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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 6.36 (search)
r Lieutenant Jones, of Mobile (Company I ), skirmished vigorously the rest of the day. The firing was fierce and continuous. August 22d The Yankees fell back towards Harper's Ferry, and we promptly followed, passing their breastworks and through Charlestown, encamping in a woods near where Honorable Andrew Hunter's beautiful residence recently stood. His splendid mansion had been burnt by order of General (Yankee) Hunter, his cousin. A very affectionate and cousinly act, surely! August 23d Quiet in camp, August 24th A sharp skirmish took place in front of our camp, which we could see very plainly. It was a deeply interesting sight to watch them advancing and retreating, firing from behind trees and rocks and clumps of bushes, falling down to load their discharged muskets, and rising quickly, moving forward, aiming and firing again — the whole line occasionally running rapidly forward, firing as they ran, with loud Rebel yells, and the Yankee hirelings retreating as
Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 8 (search)
lock before we got to bed, and then we were both too tired to sleep. My legs ached as if they had been in the stocks, but when I become more accustomed to hard work, I hope it won't be so bad. I think it is an advantage to clean up the house ourselves, sometimes, for we do it so much better than the negroes. The children are having a great time. Cousin Mary gave them a little party this evening, and they have two or three every week. Julia is a famous belle among the little boys. Aug. 23, Wednesday Up very early, sweeping and cleaning the house. Our establishment has been reduced from 25 servants to 5, and two of these are sick. Uncle Watson and Buck do the outdoor work, or rather the small part of it that can be done by two men. The yard, grove, orchards, vineyards, and garden, already show sad evidences of neglect. Grace does the washing and milks the cows, mammy cooks, and Charity does part of the housework, when well. Cora has hired Maum Rose, a nice old darkey
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., chapter 14.55 (search)
ded and effective blockade ever known in history. Under date of August 22d, 1861, Captain Du Pont wrote from New York: We drove where several of the purchased vessels were being altered, and examined the Alabama, Augusta, and Stars and Stripes. But, alas! it is like altering a vest into a shirt to convert a trading steamer into a man-of-war. Except that there is a vessel and a steam-engine, all else is inadaptable; but there is no help for it — the exigency of the blockade demands it. [August 23d.] The Tuscarora (new steam sloop-of-war) was launched at Philadelphia yesterday. She was built in fifty-eight days, and thoroughly built too. Her keel was growing in Sussex county, Delaware, seventy days ago. On the 19th of October, 1861, eighty days after the date of the order to General Sherman above quoted, Flag-Officer Du Pont (as officers in command of squadrons were then styled) left New York on board of the steam-frigate Wabash, followed by numerous men-of-war, among which were
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, V. August, 1861 (search)
day. Yet the President sends Capt. Josselyn regularly with the papers referred to the Secretary. These are always given to me, and after they are briefed, delivered to the Secretary. Among these I see some pretty sharp pencil marks. Among the rest, the whole batch of Tochman papers being returned unread, with the injunction that when papers of such volume are sent to him for perusal, it is the business of the Secretary to see that a brief abstract of their contents accompany them. August 23 No arms yet of any amount from Europe; though our agent writes that he has a number of manufactories at work. The U. S. agent has engaged the rest. All the world seems to be in the market buying arms. Mr. Dayton, U. S. Minister in Paris, has bought 30,000 flint-locks in France; and our agent wants authority to buy some too. He says the French statisticians allege that no greater mortality in battle occurs from the use of the percussion and the rifled musket than from the old smooth-b
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 18 (search)
who was sent here to the Provost Marshal-a prisoner. How did he get out? They say money did it. August 21 Some apprehensions are felt by a few for the safety of this city, as it is supposed that all the troops have been withdrawn. This is not so, however. From ten to fifteen thousand men could be concentrated here in twenty-four hours. Richmond is not in half the danger that Washington is. August 22 Saw Vice-President Stephens to day, as cordial and enthusiastic as ever. August 23 Members of Congress are coming to my office every day, getting passports for their constituents. Those I have seen (Senator Brown, of Mississippi, among the rest) express a purpose not to renew the act, to expire on the 18th September, authorizing martial law. August 24 In both Houses of Congress they are thundering away at Gen. Winder's Provost Marshal and his Plug Ugly alien policemen. Senator Brown has been very bitter against them. August 25 Mr. Russell has reported a
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXIX. August, 1863 (search)
erks in the city post-office resigned, because the government did not give them salaries sufficient to subsist them. As yet their places have not been filled, and the government gets no letters — some of which lying in the office may be of such importance as to involve the safety or ruin of the government. To-morrow is Sunday, and of course the mails will not be attended to before Monday--the letters lying here four days unopened! This really looks as if we had no Postmaster-General. August 23 Dispatches from Charleston, yesterday, brought the melancholy intelligence that Fort Sumter is but little more than a pile of rubbish. The fall of this fort caused my wife a hearty cry-and she cried when Beauregard reduced it in 1861; not because he did it, but because it was the initiation of a terrible war. She hoped that the separation would be permitted to pass without bloodshed. To day we have a dispatch from Beauregard, stating the extraordinary fact that the enemy's batterie
struction of slavery is not necessary to a restoration of the Union. I will abide the issue. The political situation grew still darker. When at last, toward the end of August, the general gloom had enveloped even the President himself, his action was most original and characteristic. Feeling that the campaign was going against him, he made up his mind deliberately as to the course he should pursue, and laid down for himself the action demanded by his conviction of duty. He wrote on August 23 the following memorandum: This morning, as for some days past, it seems exceedingly probable that this administration will not be reelected. Then it will be my duty to so cooperate with the President-elect as to save the Union between the election and the inauguration, as he will have secured his election on such ground that he cannot possibly save it afterwards. He then folded and pasted the sheet in such manner that its contents could not be read, and as the cabinet came toge
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), Reports etc., of this campaign (search)
nsylvania Infantry, of operations August 14-15 (Wheeler's raid). No. 120Maj. Michael H. Locher, Seventy-ninth Pennsylvania Infantry. No. 121Col. Henry A. Hambright, Seventy-ninth Pennsylvania Infantry, of operations May 24. No. 122Lieut. Col. George B. Bingham, First Wisconsin Infantry. No. 123Bvt. Maj. Gen. Jefferson C. Davis, U. S. Army, commanding Second Division, of operations May 1-August 22. No. 124Brig. Gen. James D. Morgan, U. S. Army, commanding Second Division, of operations August 23-September 8. No. 125Brig. Gen. James D. Morgan, U. S. Army, commanding First Brigade, of operations May 1-August 22. No. 126Col. Charles M. Lum, Tenth Michigan Infantry, commanding First Brigade, of operations August 24-September 8. No. 127Capt. George C. Lusk, Tenth Illinois Infantry, of operations May 1-August 20. No. 128Lieut. Col. James B. Cahill, Sixteenth Illinois Infantry. No. 129Col. William B. Anderson, Sixtieth Illinois Infantry. No. 130Col. Charles M. Lurm, Tenth Michigan
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 10 (search)
e of infantry reached the Atlanta and West Point Railroad near Red Oak Station, and tore up a portion of the track. Our batteries were completed along our whole line and we were ready for any emergency. August 21 and 22, the pioneer force was all kept at work preparing siege materials. The batteries along our whole line kept up a slow but steady fire both upon the enemy's lines and upon the city of Atlanta. The remarks in this paragraph apply to every day for the last two weeks. August 23, under instructions from the major-general commanding, I went to the Chattahoochee railroad bridge and selected a line to be occupied by the corps (Twentieth), which was to be left behind during our movement to the rear of Atlanta, and gave Lieutenant Ludlow full instructions concerning the building of it. The position held by the Fifteenth Army Corps during the battle of the 28th of July was selected by Captain Reese as a flank to be occupied by the Army of the Tennessee upon the withdraw
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 20 (search)
ion. August 13, 14, and 15, occupied same position. August 16, shifted position to the left, the length of the brigade. August 17 and 18, all quiet. August 19, put the brigade in position on the Augusta railroad to the left of picket-line, deployed Ninetieth Ohio, One hundred and first Ohio, and Twenty-first Illinois as skirmishers and advanced onehalf mile, drove the enemy's skirmishers into their rifle-pits, and withdrew. In the afternoon made similar demonstrations. August 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25, occupied same position, occasionally making a display of the troops. August 25, immediately after dark broke up camp and marched in rear of the lines to the right; crossed the Chattanooga railroad and bivouacked in some old works, Eighty-first Indiana deployed as pickets. August 26, the enemy advanced a strong line of skirmishers on our pickets, pushing them vigorously succeeded in driving our pickets off the ridge occupied. The Thirty-eighth Illinois was immediately deployed a
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