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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 13 13 Browse Search
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.) 2 2 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 2 2 Browse Search
M. Tullius Cicero, De Officiis: index (ed. Walter Miller) 1 1 Browse Search
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Adherbal 3. The son of Micipsa, and grandson of Masinissa, had the kingdom of Numidia left to him by his father in conjunction with his brother Hiempsal and Jugurtha, B. C. 118. After the murder of his brother by Jugurtha, Adherbal fled to Rome and was restored to his share of the kingdom by the Romans in B. C. 117. But Adherbal was again stripped of his dominions by Jugurtha and besieged in Cirta, where he was treacherously killed by Jugurtha in B. C. 112, although he had placed himself under the protection of the Romans. (Sal. Jug. 5, 13, 14, 24, 25, 26; Liv. Ep. 63; Diod. Exc. xxxiv. p. 605. ed. Wess.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Agatha'rchides (search)
work on the Erythraean Sea), that he was subsequently guardian to one of the kings of Egypt during his minority. This was no doubt one of the two sons of Ptolemy Physcon. Dodwell endeavours to shew that it was the younger son, Alexander, and objects to Soter, that he reigned conjointly with his mother. This, however, was the case with Alexander likewise. Wesseling and Clinton think the elder brother to be the one meant, as Soter II. was more likely to have been a minor on his accession in B. C. 117, than Alexander in B. C. 107, ten years after their father's death. Moreover Dodwell's date would leave too short an interval between the publication of Agatharchides's work on the Erythraean Sea (about B. C. 113), and the work of Artemidorus. Works An enumeration of the works of Agatharchides is given by Photius (Phot. Bibl. 213). He wrote a work on Asia, in 10 books, and one on Europe, in 49 books; a geographical work on the Erythraean Sea, in 5 books, of the first and fifth books of
elius Tubero, son of Aemilia, sister of Africanus, a prominent opponent of the Gracchi, well skilled in law and logic, but no orator; P. Rutilius Rufus, consul B. C. 105, the most worthy citizen, according to Velleius, not merely of his own day, but of all time, who having been condemned in a criminal trial (B. C. 92), although innocent, by a conspiracy among the equites, retired to Smyrna, where he passed the remainder of his life in honourable exile; Q. Mucius Scaevola, the augur, consul B. C. 117, the first preceptor of Cicero in jurisprudence; and lastly, C. Fannius, the historian, who was absent, however, on the second day of the conference, as we learn from the remarks of his father-in-law Laelius, and of Scaevola, in the De Amicitia (4, 7). In order to give an air of probability to the action of the piece, Rutilius is supposed to have been visited at Smyrna by Cicero during his Asiatic tour, and on that occasion to have spent some days in recounting the particulars of this memo
Cleopatra 7. A daughter of Ptolemy Physcon and Cleopatra [No. 6], married first her brother Ptolemy VIII. Lathyrus, but was divorced from him by his mother, and fled into Syria, where she married Antiochus IX. Cyzicenus, who was then in arms against his brother Grypus, about B. C. 117, and successfully tampered with the latter's army. A battle took place, in which Cyzicenus was defeated; and she then fled to Antioch, which was besieged and taken by Grypus, and Cleopatra was surrendered by him to the vengeance of his wife Tryphaena, her own sister, who had her murdered in a temple in which she had taken refuge. (Just. 39.3.)
Diadema'tus a surname of L. Caecilius Metellus, consul in B. C. 117.
herbal; and by these means succeeded in averting the indignation of the senate. A decree was, however, passed for the division of the kingdom of Numidia between the two competitors, and a committee of senators sent to enforce its execution; but as soon as these arrived in Africa, Jugurtha succeeded in gaining them over by the same unscrupulous methods, and obtained in the partition of the kingdom the western division, adjacent to Mauritania, by far the larger and richer portion of the two (B. C. 117). But this advantage was far from contenting him; and notwithstanding the obvious danger of disturbing an arrangement so formally established by the Roman government, he directed all his efforts to the acquisition of the whole. For this purpose, he continually harassed the frontiers of the neighbouring kingdom by predatory incursions, in hopes of inducing Adherbal to repress these petty assaults by arms, and of thus obtaining an excuse for representing him as the aggressor. But this plan b
Metellus 8. L. Caecilius Metellus Diadematus, Q. F. Q. N., brother of the preceding and son of No. 5, has been frequently confounded with Metellus Dalmaticus, consul B. C. 119 [No. 13], who was a son of Metellus Calvus [No. 6]. Metellus Diadematus received the latter surname from his wearing for a long time a bandage round his forehead, in consequence of an ulcer. He was consul B. C. 117, with Q. Mucius Scaevola; and Eutropius (4.23) erroneously ascribes to him the triumph of Dalmaticus. Clinton (ad ann.) falls into the same mistake. He lived to see the return of his first-cousin Metellus Numidicus from exile, and exerted himself to obtain his recall. (Cic. post Red. in Sen. 15, post Red. ad Quir. 3.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Ptolemaeus Apion (*Ptolemai=os *)Api/wn) king of Cyrene, was an illegitimate son of Ptolemy Physcon, king of Egypt, by his mistress Eirene. His father left him by his will the kingdom of the Cyrenaica, to which he appears to have succeeded without opposition, on the death of Physcon, B. C. 117. We know nothing of the events of his reign, but at his death in B. C. 96, he bequeathed his kingdom by his will to the Roman people. The senate, however, refused to accept the legacy, and declared the cities of the Cyrenaica free. They were not reduced to the condition of a province till near thirty years afterwards; a circumstance which has given rise to much confusion, some of the later Roman writers having considered this latter date to be that of the death of Apion, and the accompanying bequest. Hence Sextus Rufus, Ammianus, and Hieronvmus were led to suppose that there were two kings of the name of Apion, an error in which they have been followed by Scaliger, Freinshemius, and other moder
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), or Ptolemaeus Apion (search)
his sister Cleopatra, whom he permitted to return to Egypt, and gave his daughter Tryphaena in marriage to Antiochus Grypus, the son of Demetrius, whom he also supported with a large auxiliary force. Antiochus was thus enabled to recover possession of the throne of his forefathers, B. C. 125, and from this time the friendly relations between Syria and Egypt continued uninterrupted until the death of Ptolemy. (Just. 39.1,2; J. AJ 13.9; Euseb. Arm. pp. 167, 168.) This took place in the year B. C. 117, ten years after his restoration to the throne, and twenty-nine after the death of his brother Philometor. But he himself reckoned the years of his reign from the date of his first assumption of the regal title at Alexandria, in B. C. 170, and according to this mode of computation, his death took place in the fifty-fourth year of his reign. (Porphyr. apud Euseb. Arm. p. 115; Clinton. F. H. vol. iii. p. 386.) Works The character of Ptolemy Physcon has sufficiently appeared from the foreg
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), or Ptolemaeus Soter (search)
n inscriptions, but more often distinguished by historians by the appellation of LATHYRUS or LATHURUS (*La/qouros). He was the eldest son of Ptolemy Physcon, by his niece Cleopatra, and was already of full age at the time of his father's death, B. C. 117. Cleopatra, however, who had been appointed by the will of her late husband to succeed him on the throne, was desirous to associate with herself her younger son, Ptolemy Alexander, to the exclusion of his brother. But the latter was popular witurable light when contrasted with those of his mother and brother, and he appears to have been free from the vices which degraded so many of the Egyptian kings. He reigned in all thirty-five years and a half; ten in conjunction with his mother (B. C. 117-107), eighteen in Cyprus (107-89), and seven and a half as sole ruler of Egypt (Porphyr. apud Euseb. Arm. p. 116). After his restoration in B. C. 89 he appears to have assumed the additional title of Philadelphus, whence he is sometimes disting