guerrilla leader, issued an appeal to the citizens of Kentucky, calling upon them to rise and arm, and drive the Hessian invaders from their soil. --A fight took place two miles south of Scatterville, Ark., between a detachment of the First Wisconsin cavalry and a rebel force of ninety men under Capt. Allen. General Saxton, at Beaufort, S. C., reported to the War Department as follows: I have the honor to report that every thing pertaining to the spe
July 12. The Senate of the United States adopted the Confiscation Bill as it passed in the House of Representatives yesterday, by a vote of twenty-seven to thirteen.--The advance of Gen. Curtis's army under General Washburn reached Helena, Ark., at nine o'clock this morning, having left Clarendon, on the White River, yesterday, at six A. M., and made a forced march of sixty-five miles in a day and a night. Gen. Curtis left Batesville on the twenty-fourth ult. with twenty days rations, and after a halt of five days at Jacksonport, to concentrate the forces on his outposts, he took up his line of march, and his entire command are now en route for Helena. From eight to twelve hundred rebels, under Matlock, who were on his front, fired on forage-trains from canebrakes, and barricaded all the roads leading southward with trees felled by negroes, and placed every conceivable obstacle in the way of his men, but he overcame them all. Gen. Washburn had a number of skirmishes on
July 12. This morning a portion of the fleet blockading the port of Wilmington, N. C., ran a rebel vessel on shore, close in by the edge of Smith's Island. While trying to get her off, the rebels in Fort Fisher despatched a steamer with a battery on board to prevent it. She had been at Smith's Island but a short time When a fire was opened from the National fleet on the eastern side of the shoals. At the same time a party of rebels was discovered approaching with a piece of artillery. Upon this, the fleet on the western side of the shoals opened fire to prevent the reenforcement of the rebels, and finally succeeded. The firing was continued until four o'clock, when the Union fleet returned to its station.--the blockade-runner Emma was captured by the Union transport steamer Arago.--Hagerstown and Funkstown, Md., were occupied by the Union forces after a slight engagement.--(Doc. 32.) Natchez, Miss., was occupied by a detachment belonging to General Grant's army.