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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Louisiana, (search)
ttempt to land troops while the waters of the lake were patrolled by American gunboats, and so Cochrane sent sixty barges, nearly all carrying a carronade in the bow, and with six oars on each side, and all well filled with armed volunteers from the fleet, to capture or destroy Jones's flotilla. The latter was composed of an armed sloop (the flag-ship), a tender, and five gunboats, with an aggregate of twenty-three guns and 182 men. The British barges contained 1,200 men. On the morning of Dec. 14 an encounter took place, which the little flotilla sustained against overwhelming numbers for about an hour, when it was compelled to surrender. The British had now complete control of Lake Borgne. The transports, filled with troops, entered, and the latter were conveyed in barges to Pea Island, where General Keane organized his forces for future operations. Learning from some Spanish residents of New Orleans that there was a bayou navigable for large barges to within a short distance of
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Morgan, John Hunt 1826- (search)
ich he and six of them escaped in November, and joined the Confederate forces in northern Georgia. The race between the troops of Morgan and his pursuers had continued three weeks, without cessation, at the rate of 35 miles a day. Morgan afterwards received an ovation at Richmond as a great hero. When Longstreet left Knoxville, Tenn., late in 1863, he lingered awhile between there and the Virginia border. He had been pursued by cavalry, and near Bean's Station he had a sharp skirmish (Dec. 14), when the Nationals were pushed back with a loss of 200 men; Longstreet's loss was greater. Longstreet finally retired to Virginia, leaving Morgan in eastern Tennessee. Gen. John G. Foster was there, in command of the Army of the Ohio; and on Dec. 29 Gen. S. D. Sturgis, with the National advance at Knoxville, between Mossy Creek and New Market, met and fought Morgan and Armstrong, who led about 6,000 Confederates. The latter were defeated. On Jan. 16, 1864, Sturgis was attacked by Morga
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), North Carolina, State of (search)
an incursion in the interior and liberated several hundred slaves. With a larger force he set out from Newbern, Dec. 11, to strike and break up the railway at Goldsboro that connected Richmond with the Carolinas, and form a junction with the National forces at Suffolk and Norfolk. His passage of a large creek was disputed by General Evans and 2,000 Confederates, with three pieces of artillery. They were routed, and Foster passed on, skirmishing heavily. When near Kinston he encountered (Dec. 14) about 6,000 Confederates, well posted, and, after a sharp fight, they were driven across the river, firing the bridge behind them. The flames were put out, and 400 of the fugitives were captured. Foster pushed on towards Goldsboro, and near that place was checked by a large Confederate force under Gen. G. W. Smith. Foster destroyed the railroad bridge over the Neuse, 6 miles of the railway, and a half-finished iron-clad gunboat, returning to Newbern at the end of eight days with a loss
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Somers, the (search)
a pirate, etc. The leaders in this movement were reported to be Midshipman Philip Spencer, son of John C. Spencer, then Secretary of War, and Samuel Cromwell, the boatswain's mate, and a seaman, Elisha Small. Spencer was arrested on Nov. 27, and the other two on the 28th, and put in irons. These three were convicted by a court on board, and sentenced to be hanged at the yard-arm, the sentence being carried into effect on Dec. 1, 525 miles from St. Thomas. the Somers arrived at New York, Dec. 14, with several of the boys in confinement. A naval court of inquiry, convened on Dec. 28, consisting of Commodores Charles Stewart, Jacob Jones, Alexander J. Dallas, and Ogden Hoffman, judge advocate, sat until Jan. 19, 1843, and decided that Commodore Mackenzie had simply performed his duty, etc. This court and verdict did not satisfy public opinion, and for a further vindication Mackenzie called for a regular court-martial, which was held at the Brooklyn navy-yard, and by a vote of nine t
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Kansas, (search)
ssisting Rev. Norris Day in transporting slaves to Ohio, is first requested and then compelled to leave the State......March 12, 1854 A jury having acquitted Matthew F. Ward of the murder of William H. G. Butler in Louisville, an indignation meeting is held in Louisville. A mob burns in effigy John J. Crittenden, of counsel for Ward and others, and is with difficulty subdued......April 29, 1854 State temperance convention at Louisville nominates George W. Williams for governor......Dec. 14, 1.854 Know-nothing convention at Louisville nominates Judge William V. Loring, Whig, for governor......Feb. 22, 1855 Riot on election day, Bloody Monday, between Know-nothings and foreigners......Aug. 6, 1855 John C. Breckinridge elected Vice-President of the United States......1856 General assembly of Old School Presbyterian Church at Lexington......May 21, 1857 Corner-stone of Henry Clay monument laid in the cemetery at Lexington with masonic ceremonies......July 4, 1857
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), North Carolina, (search)
y, 1862; engages in the battle of Roanoke Island, Feb. 8, and occupies Elizabeth City......Feb. 11, 1862 General Burnside defeats Confederate General Branch, and occupies Newbern. Federal loss, 100 killed, 500 wounded......March 14, 1862 Fort Macon surrenders to the Federals......April 26, 1862 Edward Stanley, commissioned by President Lincoln temporary governor of that part of North Carolina still under Federal control, arrives at Newbern......May 26, 1862 Battles at Kingston, Dec. 14, White Hall, Dec. 16, and Goldsboro......Dec. 17, 1862 The James City lands settled by negroes......1862 [After the war claimed by James A. Bryan, to whom they were awarded by the Supreme Court. Militia had to be called out to put him in possession—negroes sign leases for three years as a compromise.] Plymouth surrendered by General Wessels to the Confederates under General Hoke......April 20, 1864 Naval battle of Albemarle Sound; the Sassacus defeats the Confederate ram Albem
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), William and Mary, Fort (search)
les of Lexington and Concord had aroused the people to a realizing sense that they were actually engaged in hostilities, these much-needed supplies, or a portion of them, were brought by him to the lines at Cambridge, where he marched with his company, and were used at the battle of Bunker Hill. This account is in some respects clearly inaccurate, and it is altogether incommensurate with the importance of the act. The assault was made, not on the 12th, but on the night of the 13th or 14th of December—for there is some conflict of authority on this point, and there is nothing to show that any act of treasonable hostility preceded it. Sparks, in his Life of Sullivan, gives practically the same details, and Bancroft, Botta, and Bryant make only an allusion to the event. In the course of several papers read before the Massachusetts Historical Society, defending Sullivan from aspersions of subsequent disloyalty to the American cause, Mr. Thomas C. Amory, of Boston, who is a grandnephew