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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 24, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for July 22nd or search for July 22nd in all documents.
Your search returned 12 results in 8 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: July 24, 1861., [Electronic resource], The fallen brave. (search)
What a Washington correspondent says about the fight. New York, July 22.
--The special Washington correspondent of the Herald says that the Government will retake their lost property at all hazards.
The stampede and defeat was in a great measure caused by General Patterson. Gov. Sprague's bravery brought about some degree of order, but the chaos was too great.
Gen. McDowell exhibited great bravery, but it was unavailing to arrest the panic.
The New York 71st, 14th, 27th, and Main's regiments were mowed down like grass.
The list of killed and wounded embraces a large number of officers.
Col. Corcoran is thought to be dead.
The Daily Dispatch: July 24, 1861., [Electronic resource], A free country. (search)
Three days later from Europe. New York, July 22.
--The steamship North America has arrived, with three days later news from Liverpool.
The sales of cotton for three days were 37,000 bales, of which speculators and exporters took 19,000 bales. The market closed firm and full at previous rates.
Manchester trade had slightly improve I.
Breadstuffs were quiet and steady.
Provisions were steady.
At London, consols closed at 89Ȃa 89Ȃ for money, and from 90Ȃ to 90¼ for account.
The steamships Jalia and City of Baltimore had arrived out.
The news is generally unimportan
Reception of the News in Louisville.the Southern-rights men rejoicing. Louisville, July 22.
--The news of the victory of the Confederate forces, near Manassas, on the 21st inst., creates the most intensexcitement here.
This news has startled the public mind, as the morning papers here published dispatches from Washington which proclaimed a brilliant victory for the Federal army.
There is great and unbounded rejoicing here among the Southern-Rights men.
The Daily Dispatch: July 24, 1861., [Electronic resource], New Publication — map of the Confederate States . (search)
Northern Congress. Washington, July 22.
--In the House, to-day Mr. Crittenden's resolution charging civil war upon the South, was passed by yeas 122 to ays 2. Messrs. Burnett and Reid voted nay.
In the Senate, the bill providing for the confiscation of the property of rebels found in arms against the United States was taken up Mr. Trumbull offered an amendment the slaves employed to aid the rebels shall be for recited by the master.
The bill was passed, by eas 32 to nays 6--Messrs. Breckinridge Johnson of Missouri, Kennedy, Pearce, Poll and Howell.
[second Dispatch.] Washington, July 22.
--In the Senate to-day he bill to increase the military establishments was returned from the House, and the Senate refused to concur in the amendments proposed.
A message was received from the President and the Senate went into Executive session.
In the House, Mr. Wright offered a resolution to the effect that the reverses at Bull' Run in no way impaired the ulti
Courage in Louisville. Louisville, July 22.
--John W. Tompkins Formerly Clerk of the Board of Aldermen holloaing for Jeff Davis, was ordered to delist by a Mr. Green, a city watchman.
The affair resulted in Green's shooting Thompson dead.
The Coroner's verdict was that Green shot Thompson without sufficient cause.
From Missouri. Jefferson City, Mo., July 22.
--The State Convention has met and organized.
Sixty-one members are present.
Gen. Wilson has been elected President.
The Daily Dispatch: July 24, 1861., [Electronic resource], Where is the responsibility. (search)
A Regiment Re-enlisted. New York, July 22.
--The Thirteenth Regiment of New York Militia, have reenlisted for three years.