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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 506 506 Browse Search
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington 279 279 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 141 141 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 6, 10th edition. 64 64 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 8 55 55 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 5, 13th edition. 43 43 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died. 43 43 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 10 34 34 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 7, 4th edition. 32 32 Browse Search
John Beatty, The Citizen-Soldier; or, Memoirs of a Volunteer 29 29 Browse Search
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Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, OBELISCUS AUGUSTI, GNOMON (search)
OBELISCUS AUGUSTI, GNOMON an obelisk erected at Heliopolis in the seventh century B.C. by Psammetichus II, brought to Rome by Augustus in 10 B.C. and set up in the campus Martius between the ara Pacis Augustae and the columna Antonini Pii (CIL vi. 702; Amm. Marcell. xvii. 4. 12; Strabo xvii. 805 ; Plin. NH xxxvi. 71). It is of red granite, 21.79 metres high (cf. Plin. loc. cit.; Notit. Brev.: Jord. ii. 187), and covered with hieroglyphics (BC 1896, 273-283=Ob. Eg. 104-114). It was standing in the eighth century (Eins. 2. 5; 4. 3), but was thrown down and broken at some unknown date (BC 1917, 23), and not discovered until 1512 (PBS ii. 3). It was excavated in 1748, but, in spite of various attempts (LS iv. 151), it was not set up again in the Piazza di Montecitorio, its present site, until 1789 (BC 1914, 381). It was repaired with fragments from the columna Antonini. Augustus dedicated this obelisk to the Sun (CIL vi. 702) and made it the gnomon, or needle, of a great meridian The
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, Chronological Index to Dateable Monuments (search)
38. 14Temples of Juppiter Stator and Juno Regina restored, 305. Basilica Aemilia burnt and rebuilt, 73. 13Theatre of Marcellus dedicated, 513. of Balbus dedicated, 513. Senate decrees the Ara Pacis, 30. 12(after). Pons Aemilius restored (?), 398. Fornix Augusti, 211. Augustus gives Domus Publica to the Vestals, 58. Horti of Agrippa, 264. Shrine of Vesta of Palatine dedicated, 557. (ca.). Tomb of C. Cestius, 478. 11-4Augustus restores the aqueducts, 13, 20, 21, 23-4, 25. 10Obelisks set up in Campus Martius and in the Circus, 366-7. 9Ara Pacis dedicated, 31. Augustus dedicates pedestal to Vulcan, 583. (after). Arch dedicated to Drusus the Elder, 39. 8Augustus founds the Cohorts of Vigiles, 128. Terminal stones of Tiber banks, 537. 7Rome divided in XIV regions, 444. (after). Augustus restores Temple of Consus, 141. Porticus Liviae dedicated, 423. Diribitorium dedicated by Augustus, 151. Campus Agrippae dedicated by Augustus, go. Tiberius rebuilds T
Anti'pater (*)Anti/patros), of THESSALONICA. Works Epigrams The author of several epigrams in the Greek Anthology, lived, as we may infer from some of his epigrams, in the latter part of the reign of Augustus (B. C. 10 and onwards), and perhaps till the reign of Caligula. (A. D. 38.) He is probably the same poet who is called, in the titles of several epigrams, " Antipater Macedo." Further Information Jacobs, Anthol. xiii. pp. 848, 849.[P.
Anto'nius 19. JULUS ANTONIUS, M. F. M. N., the younger son of the triumvir by Fulvia, was brought up by his step-mother Octavia at Rome, and after his father's death (B. C. 30) received great marks of favour from Augustus, through the influence of Octavia. (Plut. Ant. 87; D. C. 51.15.) Augustus married him to Marcella, the daughter of Octavia by her first husband, C. Marcellus, conferred upon him the praetorship in B. C. 13, and the consulship in B. C. 10. (Vell. 2.100 ; D. C. 54.26, 36; Suet. Cl. 2.) In consequence of his adulterous intercourse with Julia, the daughter of Augustus, he was condemned to death by the emperor in B. C. 2, but seems to have anticipated his execution by a voluntary death. He was also accused of aiming at the empire. (D. C. 55.10; Senec. de Brevit. Vit. 5; Tac. Ann. 4.44, 3.18; Plin. Nat. 7.46; Vell. Pat. l.c.) Antonius was a poet, as we learn from one of Horace's odes (4.2), which is addressed to him.
es.--A. D. 35. Arsaces II. --A. D. 35. Mithridates of Iberia.--A. D. 51. Rhadamistus of Iberia.--A. D. 52. Tiridates I.--A. D. 60. Tigranes V. of the race of Herodes.--A. D. 62. Tiridates I. re-established by Nero, reigned about eleven years longer. B. The second or younger Branch, The second or younger branch, at first at Edessa, and sometimes identical with the " Reges Osrhoenenses," afterwards in Armenia Magna. B. C. 38. Arsham or Ardsham, the Artabazes of Josephus. (Ant. Jud. 20.2.)--B. C. 10. Manu, his son.--B. C. 5. Abgarus, the son of Arsham, the Ushama of the Syrians. This is the celebrated Abgarus who is said to have written a letter to our Saviour. (Moses Chor. 2.29.) A. D. 32. Anane or Ananus, the son of Abgarus. --A. D. 36. Sanadrug or Sanatruces, the son of a sister of Abgares, usurps the throne.--A. D. 58. Erowant, an Arsacid by the female line, usurps the throne; conquers all Armenia; cedes Edessa and Mesopotamia to the Romans.--A. D. 78. Ardashes or Artaxes III. (E
Clau'dius I. or, with his full name, TIB. CLAUDIUS DRUSUS NERO GERMANICUS, was the fourth in the series of Roman emperors, and reigned from A. D. 41 to 54. He was the grandson of Tib. Claudius Nero and Livia, who afterwards married Augustus, and the son of Drusus and Antonia. He was born on the first of August, B. C. 10, at Lyons in Gaul, and lost his father in his infancy. During his early life he was of a sickly constitution, which, though it improved in later years, was in all probability the cause of the weakness of his intellect, for, throughout his life, he shewed an extraordinary deficiency in judgment, tact, and presence of mind. It was owing to these circumstances that from his childhood he was neglected, despised, and intimidated by his nearest relatives; he was left to the care of his paedagogues, who often treated him with improper harshness. His own mother is reported to have called him a portentum hominis, and to have said, that there was something wanting in his nature
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
ed, that Zonaras, in his Annals, chiefly, though not solely, followed the authority of Dio Cassius, so that, to some extent, his Annals may be regarded as an epitome of Dio Cassius. There is a considerable fragment commonly considered as a part of the 35th book, which however more probably belongs to the 36th, and from this book onward to the 54th the work is extant complete, and embraces the history from the wars of Lucullus and Cn. Pompey against Mithridates, down to the death of Agrippa, B. C. 10. The subsequent books, from 55 to 60, have not come to us in their original form, for there are several passages quoted from these books which are not now to be found in them; and we therefore have in all probability only an abridment made by some one either before or after the time of Xiphilinus. From book 61 to 80 we have only the abridgment made by Xiphilinus in the eleventh century, and some other epitomes which were probably made by the same person who epitomized the portion front the
pstadt in the district of Miinster. Drusus now returned to Rome with the reputation of having conquered several tribes beyond the Rhine (Liv. Epit. cxxxviii.), and received as his reward a vote of the senate granting him an ovation with the insignia of a triumph, and decreeing that at the end of his praetorship he should have proconsular authority. But Augustus would not allow him to bear the title of imperator, which had been conferred upon him by the army in the field. In the next year, B. C. 10, Drusus was again at his post. The Chatti left the territory which had been assigned to them by the Romans. After having long refused to become allies of the Sicambri, they now consented to join that powerful people; but their united forces were not a match for Drusus. Some of the Chatti he subdued; others he could do no more than harass and annoy. He attacked the Nervii, who were headed by Senectius and Anectius (Liv. Epit. cxxxix); and it was probably in this campaign that he built a cast
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
oned, if we believe the joint testimony of Hieronymus (Chron. Euseb. Olymp. exe. 4) and Donatus (Vit. Virg. 14.53, 57), who assert that Virgil on his death bed appointed Plotius Tucca and Varius his literary executors, and that they revised the Aeneid, but in obedience to the strict injunctions of its author made no additions. It has been supposed from a passage of Horace in the Epistle to Augustus (Hor. Ep. 2.1. 247), that Varius was dead at the time when it was published, that is, about B. C. 10, but the words do not warrant the conclusion. Works The only works by Varius of which any record has been preserved are :-- I. De Morte. Macrobius (Macr. 6.2) informs us that the eighty-eighth line of Virgil's eighth eclogue was borrowed from a poem by Varius, bearing the singular title De Morte. Hence this production must have been written in heroic verse, and it seems highly probable that the chief subject was a lamentation for the death of Julius Caesar on whose glories, John of Sa
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Report of Colonel D. T. Chandler, (search)
tant Secretary of War, and told him of the horrors it disclosed. He read it, and made on it an endorsement substantially the same quoted, and carried it to Mr. Seddon, then Secretary of War. My office was between that of the Assistant Secretary and the Secretary, and the latter passed through mine with the paper in his hand. I testified to these facts before the Wirz Commission, and also to this further. As well as I remember it was early in August that these endorsements were made. In October, Colonel Chandler, who was, I think, a Mississippian, and with whom I had no previous acquaintance, presented himself in my office, and stated to me that he had been officially informed that General Winder, on being called on in August for a response to the parts of his report which reflected on or blamed him (Winder), had responded by making an issue of veracity with him (Chandler); that he (C.) had promptly demanded a court of inquiry, but that none had been ever ordered. He expressed hi