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He, however, continued to occupy a great part of Tennessee until the following September, when on the 19th and 20th he again fought Rosecrans at Chickamauga. Here his victory was decisive, as at the close of the second day's fight he occupied the battle-field, and Rosecrans retreated to Chattanooga. Failure to pursue and follow up his victory gave Rosecrans time to fortify and restore the morale of his shattered command, and resulted ultimately in Bragg's defeat at Missionary Ridge, November 25th, his retreat into Georgia, and his relinquishment of the command of the army to Joseph E. Johnston. His active military career may be said to have closed here, as he was assigned to staff-duty at Richmond, where he remained until shortly before the close of the war in confidential relations with President Davis, as chief of staff of the armies of the Confederacy. Not long before the surrender, he was placed in command at Wilmington, North Carolina, and was engaged in several actions.
felt. In some of the companies nearly all of the men are from Missouri, and their families are still living in that State, or scattered in this and adjacent counties of Kansas. The money they send home will therefore have to be trusted in the hands of friends, whom they cannot hold responsible for its loss by accident. Some of the officers and soldiers, however, will doubtless avail themselves of the Exchange Office here, and send their money to their families in cheques. On the 25th of November, United States officials commenced making arrangements to construct a military telegraph line between Kansas City and Fort Scott immediately. The contract for telegraph poles will probably be let in a few days, and their delivery along the route commence in a week or so. This line is much needed in directing the military operations of this department. Though the rebels may endeavor to destroy portions of it occasionally, it is thought that a small cavalry patrol can protect it quite
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 9 (search)
West. Although the former retained his seat in the Senate of the United States for many months after the war began, no one doubts that he is now with us, and will do good service. November 24 Gen. Floyd has retreated from Cotton Hill, and the enemy threatens our western communications. Gen. Lee has been sent to Western Virginia, but it is not an adequate field for him. He should have command of the largest army in the service, for his is one of the most capacious minds we have. November 25 Yesterday Fort Pickens opened fire on our batteries at Pensacola, but without effect. One of their ships was badly crippled. November 26 The enemy occupy Tybee Island, and threaten Savannah. Vice-President Stephens was in my office to-day, and he too deprecates the passage of so many people to the North, who, from the admission of the journals there, give them information of the condition of our defenses. He thinks our affairs are not now in a prosperous condition, and has ser
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XX. November, 1862 (search)
ed on horrors so long, that danger now is an accustomed condiment. Blood will flow in torrents, and God will award the victory. Another letter from Gen. Whiting says there is every reason to suppose that Wilmington will be attacked immediately, and if reinforcements (10,000) be not sent him, the place cannot be defended against a land assault. Nor is this all: for if the city falls, with the present force only to defend it, none of our men can escape. There is no repose for us! November 25 Fredericksburg is not shelled yet; and, moreover, the enemy have apologized for the firing at the train containing women and children. Affairs remain in status quo — the mayor and military authorities agreeing that the town shall furnish neither aid nor comfort to the Confederate army, and the Federals agreeing not to shell it — for the present. Gen. Corcoran, last year a prisoner in this city, has landed his Irish brigade at Newport News. It is probable we shall be assailed from
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXXII. November, 1863 (search)
Lee does not covet the odium. But it is plain, now, that the extortionate farmers, who were willing to see us non-producing people starve, unless we paid them ten prices for their surplus products, will be likely to get only the comparatively low schedule price fixed by the government. Instead of $20 per bushel for potatoes, they will receive only $2 or $3. This will be a good enough maximum law. But the government must sell to us at cost, or I know not what may be the consequences. November 25 We have an unintelligible dispatch from Gen. Bragg, saying he had, yesterday, a prolonged contest with the enemy for the possession of Lookout Mountain, during which one of his divisions suffered severely, and that the manoeuvring of the hostile army was for position. This was the purport, and the language, as well as I remember. There is no indication of the probable result — no intimation whether the position was gained. But the belief is general that Bragg will retreat, and that
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 45 (search)
twenty of his eighty clerks yesterday, to replace them with ladies. It is said and believed that Sherman's cavalry has reached Milledgeville, and destroyed the public buildings, etc. We have nothing from Wheeler since the 18th inst. November 25 Bright and frosty. A report from the Bureau of Conscription shows after all that only some 3000 men have been sent to the army during the last two months, under General Order 77, revoking details, etc. I don't wonder, for there has been dispatch of 23d just received. Braxton Bragg, General. When I carried this dispatch to the Secretary I found him sitting in close conference with Mr. Hunter, both with rather lugubrious faces. Another dispatch from Bragg: Augusta, Nov. 25th, 8 P. M. The enemy has crossed the Oconee; was met this morning, in force, at Buffalo Creek, near Sandersville. His movements from that point will determine whether he designs attacking here or on Savannah. Hon. I. T. Leach from North C
r hundred and eighty-eight guns. He suggested that to gather this force all other points should be left on the defensive; that the Army of the Potomac held the fate of the country in its hands; that the advance should not be postponed beyond November 25; and that a single will should direct the plan of accomplishing a crushing defeat of the rebel army at Manassas. On the first of November the President, yielding at last to General Scott's urgent solicitation, issued the orders placing himrobably 25 ; and put aside the President's suggestion by explaining: I have now my mind actively turned toward another plan of campaign that I do not think at all anticipated by the enemy, nor by many of our own people. December 25 came, as November 25 had come, and still there was no plan, no preparation, no movement. Then McClellan fell seriously ill. By a spontaneous and most natural impulse, the soldiers of the various camps began the erection of huts to shelter them from snow and stor
ng the brilliant success which has become famous as the battle above the clouds. That same afternoon, also, two divisions of the center, under the eyes of Grant and Thomas, pushed forward the Union line about a mile, seizing and fortifying a hill called Orchard Knob, capturing Bragg's first line of rifle-pits and several hundred prisoners. So far, everything had occurred to inspirit the Union troops and discourage the enemy. But the main incident was yet to come, on the afternoon of November 25. All the forenoon of that day Grant waited eagerly to see Sherman making progress along the north end of Missionary Ridge, not knowing that he had met an impassable valley. Grant's patience was equally tried at hearing no news from Hooker, though that general had successfully reached Missionary Ridge, and was ascending the gap near Rossville. At three o'clock in the afternoon Grant at length gave Thomas the order to advance. Eleven Union brigades rushed forward with orders to take
ouble I sent a staff-officer to find out whether he needed assistance, which I thought could be given by a demonstration toward Rossville. The officer soon returned with the report that Hooker was all right, that the cannonading was only a part of a little rear-guard fight, two sections of artillery making all the noise, the reverberations from point to point in the adjacent mountains echoing and re-echoing till it seemed that at least fifty guns were engaged. On the morning of the 25th of November Bragg's entire army was holding only the line of Missionary Ridge, and our troops, being now practically connected from Sherman to Kooker, confronted it with the Army of the Cumberland in the centre bowed out along the front of Wood's division and mine. Early in the day Sherman, with great determination and persistence, made an attempt to carry the high ground near the tunnel, first gaining and then losing advantage, but his attack was not crowned with the success anticipated. Meanwhi
ing and other necessary articles: I consider myself fully authorized to reply at once to the inquiry made in your letter of the 8th inst. My Government will allow blankets and articles of clothing necessary for the comfort of prisoners of war to be sent to them. Such articles as you may send to me will be promptly forwarded by the Southern Express Company, and money may be sent to pay the freight here, (at Norfolk, Va.,) or it may be paid on delivery. --N. Y. Commercial Advertiser, November 25. Price's rebel army crossed the Osage River at Hoffman's Ferry, Mo., and began a further march northward toward Sedalia.--Baltimore American, Nov. 26. On information obtained from a deserter, an expedition consisting of two gunboats, left Fortress Monroe late this evening, and proceeded to the junction of the James' and Warwick Rivers, Va., about five and a half miles above Newport News, where they shelled the camp of the Second Louisiana regiment, completely destroying it, and
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