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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 17, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for July 16th or search for July 16th in all documents.
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The Daily Dispatch: July 17, 1861., [Electronic resource], Runaway in Jail. (search)
The Laurel Hill battle. death of Gen. Garnett.
Cincinnati, July 16.
--A special dispatch to the Gazette reports that Laurel Hill was evacuated on the night of the 11th inst.
The Confederate troops were overtaken by the advance of the Hessians on the 12th, when the rear showed battle, to cover their retreat.
At the next ford Gen. Garnett was killed.
Col. Ramsey, of Georgia, succeeded Gen. Garnett in command, and the pursuit ceased.
The result of the whole affair is t Camp, with equipage, forty baggage-wagons, field-chest and two regimental banners, were captured.
Four Georgia Captains and Lieutenants were taken among the prisoners.
Gen. Garnett and twenty of his men were killed.
The General's body is at headquarters, awaiting orders from Richmond.
[Second Dispatch.] Washington, July 16
--Gen. McClellan's official dispatches announce the death of Gen. Garnett, with 200 killed and 1,000 prisoners. Seven guns were also captured.
The Daily Dispatch: July 17, 1861., [Electronic resource], Runaway in Jail. (search)
Later from Europe arrival of the steamer Saxonia. New York, July 16.
--The steamship Saxonia has arrived, with advices from Southampton to the 3d of July.
The sales of cotton for two days were 45,000 bales, of which speculators and exporters took 24,000 bales. The market advanced Ȃd and in some cases ¼d, and closed with an upward tendency.
Breadstuffs were steady.
Wheat was a shade dearer.
Provisions were dull.
At London, Consols were quoted at 89¼ to 89¼ for money.
Breadstuffs were steady.
Wheat was a shade dearer.
Provisions were dull.
At London, Consols were quoted at 89¼ to 89¼ for money.
The general news by this arrival is unimportant.
[Second Dispatch]
New York, July 16--The advices by the Saxonia report that a plot has been discovered to assassinate Garibaldi.
The Hungarian address of the Diet being disloyal and hostile to the crown, was returned, with orders to modify it, under the penalty of a dissolution of the D
Still later from Europe. arrival of the Hibernian. Farther Point, July 16.
--The steamship Hibernian has arrived, with Liverpool advices to Friday, July 5.
The sales of cotton for the week ending on Thursday, the 4th of July, were 158,000 bales, of which speculators took 49,000, and exporters 26,000 bales. The market advanced during the week ¼d. The sales on Friday were 15,000, of which 6,000 were taken by speculators and exporters.
The quotations for fair Orleans were 8¾d., and for middling Orleans, 8½d.
At London consols were quoted at 89½.
The bullion in the Bank of England had decreased £572,0
From Missouri.
Louisville, July 16.
--Missouri papers dated on the 13th inst., three days distant from the seat of war, place the belligerent force of three columns of ten thousand each, under Gov. Jackson, to be advancing towards Jefferson City.
Those under Rains and Parsons, and under Price and McCulloch have and defiant.
All the telegraph wires have been cut around Booneville.
There is nothing reliable from the Southwest.
[Third Dispatch] St. Louis, July 16.
--The latest advices from Southwestern Missouri, place 12,000 Federalists at Springfield.
These advices are only up to the 8th inst., but it is believed t are only up to the 8th inst., but it is believed that news via Pocahontas may have been received at Little Rock yesterday, which is 36 hours later.
[Fourth Dispatch.] St. Louis, July 16.
--Officers who have arrived here from Springfield, which place they left on the 12th inst., report all quiet there at that time.
The Daily Dispatch: July 17, 1861., [Electronic resource], Runaway Negro. (search)
From Fort Pickens. New York, July 16.
--The steamer Cahawba has arrived, with dates from Fort Pickens to the 5th, and from Key West to the 9th inst.
The steamships Niagara and Crusader were there and would sail immediately in pursuit of the privateer Sumter.
[Second Dispatch.]
New York, July 15.--It is stated that the privateer Sumter has conveyed to the Cuban ports six prizes.
The authorities will hold these prizes there pending advices from Spain.
The Sumter has been ordered to sea.
The Daily Dispatch: July 17, 1861., [Electronic resource], Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch . (search)
Federal Congress. Washington, July 16.
--The bogus Virginia Senators have been sworn in.
The House resolution to adjourn on Friday has passed the Senate.
A resolution authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to employ the necessary means to protect the commerce of the United States from privateers, has been passed.
A resolution to call a General Convention of the States, to adjust national difficulties, was tabled by a vote of 92 to 5.
John W. Forney has been elected Secretary of the Senate.
In the Senate, the bill increasing the military establishment, and providing for its reduction at the option of Congress, were passed.
In the House a bill defining and providing a penalty for conspiracy, was passed.
From Washington. Washington, July 16.
--Secretary Seward has made a demand upon the Spanish Government, through the Minister here, for a surrender of the prizes carried to the Island of Cuba by the privateer Sumter.
Lord Lyons has called the attention of the Lincoln Government to the fact that private parties have been allowed to run the blockade on the Chesapeake Bay.
A dispatch has been received at the Mexican Legation which announces the deaths of O. Campo and Gen. De Gallado.
The Army Appropriation bill has passed the Senate.
Newspaper reporters in the Guard House. Baltimore, July 16
--Several newspaper reporters in Gen. Patterson's command, have been placed in the guard house.
The Daily Dispatch: July 17, 1861., [Electronic resource], Arrival of Judge W. P. Hill at Galveston . (search)
Destructive fire. Carthage, N. Y., July 16.
--The business portion of this town was burned last night.