Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 16, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for December 15th or search for December 15th in all documents.

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By Johnson's independent agency.from Washington. Washington, December 15. --The disarming of the black troops in Mississippi arises, probably, from the fear of trouble, now that the holidays are so rapidly approaching. It is a fact that women and children are now in the Northern States whose homes are in the South, but p congressional circles. Legal documents have been prepared, favoring this idea, by one of the ablest lawyers in the country. Second Dispatch. Washington, December 15. --The departure for Europe on Wednesday of the Chief Secretary of the French Legation is connected with the details of the Mexican question and growing pgation from Washington will take place in case of the formal appointment of an United States minister to the Mexican republic. Third Dispatch. Washington December 15. --The House yesterday adopted the original Stevens resolution by a two-thirds vote. It is regarded as settling the question of admitting Southern claima
The Fenian Stephens in Paris. New York, December 15. --The Dublin Irishman, of December--, has the following letter, translated from the French: "Paris, November 27. "Mr. Editor, --I take the liberty of writing to you these few lines to inform you that your brave countryman, Stephens, who escaped so happily from Dublin prison, has arrived, safe and sound, in Paris. He has even been seen during the past two days, surrounded by numerous friends, dining in one of the great restaurants of the Boulevard des Italians. It is needless to tell you, Mr. Editor, how the world was delighted on hearing that Stephens had escaped. We are all convinced that the day is not far distant when Ireland shall break forever the Saxon chains which have kept her bound so long, and will resuscitate, as they, and as we all hope in France, great, glorious and free. "I have the honor to be, sir, "Your obedient servant, [Signed] "J. De Longville, "a profound admirer of the Irish natio
Washington, December 15. --The Commissioner of Customs has received information that a cargo of whisky, teas, dry goods, etc., has been seized at Rochester, New York. The goods were smuggled from Canada through the District of Oswego, where the principal smuggling is done.
The Daily Dispatch: December 16, 1865., [Electronic resource], Southern representation — a Gleam of hope. (search)
Forgery. Baltimore, December 15. --A forged check, purporting to be from Colonel Robert Colevan, proprietor of the Eutaw House, for one thousand dollars in gold, was successfully passed a few days ago on W. T. Smithson & Company, bankers.
The great billiard tournament a failure. Baltimore, December 15. --The billiard tournament at the Front Street Theatre has proved an entire failure. The exhibition was suspended last night for want of patronage. Mr. Phelan went home disgusted.
New York Markets. New York, December 15. --Flour and wheat still advancing. Corn 97. Pork unchanged. Whisky dull. Cotton, middling, 49.
Associated Press Dispatches.from Washington. Washington, December 15. --The findings and sentence of the Naval Court-Martial for the trial of Commodore Craven for refusing to fight the Stonewall has been published. The Court sentenced him to be suspended two years, which decision was reiterated upon the return of the sentence by the Secretary of the Navy disapproved. The Secretary then dissolved the Court and ordered Commodore Craven to return to duty. Washington, December 15.-December 15.--The United States Supreme Court to-day was crowded with attorneys to hear the important argument of Mr. Carpenter, of Wisconsin, advocating the re-admission of Mr. Garland to practice on the ground that the President's pardon restored the petitioner to all his civil and political rights. Although he (Carpenter) sustained the President in suppressing the rebellion, now that the war was over, he was perfectly willing to take by the hand his "re-constructed" brethren. He contended that the t
Arrival of the remains of Brigadier-General Morris at New York. New York, December 15. --The remains of Brigadier-General Morris arrived here this morning; and lay in state in the Governor's room, at the City Hall. At 1 o'clock the body was escorted by a detachment of a thousand regulars to Trinity Church, where, after the performance of the usual ceremonies, it was deposited in the family vault.
The Daily Dispatch: December 16, 1865., [Electronic resource], Discovery of remains — a Murder three years ago. (search)
Governor Worth, of North Carolina, takes the oath of office. Raleigh, December 15. --Governor Worth took the oath of office to-day before the members of the two Houses of the Legislature and a number of citizens. He delivered a short and modest address on the occasion, claiming that the people were well disposed, and desired the restoration of the Union. The Legislature will adjourn Monday.
The constitutional amendment Ratified by Indiana. Washington, December 15. --The Governor of Indiana officially notified the Secretary of State to-day of the ratification of the constitutional amendment.