Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for December 17th or search for December 17th in all documents.

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the Virginia shore, opposite Berlin, Md., thirteen men of Company N were sent over in a boat, when two companies of rebels, in all about one hundred and twenty strong, sprang from an ambush and surrounded them. The men fought gallantly and cut their way through to their boat, while many of their comrades gathered on the opposite bank and caused the rebels to retreat. The Nationals killed two of the enemy and wounded live, and had one wounded and two taken prisoners.--Baltimore American, December 17. A Despatch from Rolla, Mo., of this date, says: Several citizens of Arkansas have reached here during the past week, and enlisted in the Arkansas Company, under Captain Ware, late member of the Legislature from that State. These men say there was a Union society in Izard, Fulton, Independent, and Searcey counties, numbering two thousand five hundred men, which could have made an organized stand in two weeks more, but it was betrayed by a recreant member and broken up and scattered.
December 17. Great excitement was produced throughout the United States by the belligerent tone of the British press in reference to the seizure of Messrs. Mason and Slidell. A reconnoissance was made in Virginia to-day by a squadron of the First New Jersey Cavalry, belonging to Gen. Heintzelman's Division, under command of Capt. Shellmire. A portion of the squadron, commanded by Lieut. Janville, of Company L, of Jersey City, was ordered to proceed to the Bone Mills, to the left of Springfield station, on the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, about seven miles from the Headquarters of Gen. Heintzelman. The company there halted, when the lieutenant, with an orderly, proceeded two miles beyond, but on attempting to return they found themselves surrounded by rebel infantry. The lieutenant was shot in six places, and the horse of the orderly killed. The orderly made his escape. The company in reserve, hearing the firing, proceeded to render assistance, and on their approach
December 23. The prize schooner Charity, captured off Hatteras Inlet, N. C., on the 17th of December, by the steamer Stars and Stripes, was wrecked off Hempstead, L. I. She had been placed in charge of Captain George Ashbury, to be taken to the port of New York.--N. Y. Times, December 29. A fight occurred at Joseph Coerson's house, in Perry County, Ky., between one hundred and eighteen rebels and forty-seven Union men. The rebels were completely routed, with sixteen wounded, and the Union loss nothing.--N. Y. Tribune, December 28. Gen. Rosecrans issued an address to the army of Western Virginia, in which, after alluding to their triumps during the campaign, and their gallantry and devotion to the National cause, he urged them to perfect themselves in all that pertains to drill, instruction, and discipline, and promised to provide for them every thing necessary to prepare them for their coming work. He further stated that he should organize boards of examiners, who wou
December 17. Four hundred and sixty Union soldiers, including eleven commissioned officers, taken prisoners before Fredericksburgh, arrived at Richmond, Va.--The one Hundred and Seventy-third regiment of New York volunteers left New York for the seat of war.--Baton Rouge, La., was occupied by a portion of the command of General Banks. Major-General Grant, commanding Department of the Tennessee, issued an order from his headquarters at Oxford, Miss., expelling every Jew within his department, within twenty-four hours after the publication of the order. A fight took place at Goldsboro, N. C., between the expeditionary force of Union troops, under the command of General Foster, and a body of rebels, under General Evans. The object of the Union General was to destroy the Goldsboro railroad bridge, which being accomplished, after nearly two hours fighting, he retired, unmolested by the rebels.--(Doc. 73.)
December 17. From his headquarters at Memphis, Tenn., General Hurlbut issued the following general order: The recent affair at Moscow, Tenn., has demonstrated the fact that colored troops, properly disciplined and commanded, can and will fight well, and the General commanding deems it to be due to the officers and men of the Second regiment West-Tennessee infantry of African descent, thus publicly to return his personal thanks for their gallant and successful defence of the important position to which they had been assigned, and for the manner in which they have vindicated the wisdom of the Government in elevating the rank and file of these regiments to the position of freemen and soldiers. The Richmond Enquirer, in an article on the exchange of prisoners, held the following language: The Yankees are not going to send their negro troops in the field: they know as well as we do that no reliance can be placed upon them; but as depot-guards, prison-guards, etc., they will rel