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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 8 8 Browse Search
Appian, The Foreign Wars (ed. Horace White) 3 3 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 1 1 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.) 1 1 Browse Search
M. Tullius Cicero, De Officiis: index (ed. Walter Miller) 1 1 Browse Search
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Pausanias, Description of Greece, Achaia, chapter 16 (search)
le, were one and all put down. A few years later the Romans took pity on Greece, restored the various old racial confederacies, with the right to acquire property in a foreign country, and remitted the fines imposed by Mummius. For he had ordered the Boeotians to pay a hundred talents to the people of Heracleia and Euboea, and the Achaeans to pay two hundred to the Lacedaemonians. Although the Romans granted the Greeks remission of these payments, yet down to my day a Roman governor has been sent to the country. The Romans call him the Governor, not of Greece, but of Achaia, because the cause of the subjection of Greece was the Achaeans, at that time at the head of the Greek nation.With Frazer's reading: “when the Romans subdued Greece, Achaia was at the head, etc.” This war came to an end when Antitheus was archon at Athens, in the hundred and sixtieth Olympiad140 B.C., at which Diodorus of Sicyon was victorious.Pausanias seems to have made a mistake, as Corinth was taken in 146 B
Appian, Wars in Spain (ed. Horace White), CHAPTER XII (search)
orized him to annoy Viriathus according to his own discretion, provided it were done secretly. By persisting and continually sending letters he procured the breaking of the treaty and a renewal of open hostilities against Viriathus. When war B.C. 140 was publicly declared Cæpio took the town of Arsa, which Viriathus abandoned, and followed Viriathus himself (who fled and destroyed everything in his path) as far as Carpetania, the Roman forces being much stronger than his. Viriathus deeming it only part of his body not protected by armor. The nature of the wound was such that nobody suspected what had been done. The murderers fled to Cæpio and asked for the rest of their pay. For the present he gave them permission to enjoy safely B.C. 140 what they had already received; as for the rest of their demands he referred them to Rome. When daylight came the attendants of Viriathus and the remainder of the army thought he was still resting and wondered at his unusually long repose, until s
Appian, Wars in Spain (ed. Horace White), CHAPTER XIII (search)
xposed to severe cold without shelter, and unaccustomed to the water and climate of the country, fell sick with dysentery and many died. A detachment having gone out for forage, the Numantines laid an ambuscade near the Roman camp and provoked them to a skirmish. The latter, not enduring the affront, sallied out against them. Then those who were in ambush sprang up, and many of the common soldiers and many of the nobility lost their lives. Finally the Numantines encountered the foraging B.C. 140 party on its return and killed many of those also. Pompeius, being cast down by so many misfortunes, marched away with his senatorial council to the towns to spend the rest of the winter, expecting a successor to come early in the spring. Fearing lest he should be called to account, he made overtures to the Numantines secretly for the purpose of bringing the war to an end. The Numantines themselves, being exhausted by the slaughter of so many of their bravest men, by the loss of their c
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK VI., CHAPTER IV. (search)
hat never ceased, until the subjugation of all the people who inhabit the countries on the hither side of the DanubeIster. and the Kisil-IrmakThe ancient Halys. had been effected. The Iberians, and Kelts, and all the rest who are subject to the Romans, shared a similar fate, for the Romans never rested in the subjugation of the land to their sway until they had entirely overthrown it: in the first instance they took Numantia,In the year B. C. 133. and subdued Viriathus,In the year B. C. 140. and afterwards vanquished Sertorius,B. C. 72. and last of all the Cantabrians,The inhabitants of Biscay. who were brought to subjection by Augustus Cæsar.B. C. 19. Likewise the whole of Gaul both within and beyond the Alps with Liguria were annexed at first by a partial occupation, but subsequently divus Cæsar and then Augustus subdued them completely in open war, so that nowAbout A. D. 17 or 18. the Romans direct their expeditions against the Germans from these countries as the most co
Apollodo'rus 17. A Greek GRAMMARIAN of Athens, was a son of Asclepiades, and a pupil of the grammarian Aristarchus, of Panaetius, and Diogenes the Babylonian. He flourished about the year B. C. 140, a few years after the fall of Corinth. Further particulars are not mentioned about him. We know that one of his historical works (the xronika/) came down to the year B. C. 143, and that it was dedicated to Attalus II., surnamed Philadelphus, who died in B. C. 138; but how long Apollodorus lived after the year B. C. 143 is unknown. Works Apollodorus wrote a great number of works, and on a variety of subjects, which were much used in antiquity, but all of them have perished with the exception of one, and even this one has not come down to us complete. *Biblioqh/khThis work is not now thought to be by Apollodorus and we label the author Pseudo-Apollodorus -- GRC 5/16/2008. This work bears the title *Biblioqh/kh; it consists of three books, and is by far the best among the extant works
Cae'pio 6. CN. SERVILIUS CN. F. CN. N. CAEPIO, son of No. 3, consul B. C. 140 with C. Laelius (Cic. Brut. 43; Obsequ. 82), succeeded his brother, Q. Fabius Maximus Servilianus, in the conduct of the war against Viriathus in Lusitania His brother had made a treaty of peace with Viriathus, which had been confirmed by the senate; but Caepio, by representing that the treaty was unfavourable to the interests of Rome, persuaded the senate to allow him at first to injure Viriathus, as far as he could, secretly, and finally to declare open war against him. Hereupon, Viriathus sent two of his most faithful friends to Caepio to offer terms of peace; but the consul persuaded them, by promises and great rewards, to assassinate their master. Accordingly, on their return to their own party, they murdered Viriathus while he was asleep in his tent, and afterwards fled to Caepio. But this murder did not put an immediate stop to the war. After burying the corpse of Viriathus with great magnificence, h
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Castor or Castor Saoconidarius (search)
as the Castor mentioned by Strabo (xii. p.568; comp. Caes. Civ. 3.4) who was surnamed Saoconidarius, was a son-in-law of Deiotarus, and was put to death by him. But it is, to say the least, extremely doubtful whether the rhetorician had any connexion with the family of Deiotarus at all. The Castor who brought Deiotarus into peril is expressly called a grandson of that king, and was yet a young man at the time (B. C. 44) when Cicero spoke for Deiotarus. (Cic. pro Deiot. 1, 10.) Now we have seen above that one of the works of Castor is referred to in the Bibliotheca of Apollodorus, who died somewhere about B. C. 140. The conclusion, therefore, must be, that the rhetorician Castor must have lived at or before the time of Apollodorus, at the latest, about B. C. 150, and can have had no connexion with the Deiotarus for whom Cicero spoke. (Compare Vossius, De Hist. Graec. p. 202, ed. Westermann; Orelli, Onomast. Tull. ii. p. 138, in both of which there is much confusion about Castor.) [L.S]
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Crassus, Clau'dius 23. L. Licinius Crassus, L. F., the orator. His pedigree is unknown. He was born B. C. 140, was educated by his father with the greatest care, and received instruction from the celebrated historian and jurist, L. Caelius Antipater. (Cic. Brut. 26.) At a very early age he began to display his oratorical ability. At the age of twenty-one (or, according to Tacitus, Dial. de Orat. 100.34, two years earlier) he accused C. Carbo, a man of high nobility and eloquence, who was hated by the aristocratic party to which Crassus belonged. Val. Maximus (6.5.6) gives an instance of his honourable conduct in this case. When the slave of Carbo brought to Crassus a desk filled with his master's papers, Crassus sent back the desk to Carbo with the seal unbroken, together with his slave in chains. Carbo escaped condemnation by poisoning himself with cantharides (Cic. Fam. 9.21, Brut. 27) ; and Crassus, pitying his fate, felt some remorse at the eagerness and success of his accusation
Lentulus 30. L. Cornelius Serv. F. SERV. N. LENTULUS, son of No. 28, praetor in B. C. 140 (Frontin. de Aquaed. 7).
Lysi'machus 5. Of Alexandria, a distinguished grammarian, frequently cited by the scholiasts and other writers. Respecting the time of Lysimachus the Alexandrian, we only know that he was younger than Mnaseas, who flourished about B. C. 140. Works *No/stoi and sunagwgh\ *Qhbai+kw=n parado/cwn The scholiasts and other writers mention his *No/stoi and his sunagwgh\ *Qhbai+kw=n parado/cwn. (Ath. iv. p. 158c. d.; Schol. ad. Apoll. Rhod. 1.558, 3.1179, ad Soph. Oed. Col. 91, ad Eurip. Andr. 880, Hec. 892, Phoen. 26, Hipp. 545, ad Pind. Pyth. 5.108, Isth. 4.104, ad Lycoph. 874; Apost. Prov. 17.25; Plut. de Fluv. 18; Hesych. s. n. *Sku=ros.) *Ai)guptiaka He is perhaps also the author of the *Ai)guptiaka cited by Josephus (c. Ap. 1.34, 2.2, 14, 33), and perhaps may even be identified with Lysimachus of Cyrene, who wrote peri\ poih*tw=n. (Paroleg. ad Hes. Opp. p. 30; Tzetz. Chil. 6.920.) peri\ th=s *)Efo/rou kloph=s A writer of the same name is mentioned by Porphyry as the author
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