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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 1,017 1,017 Browse Search
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War 22 22 Browse Search
William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 2 16 16 Browse Search
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley) 15 15 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: August 19, 1861., [Electronic resource] 14 14 Browse Search
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865 13 13 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 11 11 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 11 11 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2 9 9 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 8 8 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Alabama letter, the. (search)
Alabama letter, the. Henry Clay, Whig candidate for President in 1844, had a fair prospect for election when his letter to a friend in Alabama, on the annexation of Texas, appeared in the North Alabamian, on Aug. 16. It was represented by his adversaries as a complete change of policy on his part. The Whig campaign became defensive from this time, and resulted in defeat. See Clay, Henry.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Burgoyne, Sir John, 1723-1792 (search)
by the pursuing British. Burgoyne pressed forward almost unopposed, for the American forces were very weak. The latter retreated first to Fort Edward, and then gradually down the Hudson almost to Albany. The British advanced but slowly, for the Americans, under the command of Gen. Philip Schuyler, harassed them at every step. An expedition sent by Burgoyne to capture stores and cattle, and procure horses in this region and at Bennington, Vt., was defeated in a battle at Hoosick, N. Y. (Aug. 16), by a force hastily gathered under General Stark. Already another invading force of British regulars, Canadians, Tories, and Indians, under Colonel St. Leger, which was sent by Burgoyne, by way of Oswego, to march down the Mohawk Valley and meet the latter at Albany, had been defeated in a battle at Oriskany (Aug. 6). Schuyler was superseded by Gates in command of the northern army. Gates formed a fortified camp on Bemis's Heights to oppose the Burgoyne addressing the Indians. onward
ollowing: Prince Chuang, commander-in-chief of the Boxers, who had a large share in the responsibility for promises of rewards of 50 taels for the capture of foreigners and the death of persons protecting them. Prince Tuan, the principal instigator of the troubles into which he dragged the Chinese government; who was appointed president of the Tsung-LI-Yamen, after giving advice to the Chinese government; who was responsible for the edicts against foreigners issued between June 20 and Aug. 16, and was mainly responsible for the massacres in the provinces, especially Shan-Si; who ordered the troops to attack the legations in opposition to the advice of high mandarins who were looking to a cessation of hostilities; who secured the execution of members of the Tsung-LI-Yamen who were favorable to foreigners; who is the recognized author of the ultimatum of June 19, directing the diplomatic corps to leave Peking within twenty-four hours, and who ordered, before the expiration of this
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Civil War in the United States. (search)
the Confederacy put into operation.—10. Forty-eight locomotives, valued at $400,000, belonging to the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, were destroyed by the Confederates at Martinsburg, Va.—July 11. The United States Senate expelled from that body James M. Mason, R. M. T. Hunter, T. L. Clingman, Thomas Bragg, Louis T. Wigfall, J. A. Hemphill, Charles B. Mitchell, W. K. Sebastian, and A. O. P. Nicholson, charged with treasonable acts.—25. The governor of New York called for 25,000 more troops.—Aug. 16. Several newspapers in New York presented by the grand jury for hostility to the government.—19. Secretary of State ordered that all persons leaving or entering the United States shall possess a passport. Major Berrett, of Washington, D. C., arrested on a charge of treason, and conveyed to Fort Lafayette, in the Narrows, at the entrance of New York Harbor.—24. Transmission of Confederate journals through the mails prohibited.—Sept. 12. Col. John A. Washington, formerly of Mount Ve
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hull, William 1753-1825 (search)
ly. But he continued it until Aug. 29, for the purpose, as he alleged, of forwarding stores to Sackett's Harbor. It released the British troops on the Niagara frontier, and Sir Isaac Brock, governor of Upper Canada, was enabled to hasten to the Detroit River and effect the capture of the army of General Hull. Dearborn gave that commander no intimation of the armistice; and it was during its unwarranted continuance for twenty days that the forced surrender of Hull to overwhelming numbers, Aug. 16, took place. Dearborn's excuse for his silence was that he did not consider Hull within the limits of his command. General Hull, on his release at Montreal, on parole, returned to his farm at Newton, Mass., from which he was summoned to appear before a court-martial at Philadelphia on Feb. 25, 1813, of which Gen. Wade Hampton was appointed president. The members of the court were three brigadier-generals, nine colonels, and three lieutenant-colonels. A. J. Dallas, of Pennsylvania, was
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Petersburg. (search)
de upon the remainder of the Confederate works, with precision and fatal effect, all along the line; but, owing partly to the slowness of motion of a portion of the assaulting force, the result was a most disastrous failure on the part of the assailants. A fortnight later General Grant sent another expedition to the north side of the James, at Deep Bottom, composed of the divisions of Birney and Hancock, with cavalry under Gregg. They had sharp engagements with the Confederates on Aug. 13, 16, and 18, in which the Nationals lost about 5,000 men without gaining any special advantage excepting the incidental one of giving assistance to troops sent to seize the Weldon Railway south of Petersburg. This General Warren effected on Aug. 18. Three days afterwards he repulsed a Confederate force which attempted to recapture the portion of the road held by the Unionists; and on the same day (Aug. 21) General Hancock, who had returned from the north side of the James, struck the Weldon road
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Philippine Islands, (search)
4. The commission issued a proclamation promising The amplest liberty of self-government, reconcilable with just, stable, effective, and economical administration, and compatible with the sovereign rights and obligations of the United States. April 22–May 17. General Lawton led an expedition to San Isidro. April 25–May 5. General MacArthur captured Calumpit and San Fernando. June 10-19. Generals Lawton and Wheaton advanced south to Imnus. June 26. General Hall took Calamba. Aug. 16. General MacArthur captured Angeles. Sept. 28. General MacArthur, after several days' fighting, occupied Porac. Oct. 1-10. General Schwan's column operated in the southern part of Luzon and captured Rosario and Malabon. Nov. 2. The Philippine commission appointed by the President, consisting of J. G. Schurman, Prof. Dean Worcester, Charles Denby, Admiral Dewey, and General Otis, which began its labors at Manila, March 20, and returned to the United States in September, submitted
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Quakers. (search)
y sailed King. Charles gave them his blessing. the Kent reached New York in August, with commissioners to manage publie affairs in New Jersey. The arrival was reported to Andros, who was governor of New York, and claimed political jurisdiction over the Jerseys. Fenwick, who denied the jurisdiction of the Duke of York in the collection of customs duties, was then in custody at New York, but was allowed to depart with the other Friends, on his own recognizance to answer in the autumn. On Aug. 16 the Kent arrived at New Castle, but it was three months before a permanent place was settled upon. That place was on the Delaware River, and was first named Beverly. Afterwards it was called Bridlington, after a parish in Yorkshire, England, whence many of the emigrants had come. The name was corrupted to Burlington, which it still bears. There the passengers of the Kent settled, and were soon joined by many An old Quaker House, Newcastle, Del. others. The village prospered, and oth
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Sanders's Creek, battle of. (search)
to attack Rawdon with little more than 3,000 men. Spurning the advice of his officers, he marched before he had made any disposition of his baggage in the rear. Cornwallis had left Camden to meet Gates at about the same time. Foot-falls could not be heard in the sandy road. As the vanguard of the British were ascending a gentle slope after crossing Sanders's Creek, that traversed a swamp, nearly 8 miles from Camden, they met the vanguard of the Americans, at a little after 2 A. M., on Aug. 16. It was a mutual surprise, and both began firing at the same time. Colonel Armand's troops, who led the van, fell back upon the 1st Maryland Brigade, and broke its line. The whole army, filled with consternation, would have fled but for the wisdom and skill of Porterfield, who, in rallying them, was mortally wounded. The British had the advantage, having crossed the creek, and were protected on flank and rear by an impenetrable swamp. Both parties halted, and waited anxiously for the d
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Stone, Charles Pomeroy 1824-1887 (search)
Oct. 20, 1861, he was ordered by General McClellan to closely watch the movements of the enemy and make a feint of crossing the Potomac at Ball's Bluff. After obeying these orders it seems that he supposed the enemy might be surprised, and with that object in view crossed the Potomac in the night. On Oct. 21 he was attacked and defeated, with heavy loss. General Stone remained in his command till Feb. 9, 1862, when he was arrested and confined in Fort Lafayette in New York Harbor till Aug. 16. He was then released, as no charge had been made against him. Immediately after his arrest he applied to General McClellan for a statement of the cause, but received no reply, and during his imprisonment no notice was taken of his repeated applications for a speedy trial, for a copy of charges, and for access to the records, etc. After his release he reported by telegram for orders; but hearing nothing, he wrote on Sept. 25 to Gen. Lorenzo Thomas, adjutant-general, United States army, sta