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penitent. After execution, the body of Mark was brought down to Charlestown Common, and hanged in chains on a gibbet erected there for that purpose. Dr. Increase Mather, in his diary, printed in the first volume of the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, page 320, says that on the 22d of September, 1681, there were three persons executed in Boston,—an Englishman for a rape; a negro man for burning a house at Northampton; and a negro woman who burnt two houses at Roxbury, July 12, in one of which a child was burnt to death. The negro woman was burnt to death, —the first that has suffered such a death in New England. It is devoutly to be hoped that the woman who thus expiated her crime at Cambridge, in 1755, was the last that has suffered such a death in New England. Ye have the poor with you always; and the judicious relief of their wants is an important but often a very perplexing duty. For several years, as will be related in chapter XV., the church assumed
ided on the easterly side of North Avenue near the Common; and afterwards on the south side of the river. He d. between 12 July and 19 Oct. 1665, leaving s. Thomas, and two dau. not named, one of whom was Isabel, w. of Francis Whitmore, and the oth, that she embarked for England, and did not return during his life. Judge Sewall records her departure thus: 1687. Tuesday July 12. I go to Mr. Usher's about 5 mane. About 7 or eight we go on board, the ship being under sail. Go with them to Al Feb. 1776, a. 88; his w. Lydia was bur. 18 April 1790, a. 95. 13. John, s. of Samuel (4), by w. Bethia, had John, b. 12 July and d. 27 Nov. 1726; John, b. 8 Nov. 1728, d. 1749; Thaddeus, b. 8 Mar. 1731-2, d. before 15 Ap. 1755; James, b. 27 Sept 4; a son, b. 1759, d. 29 Oct. 1762; a daughter, b. 21 Jan. 1762, d. 22 Oct. 1762; Ebenezer, b. 23 Aug. 1763; Daniel, b. 12 July and d. Sept. 1765; Samuel, b. 30 Sept. 1766, d. 1 Nov. 1811; John, b. 11 Jan. 1769; Joseph (on the Record of births, but
Bates, b. 19 June 1810. Aaron the f. d. 23 Feb. 1822, a. 48. experience, m. Thomas Foster 30 Nov. 1686. Elizabeth, m. Aaron Bordman 14 Oct. 1708. Elizabeth, m. Thomas Thwing 6 Mar. 1764. Joshua (of Westford), m. Hannah Kidder 26 Ap. 1744. Noah, m. Hannah Livermore 4 Dec. 1777. Patience, m. Coolidge P. Woods 2 May 1793. Parks, Richard, here as early as 1638; resided on the easterly side of North Avenue near the Common; and afterwards on the south side of the river. He d. between 12 July and 19 Oct. 1665, leaving s. Thomas, and two dau. not named, one of whom was Isabel, w. of Francis Whitmore, and the other prob. Elizabeth, w. of Edward Winship. 2. Thomas, s. of Richard (1), m. Abigail Derkes (or Dix) 1 Dec. 1653, and had Thomas, b. 2 Nov. 1654, d. 28 Aug. 1681; John, b. 6 Sept. 1656, was a soldier under Capt. Beers, in the disastrous battle with the Indians near Northfield, Sept. 1675, where he had an arm broken and was crippled for life; Abigail, b. 3 Mar. 1658, m. J
, one of Cromwell's Peers. This marriage was unfortunate for both parties; he was unwilling to conform to her expensive style of living, and she appears to have had just cause to doubt the orthodoxy of his faith, a point in which she was very tenacious, and for which she was held in the highest esteem by the clergy and magistrates. Their situation became so uncomfortable, that she embarked for England, and did not return during his life. Judge Sewall records her departure thus: 1687. Tuesday July 12. I go to Mr. Usher's about 5 mane. About 7 or eight we go on board, the ship being under sail. Go with them to Alderton's Point. Go in the ship, Mr. Wharton, Sam. Newman, Mr. Charles Morton, Mr. Wooddrop, Mrs. Bridgett Usher, and her daughter Mrs. Bridgett Hoar, and others. Had an extraordinary good wind. Mr. Usher wept at taking leave of's wife and daughter. Before went from Mr. Usher's, Mr. Moodey went to prayer in behalf of those going to sea, and those staying behind, in a ve
Dec. 1714, m. William Bowers; Margaret, b. 25 Dec. 1718, d. unm. 13 Feb. 1791. Samuel the f. res. in Lex., and was bur. 13 Feb. 1776, a. 88; his w. Lydia was bur. 18 April 1790, a. 95. 13. John, s. of Samuel (4), by w. Bethia, had John, b. 12 July and d. 27 Nov. 1726; John, b. 8 Nov. 1728, d. 1749; Thaddeus, b. 8 Mar. 1731-2, d. before 15 Ap. 1755; James, b. 27 Sept. 1733, m. Lydia Phillips 15 Ap. 1762; Ebenezer, b. 30 Sept. 1735; Bethia, b. 28 Aug. 1738, d. 19 Mar. 1739-40; Josiah, b. 18ch. 25. Ebenezer, s. of John (13), m. Elizabeth Raymond 19 Aug. 1756, and had a daughter, b. about 1757, d. 1 May 1761, a. 4; a son, b. 1759, d. 29 Oct. 1762; a daughter, b. 21 Jan. 1762, d. 22 Oct. 1762; Ebenezer, b. 23 Aug. 1763; Daniel, b. 12 July and d. Sept. 1765; Samuel, b. 30 Sept. 1766, d. 1 Nov. 1811; John, b. 11 Jan. 1769; Joseph (on the Record of births, but bap. Daniel), b. 18 Feb. 1771. Ebenezer the f. res. at Menot. 26. Joseph, s. of Joseph (14), m.——, and had Elizabeth, b