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Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, AQUA MARCIA (search)
xiv. 22; Plin. NH cit. and xxxi. 41; Martial vi. 42. 18; ix. 18. 6; Stat. Silv. i. 3. 66; 5. 27 ; Not. app.; Pol. Silv. 545, 546; CIL vi. 1245-1251, 31559-31563; xiv. 4074-4078, 4081; Mon. Anc. iv. 11, 12). Two arches of this aqueduct may be represented on a coin of C. Marcius Censorinus (circa 87 B.C.; BM Rep. i. 301. 2419), and five arches on coins of L. Marcius Philippus (ib. 485. 3890-5). It was repaired by Agrippa in 33 B.C. and again by Augustus, with the rest of the aqueducts, between 11 and 4 B.C. (rivos aquarum omnium refecit, in the inscription (CIL vi. 1244) of the latter year on the monumental arch by which it was carried over the via Tiburtina, later incorporated in the Aurelian wall as part of the PORTA TIBURTINA (q.v.); see BC 1917, 207-215). Numerous cippi belonging to this restoration (CIL vi. 1250, 1251 (= 31562); add 509 (unpublished) 803 (CIL vi. 31570 c) Identical with CIL vi. 1250 a; xiv. 4082. and 816 (NS 1892, 152-EE ix. 966)) have been found, including the
y Mariamne, was sent with his brother Alexander to Rome, and educated in the house of Pollio. (J. AJ 15.10.1.) On their return to Judaea, the suspicions of Herod were excited against them by their brother Antipater [ANTIPATER], aided by Pheroras and their aunt Salome, though Berenice, the daughter of the latter, was married to Aristobulus; the young men themselves supplying their enemies with a handle against them by the indiscreet expression of their indignation at their mother's death. In B. C. 11, they were accused by Herod at Aquileia before Augustus, through whose mediation, however, he was recon ciled to them. Three years after, Aristobulus was again involved with his brother in a charge of plotting against their father, but a second reconciliation was effected by Archelaus, king of Cappadocia, the father-in-law of Alexander. A third accusation, through the arts of Eurycles, the Lacedaemonian adventurer, proved fatal : by permission of Augustus, the two young men were arraigned b
y, the philosopher Carneades, under whose guidance he rose to be one of the most distinguished disciples of this school; but he also studied at the same time the philosophy of the Stoics and Peripatetics. Diogenes Laertius, to whom we are indebted for these notices of the life of Cleitomachus, relates also (4.67), that he succeeded Carneades as the head of the Academy on the death of the latter, B. C. 129. (Comp. Steph. Byz. s. v. *Karxhdw/n.) He continued to teach at Athens till as late as B. C. 11 , at all events, as Crassus heard him in that year. (Cic. de Orat. 1.11.) Of his works, which amounted to 400 books (bibli/a, Diog. Laert. l.c.), only a few titles are preserved. His main object in writing them was to make known the philosophy of his master Carneades, from whose views he never dissented. Cleitomachus continued to reside at Athens till the end of his life; but he continued to cherish a strong affection for his native country, and when Carthage was taken in B. C. 146, he wr
back into the Batavian island, and pursued them in their own territory, laying waste the greater part of their country. He then followed the course of the Rhine, sailed to the ocean, subdued the Frisians, laid upon them a moderate tribute of beeves-hides, and passed by shallows into the territory of the Chauci, where his vessels grounded upon the ebbing of the tide. From this danger he was rescued by the friendly assistance of the Frisians. Winter now approached. He returned to Rome, and in B. C. 11 was made praetor urbanus. Drusus was the first Roman general who penetrated to the German ocean. It is probable that he united the military design of reconnoitering the coast with the spirit of adventure and scientific discovery. (Tac. Germ. 34.) From the migratory character of the tribes he subdued, it is not easy to fix their locality with precision; and the difficulty of geographical exactness is increased by the alterations which time and the elements have made in the face of the coun
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), or Hero'd the Great or Hero'des Magnus (search)
of the young princes excited the envy of Pheroras and Salome, the brother and sister of Herod, who contrived to poison the mind of the king against his two sons. In an evil hour Herod was induced to recal to his court Antipater, his son by a former wife, Doris; and this envious and designing man immediately set to work, not only to supplant, but destroy, his two brothers. So far did the combined artifices of Antipater, Salome, and Pheroras succeed in working upon the mind of Herod, that in B. C. 11, he took the two princes with him to Aquileia, where Augustus then was, and accused them before the emperor of designs upon the life of their father. But the charge was manifestly groundless, and Augustus succeeded in bringing about a reconciliation for a time. This, however, did not last long: the enemies of the young princes again obtained the ascendancy, and three years afterwards Herod was led to believe that Alexander had formed a conspiracy to poison him. On this charge he put to deat
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
a fragment entitled De Prodigiis or Prodigiorum Libellus, containing a record for many years of those startling phenomena classed by the Romans under the general designation of Prodigia or Ostenta, which were universally believed to be miraculous manifestations of divine power, and to be intended as solemn warnings of coming events. The series is arranged in regular chronological order, and extends from the consulship of Scipio and Laelius, B. C. 190, to the consulship of Fabius and Aelius, B. C. 11. The materials are derived in a great measure from Livy, whose very words are frequently employed; and although we can in some places detect deviations from the narrative of the historian, these consist chiefly in repetitions, and in variations with regard to dates, discrepancies which may very probably have arisen from the interpolations or carelessness of transcribers. With regard to the compiler we know absolutely nothing, not even the country to which he belonged, nor the age when he fl
ect upon the hardened heart of Antony, who had become the complete slave of Cleopatra; and when the war broke out in B. C. 32, he sent his faithful wife a bill of divorce. After the death of Antony she still remained true to the interests of his children, not-withstanding the wrongs she had received from their father. For Julus, the younger son of Antony, by Fulvia, she obtained the special favour of Augustus, and she even brought up with maternal care his children by Cleopatra. She died in B. C. 11, and was buried in the Julian heroum, where Augustus delivered the funeral oration in her honour, but separated from the corpse by a hanging. Her funeral was a public one; her sons-in-law carried her to the grave; but many of the honours decreed by the senate were declined by the emperor. (D. C. 54.35; Senec. ad Polyb. 34.) Octavia had five children, three by Marcellus, a son and two daughters, and two by Antony, both daughters. Her son, M. Marcellus, was adopted by Octavianus, and was de
Piso 8. L. Calpurnius Piso Caesoninus, L. F. L. N., the son of No. 7, must have been born during the civil war between Caesar and Pompey (B. C. 49-48), as he was eighty at the time of his death in A. D. 32 (Tac. Ann. 6.10). He was consul B. C. 15, with M. Livius Drusus Libo, and afterwards obtained the province of Pamphylia; from thence he was recalled by Augustus in B. C. 11, in order to make war upon the Thracians, who had attacked the province of Macedonia. After a struggle which lasted for three years he subdued the various Thracian tribes, and obtained in consequence the triumphal insignia. The favour which Augustus had shown to Piso, he continued to receive from his successor Tiberius, who made him praefectus urbi. He was one of the associates of Tiberius in his revels, but had nothing of the cruel and suspicious disposition of the emperor. Although he spent the greater part of the night at table, and did not rise till midday, he discharged the duties of his office with punctual
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Ru'tilus, Hosti'lius praefect of the camp in the army of Drusus in Germany, B. C. 11. (Obsequ. 132.)
pa made way for Tiberius being employed in public affairs, and Augustus compelled him, much against his will, to divorce his wife Vipsania Agrippina, the daughter of Agrippa, by whom he had one son, and who was then pregnant, and to marry Julia (B. C. 11), the widow of Agrippa, and the emperor's daughter, with whom Tiberitius did not long live in harmony. He had one child by Julia, but it did not live. He was employed on various military services during the lifetime of Augustus. He made his fiberius were engaged in warfare with the Rhaeti, who occupied the Alps of Tridentum (Trento), and the exploits of the two brothers were sung by Horace (Hor. Carm. 4.4, 14; D. C. 54.22.) In B. C. 13 Tiberius was consul with P. Quintilius Varus. In B. C. 11, the same year in which he married Julia, and while his brother Drusus was fighting against the Germans, Tiberius left his new wife to conduct, by the order of Augustus, the war against the Dalmatians who had revolted, and against the Pannonians