Browsing named entities in Historic leaves, volume 4, April, 1905 - January, 1906. You can also browse the collection for October 24th or search for October 24th in all documents.

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ctober 31, Messrs. Turner and Nathan Tufts examined the school at Winter Hill, taught by Miss Hobbs. The number present was 41 out of a total of 50. The scholars were examined in reading, spelling, writing, English grammar, geography, and rhetoric. In all which they have made such attainments as prove their studious habits and unremitted attention. The school was particularly distinguished for reading in a clear, distinct, and audible manner. The order and discipline were excellent. October 24, a remonstrance came from John Tufts and others in Ward 3 against the employment of Mr. Nathan Blanchard another winter. It was voted that, though they regret the existence of such an opposition, the trustees do not consider the case so clearly made out as to justify their rescinding the engagement which the trustees in that ward have already made. Voted that the secretary (Mr. Phipps) furnish Mr. Blanchard with a copy of this vote and the remonstrance, with the signatures thereto. Th