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he several subordinate commanders for reference to the signal parts played by individuals of their respective command Contradictory statements, found in these reports, should not excite surprise when we remember how difficult, if not impossible, it is to reconcile the narrations of bystanders, of participants in even the most inconsiderable affair, much less the shifting thrilling scenes of a battle-field. Accompanying are maps showing the positions of the armies on the morning of the 21st July, and of three several stages of the battle; also, of the line of Bull Run north of Blackburn's Ford. These maps, from actual surveys made by Captain D. B. Harrison, assisted by Mr. John Grant, were drawn by the latter with a rare delicacy worthy of high commendation. In conclusion it is proper, and doubtless expected, that through this report my countrymen should be made acquainted with some of the sufficient causes that prevented the advance of our forces and prolonged, vigorous purs
General Beauregard's report. We publish this morning the official report of General Beauregard, of the battle of July 21st.It loses some of its interest from the fact that a portion of the introductory remarks has been stricken out by Congress; but it will yet repay perusal, and in giving it a place in our columns we are aware that we gratify the public desire. Taking all the facts into consideration, we cannot help thinking that the Government authorities have carried their reticence to a point bordering on the absurd; and it is with no purpose of obliging them that we devote considerable space to the publication, at this late day, of reports that should have been given to the world while the incidents were fresh. We are rather influenced by a wish to place in the hands of our readers all that is requisite to complete the history of the most eventful year of the present century.
iate proximity. This fact, with the conviction that, after his signal discomfiture on the 18th of July, before Blackburn's Ford — the centre of my lines — he would not renew the attack in that quarter, induced me at once to look for an attempt on my left flank, resting on the Stone Bridge, which was but weakly guarded by men, as well as but slightly provided with artificial defensive appliances and artillery. In view of these palpable military conditions, by half-past 4 A. M., on the 21st July, I had prepared and dispatched orders, directing the whole of the Confederate forces within the lines of Bull Run, including the brigades and regiments of Gen. Johnston, which had arrived at that time, to be held in readiness to march at a moment's notice. At that hour the following was the disposition of our forces: Ewell's brigade, constituted as on the 18th of July remained in position at Union Mills Ford, its left extending along Bull Run, in the direction of McLean's Ford, an