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ort to Brigadier-General Andrews at New York, who had been left in command by General Banks, to take charge of the transportation for the remaining Massachusetts regiments destined for the Department of the Gulf. The Forty-ninth Regiment was raised in Berkshire County, and organized at Camp Briggs, at Pittsfield. Captain William F. Bartlett, a young and gallant officer, who had lost a leg at the battle of Fair Oaks, Va., was elected colonel. It received marching orders on the twenty-first day of November, to report to Brigadier-General Andrews at New York. It remained in camp at Long Island several days, awaiting transportation to New Orleans. The Fiftieth Regiment was recruited and organized at Camp Edwin M. Stanton, at Boxford. The nucleus of the Fiftieth was the old Seventh Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. It left Massachusetts on the nineteenth day of November, with orders to report to Major-General Banks, at New York. The transports furnished for this regimen