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J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, V. August, 1861 (search)
ren one, having only exasperated the enemy, and stimulated the Abolitionists to renewed efforts. I suppose these critics would have us forbear to injure the invader, for fear of maddening him. They are making this war; we must make it terrible. With them war is a new thing, and they will not cease from it till the novelty wears off, and all their fighting men are sated with blood and bullets. It must run its course, like the measles. We must both bleed them and deplete their pockets. August 30 Gen. Floyd has had a fight in the West, and defeated an Ohio regiment. I trust they were of the Puritan stock, and not the descendants of Virginians. August 31 We have bad news to-day. My wife and children are the bearers of it. They returned to the city with the tidings that all the women and children were ordered to leave Newbern. The enemy have attacked and taken Fort Hatteras, making many prisoners, and threaten Newbern next. This is the second time my family have been com
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 18 (search)
esting money in real estate for the first time, which is evidence that they have no faith in the ultimate redemption of Confederate money. August 27 Huzza for Gen. Stuart! He has made another circumvention of the enemy, getting completely in Pope's rear, and destroying many millions worth of stores, etc. August 28 Pope's coat was captured, and all his papers. The braggart is near his end. August 29 Bloody fighting is going on at Manassas. All the news is good for us. It appears that Pope, in his consummate egotism, refused to believe that he had been outwitted, and pitched into our corps and divisions, believing them to be merely brigades and regiments. He has been terribly cut up. August 30 Banks, by the order of Pope, has burnt 400 Yankee cars loaded with quartermaster's and commissary stores. But our soldiers have fared sumptuously on the enemy's provisions, and captured clothing enough for half the army. August 31 Fighting every day at Manassas.
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 19 (search)
being hurled back on the Potomac, and then compelled to cross it, it was too transparently ridiculous for the press to contend for the victory. And now they confess to a series of defeats from the 26th June to the culminating calamity of the 30th August. They acknowledge they have been beaten-badly beaten-but they will not admit that our army has crossed into Maryland. Well, Lee's dispatch to the President is dated Headquarters, Frederick city. We believe him. September 8 But the Maryweeks, no less than forty odd thousand prisoners! The United States must owe us some thirty thousand men. This does not look like progress in the work of subjugation. Horrible! I have seen men just from Manassas, and the battlefield of the 30th August, where, they assure me, hundreds of dead Yankees still lie unburied! They are swollen as large as cows, say they, and are as black as crows. No one can now undertake to bury them. When the wind blows from that direction, it is said the scen
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXIX. August, 1863 (search)
inion will be tested by the investigation ordered.-J. D. If the President desires it, of course Pemberton will be exonerated. But even if he be honorably and fairly acquitted, the President ought not to forget that he is not a ruler by Divine right to administer justice merely, but the servant of the people to aid in the achievement of their independence; and that their opinions and wishes, right or wrong, must be respected, or they can deprive him of honor, and select another leader. August 30 The department companies and militia returned yesterday, through a heavy shower, from the wild-goose chase they were rushed into by Gen. Elzey's order. Mr. Reagan, the Postmaster-General, informed me to-day (the government will not allow bad news to transpire) that at the second assault on Battery Wagner, Morris Island, the enemy captured and held the rifle-pits. This, perhaps, involves the loss of the battery itself-and indeed there is a report, generally believed, that it fell su