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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 23, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for November 22nd or search for November 22nd in all documents.
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Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch. the Dispatch in demand — excitement in the country — Huguenot Seminary — sound Views — religious intelligence, &c. Powhatan Co., Va., Nov. 22.
I have never known a paper so sought after as the Daily Dispatch. Every man I meet with either has a copy of it in his pocket, or has just heard from a friend what the latest number contains.
The truth is, the people are excited and they are watching every new development, hoping for some happy turn in affairs, but fearing that the worst is coming upon them.
I hear nothing of Whig, Democrat or of any other of the old parties--North and South are the words around which people, without respect of party, are ranging themselves.
It seems to me that the slavery question has now to be permanently settled.
No half-way remedies will conciliate the public.
They are tired of this controversy, and are ready to abide the issue of its final settlement.
The suspension of the Banks has deepened and inte
The Daily Dispatch: November 23, 1860., [Electronic resource], The secession movement at the South . (search)
The Emeute in Kansas. Washington, Nov. 22
--Official dispatches just received here, state that Montgomery, the free State bandit, has commenced a war on the government officers in Kansas, particularly the land agents.
Gen. Harney has been ordered there to suppress it.
[second Dispatch]
New York, Nov. 22.--The Herald publishes a dispatch dated Fort Scott, 19th, stating that Judge Williams and the officers of the Federal Court had been compelled to fly to Missouri to escape theNov. 22.--The Herald publishes a dispatch dated Fort Scott, 19th, stating that Judge Williams and the officers of the Federal Court had been compelled to fly to Missouri to escape the "jay hawkers" of Montgomery, Samuel Scott, of Linn county, was hung on the 18th inst., and many prominent citizens of the Territory are under arrest, with their fate in doubt.
Reynolds' company of U. S. troops were at Fort Scott.
In Crawford county, Mr. Choteau and other merchants had removed their goods to Missouri.
The Herald also has a dispatch announcing the rumored burning of Fort Scott, which report is not credited.
The Georgia Legislature. Milledgeville, Ga., Nov. 22
--Gov. Brown sent in a special message yesterday, in which, in view of the election of Lincoln, and in order to unite and promote the sentiment of the State, he recommends that the Legislature (the people having failed to do so) choose Presidential Electors on Saturday next.
The recommendation was adopted.
R. B. Rhett, Gen. Pillow of Tenn, and E. Ruffin of Va., were invited to the floor of the Senate.
Ex-Gov. McDonald is at Marietta, Ga., and too feeble to go to Milledgeville and cast a vote as Breckinridge Elector, even if the Legislature were to choose him.
It is probable the Legislature will take a recess after the 1st prox.--some think adjourn some to a fixed time, and some say until called again by the Governor.
There was a killing frost here this morning.
The Daily Dispatch: November 23, 1860., [Electronic resource], Disturbance at Harvard College . (search)
From Washington. Washington. Nov. 22
--The President has repeatedly expressed himself against the secession movement, believing that before revolutionary measures are adopted all constitutional and legal means should be exhausted.
The President to-day received a dispatch from Judge Williams, at Warsaw, Mo., relative to the alarming state of affairs in Kansas.
Additional orders were transmitted to Gen. Harney to resort to all available means to crush the insurgents.
The receipts into the Treasury for the week have been upwards of $1,400,000, mostly the proceeds of the new loan.
It is understood that many of the contractors for the government loan will forfeit their contracts.
Lt. A. Armstrong. U. S. N., a native of Georgia, has resigned his commission.
The Northern Banks. Philadelphia, Nov, 22
--A. M.--It is probable that all the banks in this city will suspend to-day.
Washington, Nov. 22--The banks in this city suspended this morning.
Wheeling, Va., Nov. 22.--The Banks here have suspended specie payment.
The Northern Banks. Philadelphia, Nov, 22
--A. M.--It is probable that all the banks in this city will suspend to-day.
Washington, Nov. 22--The banks in this city suspended this morning.
Wheeling, Va., Nov. 22.--The Banks here have suspended specie payment.
The Northern Banks. Philadelphia, Nov, 22
--A. M.--It is probable that all the banks in this city will suspend to-day.
Washington, Nov. 22--The banks in this city suspended this morning.
Wheeling, Va., Nov. 22.--The Banks here have suspended specie payment.
Action of the New York Banks. New York, Nov. 22.
--The Banks of this city have resolved to make a common stock of their specie as long as it lasts, and if insufficient to meet the demand, then all suspend together.--The balance between he Banks will be settled by certificates based on national and State securities.
The Daily Dispatch: November 23, 1860., [Electronic resource], The Republican Programme, (search)
Lincoln on his Travels. Chicago, Nov. 22.
--Mr. Lincoln arrived here to-night.
He made two short speeches, in both of which he asked to be excused from political subjects.
He thought that people would always do well if done well by, and said, "We will try to do well by all parts of the country--North and South--and all will be well with us."
The Daily Dispatch: November 23, 1860., [Electronic resource], Horrible murder in San Francisco . (search)
Suspension of Virginia Banks. Norfolk, Nov. 22.
--The branches of the Bank of Virginia here and at Portsmouth, and the Farmers' Bank, here, have suspended specie payment.
The Daily Dispatch: November 23, 1860., [Electronic resource], Stealing Money. (search)
Fire. Albany, Ga., Nov. 22.
--A fire occurred here on Tuesday night, burning Shaw's carriage repository, Hill, Night & Marshall's carriage shop, and two brick stores, occupied by Gross & Bridenbeck.
The loss is over $13,000.
Reported Failures in New Orleans. New Orleans, Nov. 22.
--It is reported that several produce dealers here have suspended.