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Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Chapter 3: in camp at Meridian Hill. (search)
, and E, were stationed below the crossing at Edward's Ferry,—D, above it, and, still further to the right, opposite Harrison's Island, were companies F. and A. On their right was the line of the Fifteenth Massachusetts. They continued on this duty until the disaster at Ball's Bluff, three weeks later. The rebel pickets were on the other side of the river, within easy hailing distance, and the music of their bands, playing Dixie and Bonnie Blue Flag, etc., could plainly be heard. On October 2, a few men of the Fifteenth Massachusetts were sent over to Harrison's Island to reconnoitre. It was found to be deserted and for some days thereafter a picket post was kept on the island during the day, being withdrawn at night. Later, the post was kept there through the entire twenty-four hours. Gen. Stone, commanding the Corps of Observation, rode down every day to learn the movements of the enemy. The station of Companies B, and C, was on a hill near the river, where they supporte
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Chapter 4: the balls Bluff disaster. (search)
y, if it was necessary to effect a landing from the island. My judgment, however, cannot approve of that policy which multiplies the number of river crossings, without any compensation in securing commanding positions thereby. Respectfully submitted, Edw. W. Hinks, Col. 19th Mass. Vols., Commanding Baker's Brigade. Company K of the Nineteenth Regiment had a most interesting part in the fight at Edward's Ferry, aside from the conflict at Ball's Bluff. On Monday morning, October 21, two pieces of Rickett's battery crossed at Edward's Ferry with 30 men of the New York VanAllan cavalry. These were followed by the First Minnesota, part of the Twentieth New York, the Seventh Michigan and Thirty-fourth New York. One company of the Nineteenth Massachusetts Regiment, Company K, (the Tiger Zouaves), under Capt. Wass and Major Howe, and the Andrew Sharpshooters, under Capt. Saunders, of Salem, also crossed the river. The whole command was under Brig. Gen. Gorman, and the object was
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Chapter 19: at Bolivar Heights. (search)
Carr was transferred to Company G as Sergeant and Private Edward Maloney of Company H, was transferred to Company E, as Corporal. The gain to the various companies from unassigned recruits during the month of October had been 31; discharged from disability, 6; discharged by order, for re-enlistment in the regular service 8, dropped from the rolls, S. O. 162, A. of P., 159. During the month the following had died of wounds received in action; Company B.Private Hallowell R. Dunham, Oct. 2nd. Private Rufus H. Cole, Jr., Oct. 5th. Company E.Private Hugh Connelly, Sept. 29th. Company F.Sergeant James Buchanan, Oct. 1st. Private Charles Tibbetts, of Company C, reported Missing in Action at the battle of Antietam, Sept. 17, had not yet returned. During the history of the regiment up to this time, the colors had twice been triumphantly raised by a private when fallen from the death grasp of a comrade,—at Glendale by Peter O'Rourke, and at Antietam by Edward Z. Bailey, and
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Roster of the Nineteenth regiment Massachusetts Volunteers (search)
priv., (K), Aug. 13, ‘61; 24; wounded July 3, ‘63; M. O. Aug. 28, ‘64. Newhall, Chas. B., priv., (K), Aug. 8, ‘62; 22; wounded July 3, ‘63; disch. expir. term Oct. 2, ‘64. Newhall, Jos. W., priv., (H), Dec. 9, ‘61; 26; disch. disa. Oct. 26, ‘62 at Boston, by Col. Day. Newhall, Theron P., priv., (A), Aug. 20, ‘61; 24; died JGeo. A., priv., (H), Dec. 1, ‘61; 26; deserted as corp. Aug. 11, ‘62. Rowley, Chas. A., priv., (H), May 13, ‘64; 37; drafted; abs. pris.; died at Andersonville, Oct. 2, ‘64 Co. K. Ruggles, Geo., priv., (—), Aug. 6, ‘61; 23; N. F.R. Rundlett, John, priv., (C), Aug. 24, 1861; 48; disch. disa. Oct. 28, ‘61. Rundlett, Oliver S., disa. Dec. 17, ‘63, Gen. Tuft's report 4. Smith, Ogden, priv., (A), July 26, ‘61; 19; deserted Sept. 16, ‘62; see Navy folio 604. Smith, Samuel, H. priv., (H), Oct. 2, ‘61; 20; wounded June 25, ‘62; disch. disa. Dec. 3, ‘62. Smith, Sidney M., priv., (H), Apr. 14, ‘64; 21; (lied Aug. 26,