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Latest News by mail. Mr. Sumner's Scrap-Book — Jeff. Davis's trial — bounties Equalized, &c.Correspondence of the Baltimore Sun. Washington, December 20. --Congress was without special interest to-day. In the Senate, Mr. Sumner delivered a speech of nearly two hours duration, made up principally of extracts from newspaper letters, private communications and other irresponsible matter, which he presented as a contradiction to General Grant's report on the condition of affairs in the South! Senator Cowan looked upon this "scrap-book" as the production of "anonymous scribblers and cotton thieves." The Senate Judiciary Committee to-day perfected a system of legislation looking to the organization of the United States District Court at Richmond, and the prospective trial of Jeff. Davis. The House Military Committee has agreed to report a bill to equalize soldiers' bounties, so as to give those who entered the army early in the war as much as those who entered it at
Arrival of Treasure from California. New York, December 20. --The steamer Henry Chauncey, from Aspinwall on the 13th, brought $880,000 in gold from California.
Adjournment of the Kentucky House of Representatives. Frankfort, Ky., December 20. --The House of Representatives has adjourned till the 10th of January.
Charleston, December 20. --The Mills House, in this city, was opened to-day for the first time since the commencement of the war.
From Savannah — a regiment in Process of Formation — a mulatto sentenced to one year's imprisonment for using seditious language — the schooner Israel R. Snow Burned — the Mayor of Mobile Prohibits the bringing of negroes into that city. New York, December 26. --The steamer Tybee brings Savannah advices of December 20th. The Herald says that the citizens are about forming a regiment in order to rid the city of murderers and robbers, who infest it. A. A. Bradley, a mulatto, formerly expelled from the bar at Boston, was sentenced at Savannah to a year's imprisonment by a military court for using seditious language. The schooner Israel R. Snow, from Rockland, caught fire in Tybee Roads, and was beached to save the lives of the crew. The Mayor of Mobile has prohibited all steamboat and railroad proprietors from bringing negroes into that
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