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for burial, and prepared for another day of conflict, which they well knew was impending; gathered in groups, praying for further aid to the God of Battles, and then, in trusting confidence, slept on their arms awaiting the coming day. The 30th of August, as the summer neared its end, opened clear and bright, with the two armies ready for the renewal of the mighty conflict. The position of Lee's two wings was unchanged, except that he had massed thirty-six guns, under Col. Stephen D. Lee, onl-arms worth millions in value and many thousands in number. This great victory of Groveton Heights cost Lee 8,000 men, mostly in Jackson's command, including many of his noblest and bravest officers. The losses of Longstreet's corps, August 23-30, were reported as 663 killed,4,016 wounded, and 46 missing; total,4,725. Jackson reported his losses from the Rappahannock to the Potomac, at 805 killed,3,547 wounded, and 35 missing; total,4,387. The Federal loss, in the campaign from the Rappah
ipated in the victory at Brandy Station, and was congratulated by Stuart upon the superior discipline and stability of the command he had organized. During the battle of Groveton he was in command on the right holding back Porter, and on the 30th of August, made a handsome cavalry fight against Buford's brigade,--on the Federal left flank, driving the enemy and capturing 300 prisoners. On September 5th, General Robertson was ordered to the department of North Carolina for the organization and i in front of McClellan's army, and held that position during the night-when the Federal army retreated to Harrison's landing on James river. Late in the month of August, 1862, the Twelfth was ordered to join the army of Northern Virginia. On August 30th they arrived at the field of Second Manassas, early in the morning, and were held in reserve until the afternoon, when they were ordered to the front and placed on the right of the line of battle. After passing over a burning rail fence, caus