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Browsing named entities in A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith). You can also browse the collection for 171 BC or search for 171 BC in all documents.

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Rho'dophon (*(Rodofw=n), a Rhodian, was one of those who, when hostilities broke out between Perseus and the Romans, in B. C. 171, strove successfully to retain their countrymen in their alliance with Rome, and continued throughout the war to adhere firmly to the Roman cause. In B. C. 167, when the anger of the senate against the Rhodians had been with difficulty appeased by Astymedes and his fellow-ambassadors [comp. PHILOPHRON and POLYARATUS], Rhodophon and Theaetetus were appointed to convey to Rome the present of a golden crown. (Polyb. xxvii 6, 28.2, 30.5; comp. Liv. 45.20, &c.) [E.
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Rufus, Minu'cius 4. T. Minucius Rufus, served in the campaign against Perseus, king of Macedonia, in B. C. 171. (Liv. 42.54.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Scae'vola, Mu'cius 3. Q. Mucius Scaevola, probably the son of No. 2, was praetor in B. C. 179, and had Sicily for his province (Liv. 40.44). He was consul in B. C. 174, with Sp. Postumius Albinus for his colleague. Scaevola accompanied the consul P. Licinius Crassus, as tribunus militum, in B. C. 171, when the consul went against Perseus, king of Macedonia. (Liv. 42.49, and 67.)
ttle, and triumphed over them on his return to Rome. He defended his cousin, L. Scipio Asiaticus, when he was accused in B. C. 187, after his conquest of Antiochus. He was one of the many distinguished men, who sued for the censorship in B. C. 184, but was defeated by M. Porcius Cato. Hence Pliny speaks of him (H. N. 7.34), as bis repulsa notatus a populo. In B. C. 183 and 182 he was engaged as one of the triumviri in settling a Latin colony at Aquileia. The last time he is mentioned is in B. C. 171, when he was one of the advocates appointed by the Spanish deputies to bring to trial the Roman governors who had oppressed them. Scipio Nasica is mentioned both by Cicero and Pomponius as a celebrated jurist, aud the latter writer adds, that a house was given to him by the s ate in the Via Sacra, in order that he might be more easily consulted (Liv. 29.14, 31.49, xxxiii, 25, 34.42, 43, 35.1, 10, 24, 36.1, 2, 37, &c., 38.58, 39.40, 55, 40.34, 43.2; Diod. Excerpta, p. 605, ed. Wess.; V. Max
Sci'pio 27. Cn. Cornelius Scipio Hispallus, a son of L. Scipio [No. 11], who was a brother of the two Scipios who fell in Spain. Hispallus was praetor B. C. 179, and consul B. C. 171, with Q. Petillius Spurinus. He was struck with paralysis during his consulship, and died at Cumae in the course of the year. (Liv. 40.44, 41.14, 16.)
owing year he retained the command of the fleet till the arrival of his successor, C. Livius Salinator; and as the war had been already declared against Antiochus, he captured in the Aegean a large fleet of transports carrying provisions to the king, and brought the ships into the Peiraeeus. He was praetor a second time in B. C. 173, and obtained the jurisdictio urbana. He was ordered in the same year to renew with Antiochus Epiphanes the treaty which had been concluded with his father. In B. C. 171 he was sent, with Q. Marcius Philippus and others, as ambassador into Greece, to counteract the designs and influence of Perseus. An account of this embassy, and of the way in which he and Philippus deceived the Macedonian monarch, is given in the life of Philippus [Vol. III. p. 286a.]. In the following year, B. C. 170, he was consul with A. Hostilius Mancinus, and obtained Italy as his province, while his colleague had the conduct of the war against Perseus. (Liv. 35.10, 20, 22, 36.20; Ap
So'pater 4. One of the generals of Perseus, slain in battle with the Romans in B. C. 171. (Liv. 42.66.)
Tima'goras 4. A Rhodian, was placed in command of five ships, which his countrymen sent to Chalcis, in B. C. 171, to co-operate with C. Lucretius in the war with Perseus. (Plb. 27.6.)
Titi'nius 7. M. Titinius, praetor B. C. 178, received the province of Nearer Spain with the title of proconsul, and continued to govern it for four years, till B. C. 174. In B. C. 171 he was accused of malversation in the province, but was acquitted. (Liv. 41.15, 26, 43.2.)