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lemens, Benjamin Wilson, and Caleb Boggess, delegates, and to report to the Convention, whether in their opinion such absence is owing to their disloyalty to the State or Confederate States; and if so, whether, in the opinion of the Convention, they should be expelled from this body. Adopted. By Mr. Conrad-- Resolved, That the Committee on Military Affairs be instructed to inquire into the expediency of amending the 8th section of the ordinance to reorganize the militia, presented Nov. 19th and referred to said committee, by adding provisions to the following effect; Whenever any portion of the militia shall be called into active service, it shall be the duty of the superior officer at the place of rendezvous to assert in and report the number of rank and file actually present; and their pay and rations shall commence from that date. He shall, at the same time, arrange them into companies of — men; arrange such companies, if enough, into regiments of — men, and brigades
Later from Europe the Norwegian at Portland. the Mexican expedition — the Washington Cabinet invited to take a hand in it — the Loudon times on Secession, &c. New York, Nov. 19. --By the steamer Norwegian, at Portland, we have Liverpool dates to the 8th instant. The United States steamer James Adger was at Southampton. The English Government has ordered large shipments of ball cartridges to Canada, but the shipment of Armstrong guns has been countermanded. The expedition to Mexico. The Paris papers give the particulars of the convention agreed upon by France, England, and Spain, relative to the Mexican expedition. The Patric says the three Powers are to have the light to send the same naval strength, while the strength of the forces to be landed is to be apportioned according to the number of subjects such Power has in Mexico — Spain therefore will claim the precedence. The Cabinet at Washington will be invited to join in the expedition<
est from Port Royal — arrival of the steamer Atlantic from Port Royal-- Later from the Forent — Beaufort not yet Occupied by the Federal troops. New York, Nov. 19. --The steamer Atlantic has just arrived from Port Royal, S. C., which place she left on the 16th, Saturday last. Beaufort had not yet been occupied by the Federal troops. Details of her news have not yet been received. Second Dispatch. New York, Nov. 19. --The Atlantic brought a number of invalids from the army and navy, with six prisoners. Everything was quiet. The troops had been all stationed at various points, and several visits have been made to Beaemained at Port Royal on the 16th. The Atlantic brings a number of secession trophies, including a bale of cotton. Further from Port Royal. New York, Nov. 19. --The steamer Atlantic brings some further intelligence from Port Royal. The position of our troops there was considered quite sale. Extensive defensive