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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Anderson, Robert, -1871 (search)
hington and demand the surrender of the forts in Charleston Harbor, and he was conscious that the latter were liable to be attacked at any moment. He knew, too, that if he should remain in Fort Moultrie, their efforts would be successful. Watch-boats were out continually spying his movements. He had applied to the government for instructions, but receive none. and he determined to leave Fort Moultrie with his garrison and take post in stronger Fort Sumter. This he did on the evening of Dec. 26. The vigilance of the Confederates had been eluded, They, amazed, telegraphed to Floyd. The latter, by telegraph, ordered Anderson to explain his conduct in acting without orders. Anderson calmly replied that it was (done to save the government works. In Sumter, he was a thorn in the flesh of the Confederates. Finally they attacked him, and after a siege and furious bombardment, the fort was evacuated in April, 1861. In May, 1861, he was appointed a brigadier-general in the regular ar
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bainbridge, William, 1774-1833 (search)
n remained prisoners about nineteen months. On his return to the United States, he was received with great respect, and in the reorganization of the navy, in 1806, he became the seventh in the list of captains. Having obtained the rank of commodore, Bainbridge was appointed to the command of a squadron (September, 1812) composed of the Constitution, (flagship). Essex, and Hornet, and sailed from Boston in October. Off the coast of Brazil the Constitution captured the British frigate Java (Dec. 26); and for this exploit the commodore received the thanks of Congress and a gold medal. Other honors were bestowed upon him. In 1815 he was appointed to the command of a squadron of twenty sail, destined for Algiers (q. v.), but peace was concluded before it reached the Mediterranean. He settled disputes with the Barbary States; and he again commanded in the Mediterranean in 1819-21. From that time he was almost constantly employed in service on shore, being at one time president of the B
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Kearny, Stephen Watts 1794-1847 (search)
West, Ciudad De Los Angeles, Jan. 16, 1847. Sir,—I am informed that you are engaged in organizing a civil government, and appointing officers for it in this territory. As this duty has been specially assigned to myself, by orders of the President of the United States, conveyed in letters to me from the Secretary of War, of June 3, 8, and 18, 1846, the original of which I gave to you on the 12th, and which you returned to me on the 13th, and copies of which I furnished you with on the 26th December, I have to ask if you have any authority from the President, from the Secretary of the Navy, or from any other channel of the President to form such government and make such appointments? If you have such authority, and will show it to me or furnish me with a certified copy of it, I will cheerfully acquiesce in what you are doing. If you have not such authority, I then demand that you cease all further proceedings relating to the formation of a civil government of this Territory, as
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Peace conference of 1864. (search)
Peace conference of 1864. Francis P. Blair, Sr., conceived the idea that through his personal acquaintance with most of the Confederate leaders at Richmond he might be able to effect a peace. So, without informing the President of his purpose, he asked Mr. Lincoln for a pass through the National lines to the Confederate capital. On Dec. 26, the President handed Mr. Blair a card on which was written, Allow Mr. F. P. Blair, Sr., to pass our lines to go South and return, and signed his name to it. This self-constituted peace commissioner went to Richmond, had several interviews with President Davis, and made his way back to Washington in January. 1865, with a letter written to himself by Jefferson Davis, in which the latter expressed a willingness to appoint a commission to renew the effort to enter into a conference with a view to secure peace to the two countries. This letter Mr. Blair placed in the hands of the President, when the latter wrote a note to Blair which he might s
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Philippine Islands, (search)
on. Nov. 2. The Philippine commission appointed by the President, consisting of J. G. Schurman, Prof. Dean Worcester, Charles Denby, Admiral Dewey, and General Otis, which began its labors at Manila, March 20, and returned to the United States in September, submitted its preliminary report to the President. Nov. 7. A military expedition on board transports, under General Wheaton, captured Dagupan. Dec. 25. Gen. S. B. M. Young appointed military governor of northwestern Luzon. Dec. 26. The Filipino general Santa Ana, with a force of insurgents, attacked the garrison at Subig; the Americans successfully repelled the attack. Dec. 27. Colonel Lockett, with a force of 2,500 men, attacked a force of insurgents near Montalban; many Filipinos were killed. Jan. 1, 1900. General advance of the American troops in southern Luzon; Cabuyac, on Laguna de Bay, taken by two battalions of the 39th Infantry; two Americans killed and four wounded. Jan. 7. Lieutenant Gillmore and
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), State of South Carolina, (search)
ss, bearing fifteen stars. The larger star was for South Carolina. In one upper corner was a white crescent moon, and in the other a palmetto-tree. A small medal was also struck to commemorate the event. On Dec. 21, 1860, the South Carolina convention appointed Robert W. Barnwell, James H. Adams, and James L. Orr South Carolina flag. commissioners to proceed to Washington to treat for the possession of the public property within the limits of their State. They arrived in Washington Dec. 26, and the day after their arrival they heard of the movement of Maj. Robert Anderson (q. v.). On the 28th they addressed a formal diplomatic letter to the President, drawn up by Mr. Orr, informing him of their official authority to treat for the delivery, by the United States, of all forts and other public property in South Carolina to the authorities of that sovereign State. They also furnished him with a copy of the ordinance of secession. They urged the President to immediately withdra
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Sumter, Fort (search)
resolved to take position in Sumter before it should be too late. He was commander of all the defences of the harbor, and, in the absence of orders to the contrary, he might occupy any one he chose. Vigilant eyes were watching him. He revealed his secret to only three or four officers, for he did not know whom he might trust. He first removed the women and children, with a supply of provisions, to Fort Sumter. This was done by deceptive movements. They were sent first to Fort Johnson (Dec. 26) in vessels, with an ample supply of provisions, where they were detained on board until evening, under the pretext of preparing accommodations for them. The firing of three guns at Moultrie was to be the signal for them to be conveyed to Sumter. In the edge of the evening the greater part of the garrison at Moultrie embarked for Sumter. The people of Charleston were aware of the women and children of the garrison being before Fort Johnson, and concluded Anderson was going there also wi
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Trent, the (search)
United States, but Great Britain demanded from the government at Washington a formal apology and the immediate release of the prisoners, Lord John Russell instructing the minister, Lord Lyons, at Washington, Nov. 30, 1861, that unless a satisfactory answer were given within seven days he might, at his discretion, withdraw the legation and return to England. This despatch was received on Dec. 18; on the 19th Lord Lyons called on Mr. Seward, and in a personal interview an amicable adjustment was made possible by the moderation of both diplomats. On Dec. 26 Mr. Seward transmitted to Lord Lyons the reply of the United States, in which the illegality of the seizure was recognized, while the satisfaction of the United States government was expressed in the fact that a principle for which it had long contended was thus accepted by the British government. Mason and Slidell were at once released, and sailed for England Jan. 1, 1862. See Mason, James Murray; Slidell, John; Wilkes, Charles.