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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Diary of Robert E. Park, Macon, Georgia, late Captain Twelfth Alabama regiment, Confederate States army. (search)
aissons, and abandoned a few cannon. The entire movement was a very successful one. We marched fully thirty miles during the day. But, as I have said before, it seems to be impossible to catch a running Yankee. They are as fleet almost as race-horses. July 25th Rested until four o'clock P. M., and then marched to the little village of Bunker Hill. July 26th Marched to Martinsburg, where a large number of Yankee sick and wounded were captured; camped two miles from town. July 27th Details were made to tear up and destroy the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad; rumor in camp of Hood's fighting Sherman in Georgia, and all are anxious for particulars. July 28th Rested all day, and near the spot where, last year, I saw Major A. Proskauer, our gallant German Hebrew Major, from Mobile, and Dr. Adams, our assistant surgeon, eat fried mushroons ( frog-stools ), a very novel sight to me. July 29th Marched to Williamsport, Maryland, where our cavalry crossed the Potom
Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 8 (search)
y foolish things when I talk too much. I couldn't sleep, either, after going to bed, because Mett went off to her own room next to father's and left me alone in the end room, with that awful garret door between me and everybody else in the house. I am like the little boy that said he wasn't afraid to go through the graveyard alone at night, he was just ashamed. I don't believe in ghosts, but they make me just as nervous as if I did-and that big garret is such a horrible, gloomy place. July 27, Thursday Seabrook Hull and Brewer Pope called at 5 o'clock this afternoon, which put me out of temper because I am never up so early this hot weather. Took tea at the Lawtons, where we had a delightful evening. I am always so frightened and uneasy in the streets after dark that it greatly detracts from the pleasure of going out. We can generally avoid the Yankees by taking the back streets, but the negroes swarm in every by-way and rarely condescend to give up the sidewalk, so we
s requested to send it to town, or I could be even more particular, certainly much more graphical than I am. He hoped for a speedy termination of these affairs, as the enemy are now making for the Chippewa country, or will try to cross the Mississippi at Prairie du Chien. Mr. Johnston thinks they will be overtaken before they reach either place. They are nearly starved, subsisting on the bark of trees, dogs, and their horses. Lieutenant Johnston's journal contains the following record: July 27th.-Many of the horses having failed through fatigue and insufficiency of proper food, General Atkinson selected about 900 of the best mounted volunteers to cross the Wisconsin and pursue the enemy, in conjunction with the regular troops. The remainder of the several volunteer corps was ordered to Fort Hamilton. Generals Henry, Posey, Alexander, and Dodge, commanded the volunteers, whom they had selected from their several commands for this duty. Colonel Zachary Taylor, First Infantry, com
ve generals, but I knew I had one, and that was Sidney Johnston. Itinerary. 1861. June 16.Left Los Angeles — to Rancho Chino, thirty-five miles. June 22.Arrived at Warner's Ranch. One hundred miles from Los Angeles. June 27.Left Warner's. To Vallecito. June 30.Left Vallecito. Sunday night. Eighteen miles to Carrizo Wells. Comet seen. July 1.Left Carrizo, 3 P. M. Thirty-seven miles to Indian Wells. July 2.Indian Wells at noon. Twenty-eight miles to Alamo Springs. July 3.Alamo Springs at 8 A. M. Thirty miles to Cook's Wells. July 4.Cook's to Yeager's Ferry. (Fort Yuma.) July 7.Yuma, up the Gila, and thence two hundred and seventy miles to Tucson. July 18.Arrived at Tucson. July 22.Left Tucson, 8 A. M. Thirty miles. July 23.Forty miles to a dry camp. July 24.Fifteen miles to Dragoon Springs, thence fifty miles to Apache Pass. July 25. July 26. July 27.From Apache Pass. One hundred and sixty-five miles to the Rio Grande at Picacho, near Mesilla. July 28.To Mesill
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 4: details of the battle of Manassas. (search)
at it would have fled on the very first cry that the rebels are coming, but if General McDowell and his officers are to be believed, there still remained on the southern bank of the Potomac a considerable force in fighting condition. Miles' division had not been engaged and Runyon's had not reached Centreville when the battle took place. Besides a considerable force had been retained in Washington under Mansfield. McClellan states in his report, that, when he assumed command on the 27th of July, the infantry in and around Washington numbered 50,000, and this was much larger than our whole force was after the reinforcements had reached us subsequent to the battle. The strength of our army at this time, as well as on all other occasions, has been greatly exaggerated even by Southern writers; its organization was very imperfect, many of the troops not being brigaded. If we had advanced, Alexandria would probably have fallen into our hands without a struggle, and we might have
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 8: commands the army defending Richmond, and seven days battles. (search)
few days saw changes not only in the relations between these two officers, but in the plans and purposes of the contending forces. Jackson arrived at Gordonsville on July 19th, and at once began to consider the best way to strike Pope. Finding that his antagonist had practically concentrated the corps of Sigel (formerly Fremont's), Banks's, and McDowell's, and had nearly six times his numbers, he wisely decided to apply to General Lee for more troops before he assumed the offensive. On July 27th Lee sent A. P. Hill's division, which gave him an army of 18,623. While he could not hope to beat the whole of Pope's army, numbering on July 31st, according to Pope, 40,358, or, if we accept the reports of the various corp commanders, 47,000 men, the disposition of these forces gave him an opportunity to strike a part of it. Banks was in advance at Culpeper Court House, with his cavalry picketing the line of the Rapidan. Jackson always availed himself of such opportunities, and promptly
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, IV. July, 1861 (search)
all physicians taking amputating instruments, and relatives of the wounded and slain, have been permitted by the Secretary to go thither. July 26 Many amusing scenes occur daily between the Chief of the Bureau and applicants for passports. Those not included specially in the Secretary's instructions, are referred to the Chief of the Bureau; and Col. Bledsoe cannot bear importunity. Sometimes he becomes so very boisterous that the poor applicants are frightened out of the office. July 27 A large number of new arrivals are announced from the North. Clerks resigned at Washington, and embryo heroes having military educations, are presenting themselves daily, and applying for positions here. They represent the panic in the North as awful, and ours is decidedly the winning side. These gentry somehow succeed in getting appointments. Our army does not advance. It is said both Beauregard and Johnston are anxious to cross the Potomac; but what is said is not always true.
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 17 (search)
ey are sold by the detectives, Winder being ignorant. July 25 More Northern papers received to-day, containing news from the South. Most fortunately, they can know nothing reliable of what is passing within Gen. Lee's lines. The responsibility of keeping his gates closed against spies rests in a great measure on myself, and I endeavor to keep even our own people in profound ignorance of what transpires there. July 26 There is a pause in the depreciation of C. S. securities. July 27 Gen. Lovell, it is said, will be tried by a courtmartial. The same has been said of Generals Magruder and Huger. But I doubt it. July 28 The Examining Board of Surgeons, established by the Secretary of War, has been abolished by order of Gen. Lee. It was the only idea of the Secretary yet developed, excepting the handing over of the whole business of passports to Gen. Winder. July 29 Pope's army, greatly reinforced, are committing shocking devastations in Culpepper and Ora
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 29 (search)
overnment elevating Northern over Southern generals. All generals are judged by the degree of success they achieve, for success alone is considered the proof of merit, and one disaster may obliterate the memory of a dozen victories. Even Lee's great name is dimmed somewhat in the estimation of fools. He must beat Meade before Grant comes up, or suffer in reputation. Gov. Bonham has demanded the free negroes taken on Morris Island, to be punished (death) according to the State law. July 27 Nothing but disasters to chronicle now. Natchez and Yazoo City, all gone the way of Vicksburg, involving a heavy loss of boats, guns, and ordnance stores; besides, the enemy have got some twenty locomotives in Mississippi. Lee has retreated as far as Culpepper Court House. The President publishes another proclamation, fixing a day for the people to unite in prayer. The weather is bad. With the exception of one or two bright days, it has been raining nearly a month. Superadd
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XL. July, 1864 (search)
use papers were referred to him from the QuartermasterGen-eral's and Ordnance offices signed by subordinates, instead of the heads of the bureaus. The President wrote an elaborate decision in favor of the general, and ordered the Secretary to make a note of it. Thus, important affairs wait upon red tape. I saw Secretaries Benjamin and Mallory, and some lesser lights, riding down the river in an ambulance-wagon, supposed to be going a fishing. They were both excessively fat and red. July 27 Cloudy and warm; light shower at 3. P. M. Gen. Lee's dispatch, giving an account of a victory last Sunday, near Winchester, has diffused hope and satisfaction anew in the city. The following dispatch was received from Gen. Bragg: Atlanta, July 26th, 1864. Leave to-morrow to confer with Major-Gen. Maury at Montgomery, and urge matters beyond. Lieut.-Gen. Lee arrived. Tone of the army fine, and strength increasing daily, etc. All is quiet to-day. B. Bragg, General. Col. J.