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ctive to the hostile infantry at close range. We seldom saw the enemy at long range in large bodies. On the 20th of Aug., 1861, I had 80 guns. The returns of Oct. 15 show that there were 27 batteries of divisional artillery. Of these 17 were regulars and 10 volunteers, and, as several had only 4 guns, there were not more thands. Including Banks and Dix, there were 33 batteries, of which 19 regulars and 14 volunteers, making not over 168 guns in all, to a force of 143,647 present on Oct. 15, and out of these guns must be provided those required for the garrisons of Washington and Baltimore, and the defences of the line of the Potomac. In regard to a strong brigade of cavalry to its headquarters, leaving with the division only enough for the necessary duty; also to form a general cavalry reserve. On the 15th of Oct. there were serving with the Army of the Potomac, including General Banks's command, one regiment and two companies of regular cavalry, and eleven regiments of
ters to accomplish the desired result. To Gen. Halleck, Oct. 15. I am using every possible exertion to get this army r to the troops as rapidly as possible. To Col. Ingalls, Oct. 15. Gen. Franklin reports that there is by no means as muaste of horses. From F. Lowry, Capt. And quartermaster, Oct. 15. I have just returned from Hagerstown, where I have beHarper's Ferry? From Assist.-quartermaster G. W. Weeks, Oct. 15. I want at least ten thousand (10,000) suits of clothin04,1903,0006,0006,2006,0004,2004,20011,100 From Oct. 6 to Oct. 1517,00011,00022,025 50010,22118,32512,9891,0006,0003,000 From Oct. 15 to Oct. 2540,00019,50065,200 1,2509,00018,8765,0002,5003,6009,000 From Oct 25 to Oct. 3130,000 30,000 1,5003,0082,0303,5001,200201,2002,2002,0002,0002,000  From Oct. 6 to Oct. 151,3022,10012,000500 8757,00012,0609,5007,0002,655 From OctOct. 15 to Oct. 251,8944,50014,7701,7506,5003,500 22,50039,62052,9002,424 From Oct. 25 to Oct. 31   1,0004,3842,015 7,50025