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was connected with Major Cobb's battery. Other officers of the regiment have seen active service. Most of the men are farmers and mechanics, of moderate means, excellent health, and unwavering devotion to the cause of the Union.--N. Y. Times, August 28. A correspondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer gives an extended account of a visit of the privateer Sumter to Puerto Cabello, together with a copy of a letter from Raphael Semmes, her commander, to the governor of that place.--(Doc. 9.) mpany I; Adjutant Deforest, of Cleveland; Lieutenant Charles Warrent; Sergeant-Major King, of Warren. The field-officers are all safe. The Twenty-fifth regiment of Indiana Volunteers left Evansville for St. Louis, Mo.--Louisville Journal, August 28. Henry Wilson, Senator from Massachusetts, was commissioned to organize a regiment of infantry, with a battery of artillery and a company of sharpshooters attached. In his call he asks the loyal young men of Massachusetts, who fully compr
unication with the secession sympathizers in New York. For the last six weeks, according to his own confession, he has been contributing editorial articles for The Daily News, Day Book, and Journal of Commerce. An intercepted letter from Washington advised him to go south via Kentucky, as a passport could not be obtained from the Government. Anderson's correspondence gives a great deal of important political information, besides implicating parties well known in New York.--N. Y. Tribune, August 28. The First regiment U. S. Chasseurs, under the command of Colonel John Cochrane, left New York for the seat of war. This regiment numbers eight hundred and fifty men, and will be armed with the Enfield rifle. Joseph Holt made a Union speech at Boston, Mass., to-day, in the course of which he said he nowhere heard the word compromise, which was now only uttered by traitors. So long as rebels had arms in their hands there was nothing to compromise. He concluded by saying that it
August 28. A party of National troops under the command of Capt. Smith, detailed on the 24th ult. to break up a force of secessionists at Wayne Court House, Va., returned to Camp Pierpont, at Ceredo, having been successful in their expedition.--(Doc. 14.) President Lincoln to-day appointed as aides-de-camp to Gen. Wool, Alexander Hamilton, Jr., and Legrand B. Cannon of New York, each with the rank of Major, and William Jay, of Bedford, N. Y., with the rank of Captain. These appointments were made at Gen. Wool's request, and the official notification from the War department instructs the aids to immediately report to him in person.--N. Y. Tribune, August 29. The funeral ceremonies and military display in honor of Gen. Lyon took place at St. Louis, Mo., to-day. The procession which escorted the remains to the railroad depot consisted of Gen. Fremont's body-guard, under Gen. Zagoni, Capt. Tillman's company of cavalry; a section of Capt. Carlin's battery; the First re
across her bow, whereat she came round and made directly for the Fanny. On coming up, Lieutenant Crosby went aboard and directed the captain to follow the Fanny in. While on their way, Lieutenant Crosby had the following conversation with Captain Ireland: Is that your flag? asked Lieutenant C. Yes, that is the flag I live, fight, and hope to die under, replied the captain, and he added, we have cheated the Yankees this time. I have to inform you, said Lieutenant Crosby, that on the 28th day of August the American fleet made its appearance off this place and commenced to bombard Forts Hatteras and Clark, while a land force landed; that Fort Clark was silenced that day; that on the day following Fort Hatteras was bombarded and captured, with more than seven hundred prisoners; that both forts are now occupied by Federal troops; that I am a United States officer, you my prisoner, and your ship a prize. It is all right, is it not, captain? The captain instantly collapsed, and took to
August 28. A fight took place at Readyville, Tenn., between the Twenty-third Kentucky infantry under the command of Col. Mundy, and a large force of rebel cavalry under Gen. Forrest, resulting in a rout of the latter with heavy loss.--Cincinnati Times. General Schofield at St. Louis, Mo., issued an order assessing five hundred thousand dollars upon secessionists and Southern sympathizers in St. Louis County--the money to be collected without delay, and used in clothing, arming and subsisting the enrolled militia while in active service, and in providing for the support of such families of militiamen as might be left destitute. A severe fight took place at a point six miles west of Centreville, Va., between the National forces under Generals Sigel and McDowell, and the rebels under the command of Gen. Jackson, who was driven back at all points, with a loss of a large number of prisoners.--(Docs. 104 and 199.) City Point, on the James River, Va., was completely de
August 28. The Board of Supervisors of the city of New York devoted two millions of dollars to exempt the firemen, the militia, and the police, and to provide for the families of drafted men in indigent circumstances.--By direction of Jefferson Davis, Lieutenant-General W. J. Hardee assumed command of the paroled rebel prisoners, captured at Vicksburgh and Port Hudson.--(Doe. 158.) Samuel Jones, a Major-General in the rebel service, issued an order from his headquarters at Dublin, Va., thanking the home guard and other citizens for their services in the action at White Sulphur Springs.--A party of rebel guerrillas attacked the mail-carriers from a cavalry division of the army of the Potomac, stationed at Harwood Church, Va., killing one man and capturing four others, together with the mail.