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still pursued nearly to Pocotaligo; where the Rebels, under Gen. Walker, opened heavily with artillery from a swamp behind a creek. Our caissons being far behind, our guns were soon without a cartridge, and none to be had nearer than ten miles. Night was coming on; and Brannan — aware that his 4,000 men were no match for all that the railroad would bring speedily from Charleston and from Savannah to assail them — wisely took the back track to Mackay's landing; where lie at once embarked Oct. 23. and returned to Hilton Head. Meantime, Col. Barton, with 400 men, the gunboats Patroon and Marblehead, and the little steamboat Planter, had gone up the Coosawhatchie nearly to the village of that name — the gunboats getting aground two or three miles below, and the Planter about a mile below. Having debarked his men, Barton pushed on, and encountered a train filled with reeforcements sent to the enemy from Savannah, under Maj. Harrison, 11th Georgia--Gen. W. S. Walker, commanding in B<
r loss is as follows: Company D, one killed and five wounded; Company I, one killed and ten wounded-three mortally. Col. Woolford lost one killed and eleven wounded. The forces now on the hill are in good spirits and ready for future service. In conclusion, I must commend the coolness, courage, and manliness of Col. Woolford, who rendered most valuable assistance to me during the day. John Coburn, Col. Thirty-third Regt. Ind. Vols. Cincinnati Gazette narrative. Camp wild Cat, October 23. If you look at a map of Kentucky, you will find that two roads lead from the bluegrass country --the heart of the State--toward Cumberland Gap. The one runs from Nicholasville, through Camp Dick Robinson, Lancaster, Crab Orchard, Mount Vernon, and Camp Wild Cat, to London, four miles this side of which place it is joined by the other route, leading from Lexington through Richmond. The first is a good turnpike road as far as Crab Orchard, eighteen miles from this camp. The other is a
eral battle: October tenth and eleventh, at Robertson's River; twelfth, at Brandy Station; fourteenth, at Bristoe Station; nineteenth, at Buckland Mills; twenty-fourth, at Bealton and the Rappahannock Bridge; and on the seventh of November, on the south bank of that river. Our loss at Bristoe Station was fifty-one killed and three hundred and twenty-nine wounded. We captured five cannon,two colors,and four hundred and fifty prisoners. In the several skirmishes between the ninth and twenty-third of October, the casualties in our cavalry corps were seventy-four killed, three hundred and sixteen wounded, and eight hundred and eighty-five missing. The enemy's loss is not known, but must have been heavy, as we captured many prisoners. Troops sent out from Harper's Ferry, forced him to immediately retreat. On the seventh of November, Generals Sedgwick and French attacked the enemy at Rappahannock Station and Kelly's Ford, capturing several redoubts, four guns, and eight battle-flags, a
tanooga, Tennessee, and his fears that General Rosecrans would fall back to the north side of the Tennessee River. To guard further against the possibility of the Secretary's fears, I also telegraphed to Major-General Thomas, on the nineteenth of October, from Louisville, to hold Chattanooga at all hazards, that I would be there as soon as possible. To which he replied, on same date: I will hold the town till we starve. Proceeding directly to Chattanooga, I arrived there on the twenty-third of October, and found that General Thomas had, immediately on being placed in command of the department of the Cumberland, ordered the concentration of Major-General Hooker's command at Bridgeport, preparatory to securing the river and main wagon-road between that place and Brown's Ferry, immediately below Lookout Mountain. The next morning, after my arrival at Chattanooga, in company with Thomas and Brigadier-General W. F. Smith, Chief-Engineer, I made a reconnaissance of Brown's Ferry and t
Knoxville and went into camp on the north side of town, and remained here till the night of the twenty-second. During which time our regiment sent two large details to Cumberland Gap, and did as much foraging, scouting, and picket-duty as other regiments here. October twenty-second, remained in camp. Nothing of interest. At nine o'clock in the night we started on the march for Loudon. Marched till two o'clock and bivouacked till daylight, when it commenced raining very hard. October twenty-third, started on the march at daylight without breakfast, and the rain pouring down in a torrent. Marched through the rain and mud till late in the evening, when we arrived at the Loudon bridge. Went into camp as hungry, wet and muddy as we could be; but in a short time huge fires were built — coffee boiling and meat broiling, and a fog rising from the drenched clothes of the boys, while they were growing all right again. October twenty-fourth, in the morning our brigade crossed the r
tly due to acknowledge the efficient services rendered upon the field during the engagement by the following members of my division staff, namely: Major V. P. Van Antwerp, Inspector-General, and Capt. Lyman Scott, and Lieuts. J. Fin. Hill and M. J. Collier, Aids-de-Camp. I have the honor to be, General, very respectfully, your obedient servant. James G. Blunt, Brig.-Gen. Commanding First Division Army of the Frontier. Leavenworth Conservative account. near Maysville, Ark., October 23. We overtook the enemy here, yesterday morning, attacked and took from him four pieces of cannon, and drove him from the field. My last, under date of the twentieth inst., written on the battle-field of Pea Ridge, indicated that we were to march that night, the whole army, as I then supposed, under the command of Gen. Schofield, directly south on the Fayetteville road, in pursuit of the enemy. Information, however, coming to hand that they had divided their forces, Marmaduke, Rains,
tened by the enemy's cavalry; moved down upon the right flank of the train to Flat Rock, and encamped for the night. October 23.--Marched through Lithonia to Latimer's, finding a few rebel scouts and dispersing them; found the train near Latimer'sent in light marching order, and arrived at Flat Rock Shoals at eleven o'clock P. M., having marched eighteen miles. October 23.--Marched at six A. M., on road to Lithonia; thence to Decatur, covering the left flank of the train, having marched twber thirteenth; William Hoerhold, Co. B, committed suicide October twentieth ; Thomas Duffy, Co. C, taken prisoner October twenty-third; sergeant Edward Tuttle, Co. A, accidentally shot in hand November ninth; privates, Gilbert Shaw, Co. B, taken priOctober 22.--Marched fifteen miles, to near South-River, to reinforce forage expedition against a threatened attack. October 23.--Marched twenty-seven miles along South-River in a northerly and westerly direction; encamping for night one and a hal
the Chattahoochee River through the city of Atlanta, and camped on the north side of the Decatur road at the rebel works. September twelfth, moved camp to the north side of the city. September seventeenth, division reviewed by General Williams. September nineteenth, division reviewed by General Slocum. October twentieth, Colonel James L. Selfridge took command of the First brigade. October twenty-first, moved out the Decatur road on a foraging expedition under command of Colonel. October twenty-third, Colonel Carman came out with Second brigade to support us, and took command; arrived in camp October twenty-sixth at four P. M. Brought in some eight hundred wagons loaded with corn. October twenty-eighth, 1864, moved out to Decatur to support a forage party, returned the same night. November fifth, moved out the McDonough road three miles, camped for the night. Some little picket-firing took place during the night. Returned to our old camp on the sixth. November eleventh, an ele
rs, six pieces of artillery, and all their wagons, ambulances, and camp equipage. On the next morning the enemy advanced in force, infantry and cavalry, from London, and Colonels Morrison and Dibrell withdrew their commands to Sweetwater, there to await the arrival of the infantry. The enemy fell back to London that night. I reached the front on the morning of the twenty-second, moved the infantry to Mouse Creek that day, and soon afterwards to Sweet-water. On the evening of the twenty-third of October the enemy advanced in considerable force and engaged the cavalry for a short time, retiring at dusk. Their loss is not known. Ours is five wounded. The same movement was again made by them on the evening of the twenty-sixth of October. In this affair our loss was three wounded and five missing. The enemy are known to have had three commissioned officers and several privates killed, and a number wounded. On the twenty-seventh of October I was informed that the notorious bush
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 2.11 (search)
, and gave me pain, but I persisted in the effort for some time. An officer came around to get our money to-day, but somehow failed to demand mine. A wounded captain from West Virginia exchanged some greenbacks for Confederate money with me at the rate of twenty of the latter for one of the former. With the pittance obtained I patronize the sutler, and get something to eat. Most of us, recovering from our wounds, are constantly suffering from hunger — this, too, in a land of plenty. October 23d Sunday. News of a fierce battle in the Valley, in which the American claims a signal victory for Sheridan over General Early. They boast greatly over very small advantages, and I hope the telegrams are exaggerated. The fight occurred at Cedar Creek, called in their papers Fisher's Hill. October 24th Further news from the decimated army of the Valley confirms previous reports, and the malignant Knowles curls his Satanic lip higher, and smiles his peculiar sardonic grin in a more
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