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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, California Volunteers. (search)
ly 19. Expedition to Alamcito Mountains against Indians August 9-20, 1863. Expedition to Jornado del Muerta August 9-20, 1863. Expedition to Jornado del Muerta August 26-29. Operations against Navajo Indians August 20-December 16, 1863. Scout from Fort Wingate to Ojo Redendo September 15-October 5 (2 Cos.). Expedition against Indians in New Mexico November 5-15 and December 5-7, 1863. Scout in Southeastern Arizona July 6-24, 1864 (Co. D ). Expedition from Fort Union August 4-September 15 (Detachment). Affair, San Andreas Mountains, August 12 (Detachment). Scout in Cimarron River, Northeast N. Mex., September 18-October 5. Engagement with Indians at Adobe Fort, on Canadian River, N. Mex., November 25 (Cos. A and K ). Scout from Fort Cummings April 28-May 13, 1865 (Co. G ). Duty in Districts of New Mexico, Arizona and Utah till October, 1866. Mustered out October 21, 1866. 1st California Battalion Mountaineers. Organized at large May 30,
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Colorado Volunteers. (search)
m Denver to Republican River, Kansas, April 8-23, 1864 (Co. D ). Skirmish near Fremont Orchard, Colo., April 12 (Cos. C and H ). Expedition from Camp Sanborn to Beaver Creek, Kansas, April 14-18 (Cos. C and H ). Skirmish at Big Bushes, Smoky Hills, April 16 (Cos. C and H ). Skirmish at Cedar Bluff, Colo., May 3 (Co. C ). Scout from American Ranch to Cedar Bluff May 9-10. Scout from Fort Sumner August 3-November 4 (Cos. A, B and G ). Scout from Fort Union, N. Mex., August 4-September 5. Affair near Fort Lyon, Colo., August 7. Skirmish near Sand Creek August 11 (Cos. D, G, K and L ). Scout on Fort Union Road, near Fort Garland, August 12-16 (Detachment). Skirmish, Atkins' Ranch, August 22. Skirmish, Walnut Creek, Kansas, September 25 (Cos. L and M ). Skirmish, Fort Lyon, October 9. Affairs near Fort Lyon November 6-16. Pawnee Forks November 25 (1 Co.). Engagement with Indians at Sand Creek, Colo., November 29 (Cos. C, D, E, G, H an
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Illinois Volunteers. (search)
wsome's Cavalry July 22-23. Gayoso, Tenn., August 4. Trenton, Tenn., August 7. Merriweatherord July 31-August 1. Brandy Station August 1-4. Near Fairfax Court House August 6 (DetachmenFord July 3-August 1. Brandy Station August 1-4 and September 7-8. Bristoe Station September o Covington, Ky., thence to Camp Nelson, Ky., August 4-8. Attached to 1st Brigade, 4th Division, ay 31-June 6. Duty at Jacinto, Miss., till August 4. Reconnoissance to Bay Springs August 4-7.August 4-7. Skirmish at Bay Springs August 4. March to Nashville, Tenn., August 21-September 1, thence toAugust 4. March to Nashville, Tenn., August 21-September 1, thence to Louisville, Ky., in pursuit of Bragg, September 2-26. Pursuit of Bragg into Kentucky October 1-13, 1861. Moved to Jefferson Barracks, Mo., August 4-5. Mustered in at St. Louis, Mo., August 2t 4. Reconnoissance to Bay Springs, Miss., August 4-7. Bay Springs August 5. March to Murfrd to Columbus, Ky., thence to Jackson, Tenn., August 4, and duty there till November 10. Grant's [6 more...]
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Indiana Volunteers. (search)
July 21-22. Kelly's Ford July 31-August 1. Brandy Station August 1-3 and August 4. Advance from the Rappahannock to the Rapidan September 13-17. Culpeper Expedition to Huntsville July 13-22. Reconnoissance to Rock Island Ferry August 4-5. Sparta August 9. Calf Killer River August 17. March over Cumberlan Moved to Clinton, Ky., July 10. Campaign against Roddy's forces July 15-August 4. Duty at Union City, Tenn., August 4, 1863, to January 23, 1864. Pursuitxpedition to Moulton July 25-28. Decatur July 27. Moved to Atlanta, Ga., August 4-8. Atlanta campaign August 8-September 8. Siege of Atlanta August 8-25. s., July 4-10. Siege of Jackson July 10-17. Ordered to New Orleans, La., August 4, thence to Brashear City September 12. Western Louisiana Campaign October 3ay 2-4. Duty at Stevenson's Station till June 27, and at Opequan Creek till August 4. Mustered out August 4, 1865. Lost during service 1 Enlisted man killed
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Kansas Volunteers. (search)
trell in Kansas August 20-28, 1862 (Detachment). Washburne's Expedition from Helena against Mobile & Ohio Railroad July 24-26, 1862 (Co. C ). Expedition to Oldtown and Trenton July 28-31 (Co. C ). Clayton's Expedition toward Clarendon August 4-17. Expedition to Johnsonville and Marianna September 26 (Detachment). Action at Trenton October 14. Expedition to Moro November 5-8 (Detachment). Expedition against Arkansas Post November 16-26. Expedition to Grenada, Miss., Noveg working parties on Mobile & Ohio Railroad and arriving at Corinth July 10; thence moved to Jacinto and Rienzi, Miss., July 18-23. Expedition from Rienzi to Ripley, Miss., July 27-29. Reconnoissance to Jacinto and Bay Springs and skirmish August 4-7. Reconnoissance from Rienzi to Hay Springs August 18-21. Marietta and Bay Springs August 20. Kossuth August 27. Rienzi September 9 and 18. Battle of Iuka, Miss., September 19 (Cos. B and E ). Ruckersville October 1 (Detachme
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Kentucky Volunteers. (search)
(4 Cos.). Moved to Tullahoma July 13, and duty there till August. Sparta August 4 (Detachment). Raid on Louisville & Nashville Railroad August 19-21 (Detachme 18. (A detachment at Lexington, Ky., June 10, 1864.) At Lafayette till August 4. Actions at Lafayette June 24 and 30. At Calhoun August 4 to October 12.August 4 to October 12. Pine Log Creek and near Fairmount August 14. Resaca October 12-13. Near Summerville October 18. Little River, Ala., October 20. Leesburg October 21. aca. At Wauhatchie, Tenn., May 5 to June 18. At Lafayette, Ga., June 18 to August 4. Summerville July 7. Actions at Lafayette June 24 and 30. Scouting abchie, Tenn., May 5 to June 18. At Lee and Gordon's Mills and Lafayette till August 4. Action at Lafayette June 24. Actions at Lost Mountain July 1-2. At Chire, Ohio, July 20. New Lisbon, Ohio, July 26. Ordered to Glasgow, Ky., August 4. Burnside's march into East Tennessee August 16-October 17. Operations a
y Corps, to December, 1864. Artillery Brigade, Army of the Shenandoah, to July, 1865. Service. Moved to Front Royal, Va., May 25, 1862, and to Manassas June 17. At Warrenton July 4-22. March to Waterloo July 22, thence to Culpeper August 4. Battle of Cedar Mountain August 9. Pope's Campaign in Northern Virginia August 16-September 2. Fords of the Rappahannock August 20-23. Thoroughfare Gap August 28. Battle of Groveton August 29, and Bull Run August 30. Ordered t July 28. Deep Bottom July 28-30. Moved to Washington, D. C., thence to Monocacy, Md. (4 Cos., under Murray and Drew, moved from Morganza to Washington, D. C., July 1-12. Pursuit of Early July 14-24. Rejoin Regiment at Monocacy, Md., August 4.) Veterans on furlough August 5-October 1. Non-Veterans temporarily attached to 13th Maine Infantry, and duty at Harper's Ferry till October 5. Regiment moved to Martinsburg October 5, and duty there till January 7, 1865. Moved to St
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Maryland Volunteers. (search)
, Va., July 10-24. Funkstown, Md., July 12-13. At Warrenton Junction July 25-27. Duty near Rappahannock Station August 4 to September 16. Advance to the Rapidan September 16-18. Bristoe Campaign October 9-22. Bristoe Station October 10. Pursuit of Lee to Warrenton, Va., July 12-24. At Warrenton Junction July 25-27, and near Rappahannock Station August 4 to September 16. Advance to the Rapidan September 16-18. Bristoe Campaign October 9-22. Bristoe Station Octobero Warrenton, Va., July 12-24. Funkstown July 12-13. At Warrenton Junction July 25-27. Near Rappahannock Station August 4 to September 16. Advance to the Rapidan September 16-18. Bristoe Campaign October 9-22. Bristoe Station October Pursuit of Lee to Warrenton, Va., July 12-24. At Warrenton Junction, Va., July 25-27. Near Rappahannock Station August 4-September 16. Advance to the Rapidan September 16-18. Bristoe Campaign October 9-22. Bristoe Station October 14
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Massachusetts Volunteers. (search)
y 12. Shepherdstown July 16. Near Aldie July 31. Scout to Hazel River August 4. Rixeyville August 5. Welford's Ford August 9. Scout to Barbee's Crosy 15-28. Moved to Monocacy, Md., July 29; thence to Harper's Ferry, W. Va., August 4. Sheridan's Shenandoah Valley Campaign August 7-November 28. Battle of OMay 27-June 4, and duty there till July 22. Moved to Boston, Mass., July 22-August 4. Mustered out August 11, 1865. Lost during service 4 Enlisted men killedon Rouge July 11-12, thence to Donaldsonville July 16. Moved to Port Hudson August 4-5, and duty there till August 22. Moved to Baton Rouge August 22-24. Movent). Surrender of Port Hudson July 9. Garrison duty at Port Hudson till August 4. Moved to Cairo, Ill., on Steamer North America, thence by rail to Boston, Mass., August 4-17. Mustered out August 28, 1863. Regiment lost during service 1 Officer and 19 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 129
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Michigan Volunteers. (search)
ne 27. Reconnoissance to Rock Island Ferry August 4-5. Sparta August 9. Passage of the Cumb Station July 18-22. Duty at Milldale till August 4. Moved to Covington, Ky., August 4-12, andAugust 4-12, and to Crab Orchard, Ky., August 17-18. Burnside's Campaign in East Tennessee August 18-October 17. ., July 12-17, thence to Fredericksburg, Va., August 4-6. Operations on the Rapidan and Rappahann Station July 18-22. Camp at Milldale till August 4. Moved to Covington, Ky., thence to Crab Orchard, Ky., August 4-18. Burnside's Campaign in East Tennessee. March to Knoxville, Tenn., Se Station July 18-22. Camp at Milldale till August 4. Moved to Covington, Ky., thence to Crab Orchard, Ky., August 4-30. March to Knoxville, Tenn., September 10-26. Action at Blue Springs Odison Station July 18-22. At Milldale till August 4. Moved to Covington, thence to Crab Orchard, Ky., August 4-30. March to Knoxville, Tenn., September 10-26. Action at Blue Springs Octobe