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ivision, Stewart's corps, army of Tennessee, July 31st. (671) Assignment as above, August 31, 1864d 8 wounded, Richmond campaign, June 13th to July 31st. (812) Roll of honor, Fort Harrison, Septeml 17, 1863. (942, 959) Assignment as above, July 31st, Maj. J. H. McGaughey in command. August 10 30th. Thomas A. McCane commanding regiment, July 31st. (941-943) Mentioned in reports of Col. E. 's division, Lee's corps, army of Tennessee, July 31st. Lieut.-Col. Harry T. Toulmin in command of 863. (942) Col. John C. Marrast in command, July 31st. (958) Lieut.-Col. John Weedon in command, in Polk's army corps, April to August, 1863. July 31st, Maj. W. L. Butler commanding regiment. Nder Colonel Clayton), April to August, 1863; July 31st, Col. Whitfield Clark in command. No. 51— 17th; Col. Y. M. Moody commanding regiment, July 31st. Regiment ordered to remain at Knoxville un. Robert H. Abercrombie commanding regiment, July 31st. (731-733) Mentioned in Gen. M. P. Lowrey's
bama) have been doing all the picket duty in this front. (943) In Hagan's brigade, Martin's division, Wheeler's corps, July 31st. (960) In Morgan's brigade, Martin's division, Wheeler's corps, August 10th. No. 51—(9) Assignment as above, Septemed, and will report to Brigadier-General Pillow for duty. (943) In Russell's brigade, Martin's division, Bragg's army, July 31st. No. 50—(232) Hagan's brigade, Wharton's division, Wheeler's corps, Chickamauga campaign. No. 51—(19) Col J. M Hadiscipline and increasing their efficiency. (944) Col. W. A. Johnson, Roddey's brigade, Wheeler's corps, Bragg's army, July 31st. No. 37—(674) Mentioned by Colonel Hatch (Union) in skirmishes on Forked Deer river, Tenn., July 13, 1863. No. 3 brigade, Gen. W. G. M. Davis' forces, on outpost and special duty, April 25th. (946) Scott's brigade, Buckner's army, July 31st, brigade on duty in Kentucky. No. 51—(20) Scott's brigade, Pegram's division, Forrest's corps
boro, Hoover's Gap, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge; 5 killed. (731) Effective, 102 present for duty, April 1, 1864. No. 74—(643, et seq.) In Hood's corps, during Atlanta campaign. (667) Under Lieutenant McKenzie, in Lee's corps, Hood's army, July 31st. (818) Conduct near New Hope church, May 25th, commended by Gen. A. P. Stewart. No. 103—(1047) Under Lieut. Wm. W. Woods, Maury's army, Mobile, March 10, 1865. Sengstak's battery. Sengstak's battery, Capt. H. H. Sengstak, was organizee (Heth's division), November 20, 1862. (466) Mentioned in Heth's brigade, Big Creek gap, December 27th. Vol. XXIII, Part 2—(644, 711, 792) In Palmer's brigade, Big Creek gap and Clinton, February to April, 1863. (946) In Frazer's brigade, July 31st, Bell's bridge. (948) Ordered to report at Knoxville, August 3d. No. 51—(17) In Buckner's corps, Chickamauga, September, 1863. (449, 450) Mentioned in Major Williams' report, Chickamauga, 2 killed, 1 wounded. No. 55—