Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 3, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for November 30th or search for November 30th in all documents.

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Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.Southern Enterprises — excitement Unabated — hard Times — eloquent sermon — Deacons' and Ministers' meeting, &c. Chester,Chesterfield Co., Nov. 30. A large shoe factory is being erected at the Court-House. It is an individual enterprise, and will probably succeed the better for that reason. The factory at this place seems to be at a stand still, as the requisite amount of stock has not been raised and the people complain so much of hard times. I fear it will not go into operation for sometime. The truth is, though we are all very patriotic and are ready to die rather than the honor of the South should be tarnished, we will buy shoes, hats, clothes and anything else of our enemies at the North, if thereby we can save the fraction of a cent. The people, generally, are very much aroused in regard to the condition of the country. I suppose that not since the revolutionary war has a feeling so deep, and solemn and determined, perv
The Kansas troubles. Warsaw, Nov. 30. --A meeting of the people of Benton county was held yesterday at the Court-House. A committee was formed for enrolling a volunteer company. Eighty-five members were reported. The following resolutions were adopted: Resolved, That we, in common with the people of the border counties, half with feelings of the greatest satisfaction the prompt and energetic action of Gov. Stewart, in sending troops to defend the homes and firesides of the border squatters, at a time when we were wholly unable to do so ourselves for want of arms and munitions. Resolved. That we regard it the duty of every law abiding citizen, who feels a proper respect for the supremacy of the laws and regard for individual rights, not only to hold himself in readiness to turn out at a moment's warning, but give all the aid and assistance to the troops now in the field for our protection. Resolved. That when the country is threatened as this is by a band of
The Daily Dispatch: December 3, 1860., [Electronic resource], List of appointments by the Virginia annual Conference of the M. E. Church South. (search)
The Pickets Peak Express. Fort Kearnry, Nov. 30. --The C. O. C. and P. P. Express coach from Denver 27th, passed at noon with six passengers and $4,000 in dust. No news from the mines. Capt. Anderson, with his company of dragoons, returned at noon to-day, without being able to hold an interview with the Indians to quiet, the apprehensions of settlers, express riders and mail agents along the Platte at the hostile attitude the Indians have assumed.--The commanding officer here has ordered Capt. Steele, with his company of Second Infantry, to leave to-morrow morning for Cotton Wood Springs, where it is reported whole bands of Arapahoe, Cheyennes and Sioux are encamped to the number of ten to fifteen thousand. Emboldened by numbers, they annoy travelers and commit both grand and petty larcenies. It is greatly feared that a general war will break out. From Denver The coach from Denver City, Nov. 26th, passed here for Omaha yesterday afternoon, with eight passe
Later from Havana. New. Orleans, Nov. 30. --The steamship DeSoto from Havana on the 27th instant, has arrived. Sugar was dull at 8 ½ reals. The harvest was promising. Freights were inactive. Exchange on London was at 13 ½a14 ¾ per cent, premium and sight drafts on New York at 3 per cent, premium. The political intelligence from the U. States had unsettled the money market
The Daily Dispatch: December 3, 1860., [Electronic resource], The late Railroad Disasters in Pennsylvania. (search)
The Canada fugitive slave Murder case. Toronto, C. W., Nov. 30. --The decision in the extradition case of the fugitive slave and murderer Jones, has been still further postponed for a few days. The court to-day was crowded and much interest manifested in the proceedings. Many colored people of both sexes assembled in and around the Court-House, ready to rescue the prisoner in case the Court decided to hand him over to the United States authorities.
Railroad disaster, &c. New Orleans. Nov. 30. --The up passenger train on the Jackson Railway was thrown off the track eighty miles above this city, to-day. No lives were lost. The down freight train ran into a broken ridge, killing the conductor and engineer. The engine afterwards exploded. Several bridges have been washed away by the recent rains, but efforts are making to forward passengers as usual.
The great gale on the Lakes. Detroit, Nov. 30. --Intelligence is received here of the loss of the schr. Circassian on the White Shoal Straits of Mackinac, in the late gale, with all on board. The propeller Ontonagon, which arrived at Collingswood to-day from Chicago, reports the propeller Kenosha at Mackinac. She has previously been reported ashore at the mouth of Gorgon Bay.
The brig Minnie Schiffer. Boston, Nov. 30. --The British government, through the Consul at this port, has presented Capt. Wilson, of the Minnie Schiffer, with a valuable gold chronometer; Mr. Connonton, the mate, with a telescope; and $10 to each of the crew; also, a liberal compensation is made for the demurrage and subsistence of the crew and passengers of the Connaught.
Burning of the steamer Kate French. Louisville, Ky., Nov. 30. --The steamer Kate French, bound from Louisville to the Arkansas river, was burned near Napoleon, Ark., on Wednesday night. Boat and cargo a total loss, No lives lost.
Arrest of Abolitionists in New Orleans. New Orleans, Nov. 30. --Three abolitionists were arrested in this city yesterday.