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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 46 46 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 7 7 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography 2 2 Browse Search
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.) 2 2 Browse Search
J. B. Greenough, Benjamin L. D'Ooge, M. Grant Daniell, Commentary on Caesar's Gallic War 2 2 Browse Search
Appian, The Civil Wars (ed. Horace White) 1 1 Browse Search
J. B. Greenough, G. L. Kittredge, Select Orations of Cicero , Allen and Greenough's Edition. 1 1 Browse Search
J. B. Greenough, G. L. Kittredge, Select Orations of Cicero , Allen and Greenough's Edition. 1 1 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 1 1 Browse Search
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Strabo, Geography, Book 6, chapter 3 (search)
e. This is one account of him; but there is also a second, that he stayed here till the end of his life; and a third, the aforesaid mythical account, which tells of his disappearance in the island; and as a fourth one might set down the account of the Heneti, for they too tell a mythical story of how he in some way came to his end in their country, and they call it his apotheosis. Now the above distances are put down in accordance with the data of Artemidorus;Artemidorus (flourished about 100 B.C.), of Ephesus, was an extensive traveller and a geographer of great importance. He wrote a geography of the inhabited world in eleven books, a Periplus of the Mediterranean, and Ionian Historical Sketches. But his works, except numerous fragments preserved in other authors, are now lost. but according to the Chorographer,See 5. 2. 7 and footnote. the distances from Brentesium as far as GarganumMonte Gargano. amount to one hundred and sixty-five miles, whereas according to Artemidorus t
Strabo, Geography, Book 12, chapter 3 (search)
, whereas Ascaeus (*a)skai=os) has been found in only two inscriptions, according to Professor David M. Robinson. On this temple, see Sir W. M. Ramsay's "Excavations at Pisidian Antioch in 1912," The Athenaeum, London, March 8, Aug. 31, and Sept. 7, 1913. near the Antiocheia that is near PisidiaNote that Strabo, both here and in 12. 8. 14, refers to this Antioch as "the Antioch near Pisidia," not as "Pisidian Antioch," the appellation now in common use. Neither does Artemidorus (lived about 100 B.C.), as quoted by Strabo (12. 7. 2), name Antioch in his list of Pisidian cities. and that of Men in the country of the Antiocheians.i.e., in the territory of which Antiocheia was capital. At this "remote old Anatolian Sanctuary" (not to be confused with that of Men Ascaeus near Antiocheia), "Strabo does not say what epithet Men bore" (Ramsay is first article above cited). That of Men Ascaeus on Mt. Kara Kuyu has been excavated by Ramsay and Calder (J.H.S. 1912, pp 111-150, British Schoo
Appian, The Civil Wars (ed. Horace White), THE CIVIL WARS, CHAPTER IV (search)
aturninus elected tribune. In this way the killing of Nonius was hushed up, since everybody was afraid to call Saturninus to account because he was a tribune. Y.R. 654 Metellus was banished by them at the instigation of Gaius Marius, who was then in his sixth consulship, and was the secret enemy of Metellus. Thus they all helped each other. Saturninus brought forward a law to divide the land which the Cimbri (a Celtic tribe lately driven out B.C. 100 by Marius) had seized in the country now called Gaul by the Romans, and which was considered as no longer Gallic but Roman territory. It was provided also in this law that if the people should enact it the senators should take an oath within five days to obey it, and that any one who should refuse to do so should be expelled from the Senate and should pay a fine of twenty talents for the benefit of the people. Thus they intended to punish those who should t
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.), BOOK II. AN ACCOUNT OF THE WORLD AND THE ELEMENTS., CHAP. 113.—THE HARMONICAL PROPORTION OF THE UNIVERSE. (search)
y, metaphysics, physical science, ethics, logic, and general literature., CtesiasA native of Cnidus in Caria, and private physician to Artaxerxes Mnemon, having been made prisoner by him at the battle of Cunaxa. He wrote a History of Persia in 23 books, which, with the exception of a small abridgement by Photius and a few fragments, is now lost. He also wrote a book on India. He was much censured, probably without sufficient reason, for the credulity displayed in his works., ArtemidorusOf Ephesus, a geographer, who lived about B.C. 100. He wrote a Periplus, and a work on Geography; a few fragments only of abridgements of these have survived. of Ephesus, IsidorusOf Charax in Parthia, of which country he wrote an account which still exists. He flourished in the reign of Augustus. of Charax, and TheopompusOf Chios, a celebrated historian, and disciple of the orator Isocrates. His principal works were a History of Greece, and a Life of Philip of Macedon, father of Alexander the Great..
olent end, about B.C. 30. He is supposed to have written tragedies, epigrams, and other works. See Horace, Epist. B. i. Ep. 4, 1. 3. of Parma, Cicero,See end of B. vii. Mucianus,See end of B. ii. Cælius,Cælius Antipater. See end of B. ii. Celsus,See end of B. vii. Trogus,See end of B. vii. Ovid,See end of B. xviii. Polybius,See end of B. iv. Sornatius.This personage is entirely unknown. It may possibly be a corruption for Soranus, a poet of that name (Q. Valerius Soranus) who flourished about 100 B.C. See also B. xxxii. c. 23. FOREIGN AUTHORS QUOTED.—Callimachus,See end of B. iv. Ctesias,See end of B. ii. Eudicus,Beyond the mention made of him in c. 9 of this Book, nothing whatever is known of him. Theophrastus,See end of B. iii. Eudoxus,See end of B. ii., and end of B. vi. Theopompus,See end of B. ii. Polycritus,See end of B. xii. Juba,See end of B. v. Lycus,See end of B. xii. Apion,See end of B. xxx. Epigenes,See end of B. ii. Pelops,He is also mentioned in B. xxxii. c. 16, but b
J. B. Greenough, Benjamin L. D'Ooge, M. Grant Daniell, Commentary on Caesar's Gallic War, The Life of Caius Julius Caesar. (search)
esar. Caesar's Earlier Career. Better be first, he said, in a little Iberian village, Than be second in Rome. Longfellow. Caius Julius Caesar (Gaius Iulius Caesar) was born July 12th, B. C. 100, or, according to some authorities, two years earlier. Assuming the later date, he was six years younger than Pompey, his great rival, and Cicero, the distinguished orator. His ancestry was of the noblest, and was supposed to reach back on his history. Active, keen-sighted, and truthful, Caesar gives us such insight into these nations as serves to explain many of their present political and social peculiarities. Important Events in Caesar's Life. B.C. 100Born, July 12th. 83Marries Cornelia, the Daughter of Cinna. 80-78Serves with the Army in Asia. 76-75Studies Oratory at Rhodes. 68Quaestor. 65Aedile. 63Pontifex Maximus. 62Praetor. 61
J. B. Greenough, G. L. Kittredge, Select Orations of Cicero , Allen and Greenough's Edition., Life of Cicero. (search)
of the proposal of Manilius to invest Pompey with the command of the war against Mithridates. Pro A. CLUENTIO HABITODefence of Cluentius against the charge of poisoning his stepfather Oppianicus, brought by the younger Oppianicus, instigated by Sassia, the mother of Cluentius. 63De LEGE AGRARIAAgainst the Agrarian Law of Rullus. Three orations: the first delivered in the Senate and the others before the people. Pro C. RABIRIODefence of Rabirius on the charge of killing Saturninus, about B.C. 100. In L. CATILINAOn the Conspiracy of Catiline. Four orations: the first and last delivered in the Senate, the second and third before the people. Pro L. MURENADefence of Murena on a charge of bribery brought by Sulpicius, the defeated candidate for the consulship. (Following previous orations on the same side by Hortensius and Crassus.) 62Pro P. CORNELIO SULLADefence of Sulla from the charge of sharing in Catiline's conspiracy. Pro A. LICINIO ARCHIADefence of the claim of the poet Archia
J. B. Greenough, G. L. Kittredge, Select Orations of Cicero , Allen and Greenough's Edition., chapter 2 (search)
m, and entrusted the consul with absolute power. In the tumult that ensued, some 3,000 are said to have lost their lives, including Gracchus and his leading associate, Fulvius. ne . . . caperet, obj. of videret. interfectus est (emphat.), i.e. in that case death was promptly inflicted. patre: Tiberius Gracchus, the elder, one of the most eminent statesmen of his day. avo: Scipio Africanus, the conqueror of Hannibal. Mario (dat. after permissa): this was in Marius' sixth consulship (B.C. 100). He was secretly in league with the revolutionists, —Saturninus and Servilius Glaucia, corrupt demagogues, unworthy imitators of the noble Gracchi. When it came to the point, however, the courage of Marius failed him: he deserted his accomplices, and joined the Senate in crushing the revolt. rei publicae: poss. gen., the punishment being looked on as something belonging to the party avenged, and exacted from the other party as a payment due. remorata est (governing Saturninum, etc.),
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, CARCER (search)
onstructors of the upper chamber; Tenney Frank (TF 39- 47) now supposes, without sufficient reason, that the lower chamber originally had a flat wooden roof, which later served as a scaffolding for the flat stone vault, which dates from after 100 B.C. But the holes to which he points in support of this theory may just as well have been cut for this scaffolding. There is little doubt that the chamber was originally circular (the statement that the straight chord on the side towards the Co regularity of the blocks, uniformly 56 cm. high: while the date of the drain leading into the forum appears to be debateable. The upper room is a vaulted trapezoid, the sides varying in length from 5 to 3.60 metres. This Frank assigns to about 100 B.C. on similar grounds; and the vault of the lower chamber, as we have seen, to a slightly later date. A new facade of travertine was added by C. Vibius Rufinus and M. Cocceius Nerva, consules suffecti, perhaps in 22 A.D. (CILvi. 1539=31674;
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, CLOACA MAXIMA (search)
found to be built of blocks of travertine and was as much as 10 metres below ground. A part of it, belonging to the republican period, with later restorations, is still visible opposite the church of S. Giorgio in Velabro. It has recently been connected with the main sewer of modern Rome, so that the forum can no longer be inundated by its backwash (aliquando Tiberis retro infusus recipitur, as Pliny says), as it was, for the last time, in the flood of 1901: Vidimus flavum Tiberim retortis litore Etrusco violenter undis ire deiectum monumenta regis templaque Vestae (Hor. Carm. i. 2. 13). The three concentric arches at the mouth of it, which show a combination of Gabine stone and Grotta Oscura stone, are assigned to 100 B.C. or slightly before (TF 142, n. 9; ASA 5; cf. Ill. 43). See Jord. i. I. 441-443; 447-452 ; Richter, Ant. Denk. i. 37; Narducci, Fognatura di Roma 39-49; BC 1890, 95-102; Mitt. 1889, 236; 1891, 86-88; LR 29 sq.; P1. 107-109; 271-273; CR 1900, 137-138; ZA 262- 265.