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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 37 37 Browse Search
Polybius, Histories 3 3 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 38-39 (ed. Evan T. Sage, Ph.D.) 3 3 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 40-42 (ed. Evan T. Sage, Ph.D. and Alfred C. Schlesinger, Ph.D.) 2 2 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 35-37 (ed. Evan T. Sage, PhD professor of latin and head of the department of classics in the University of Pittsburgh) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 43-45 (ed. Alfred C. Schlesinger, Ph.D.) 1 1 Browse Search
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Polybius, Histories, book 22, The Senate Investigates Philip (search)
The Senate Investigates Philip About the same time ambassadors came to Rome from Complaints lodged against Philip at Rome, B. C. 185. king Eumenes, informing the Senate of the encroachment of Philip upon the cities in Thrace. There came also the exiles of the Maronitae denouncing Philip, and charging him with being the cause of their expulsion. These were followed by Athamanians, Perrhaebians, and Thessalians, demanding the restoration of their cities which Philip had taken from them during the war with Antiochus. Ambassadors also came from Philip to make answer to all accusers. After repeated debates between all these envoys and the ambassadors of Philip, the Senate decided to appoint a commission at once, to investigate the actions of Philip, and to protect all who chose to state their views and their complaints of the king to his face. A commission of investigation appointed.The legates thus appointed were Quintus Caecilius, Marcus Baebius, and Tiberius Claudius.Livy (39, 24) give
Polybius, Histories, book 22, Caecilius In the Achaean Assembly (search)
Caecilius In the Achaean Assembly Having thus finished their deliberations, the assembly Winter of B. C. 185. broke up and the people separated to their several cities. But subsequently, while the (Nemean) games were in course of celebration, Quintus Caecilius arrived from Macedonia, on his way back from the embassy which he had been conducting to Philip. Aristaenus having called a meeting of the league magistrates in Argos, Quintus attended and upbraided them for having exceeded justice in the harshness and severity with which they had treated the Lacedaemonians, and urged them strongly to repair the error. Aristaenus said not a word, showing clearly by his silence that he disapproved of what had been done and agreed with the words of Caecilius. But Diophanes of Megalopolis, who was more of a soldier than a statesman, stood up to speak, and so far from offering any defence of the Achaeans, suggested to Caecilius, from hostility to Philopoemen, another charge that might be brought ag
Polybius, Histories, book 32, Polybius Responds to Scipio's Speech (search)
Polybius Responds to Scipio's Speech Polybius was taken aback by the opening words of Scipio Aemilianus, b. B.C. 185. the young man's speech (for he was only just eighteen), and said, "In heaven's name, Scipio, don't say such things, or take into your head such an idea. It is not from any want of appreciation of you, or any intention of slighting you, that I have acted as I have done: far from it! It is merely that, your brother being the elder, I begin and end my remarks with him, and address my explanations and counsels to him, in the belief that you share the same opinions. However, I am delighted to hear you say now that you appear to yourself to be somewhat less spirited than is becoming to members of your family: for you show by this that you have a really high spirit, and I should gladly devote myself to helping you to speak or act in any way worthy of your ancestors. As for learning, to which I see you and your brother devoting yourselves at present with so much earnestness a
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK XVII., CHAPTER II. (search)
wailing The animals peculiar to the country are the ichneumon and the Egyptian asp, having some properties which those in other places do not possess. There are two kinds, one a span in length, whose bite is more suddenly mortal than that of the other; the second is nearly an orguiaAbout six feet. Nicander is the author of two Greek poems that are still extant, and of several others that have been lost. He may be supposed to have been in reputation for about fifty years, cir. B. C. 185—135. The longest of his poems that remains is named Theriaca. It treats (as the name implies) of venomous animals, and the wounds inflicted by them, and contains some curious and interesting zoological passages, together with numerous absurd fables. The other treats of poisons and their antidotes. His works are only consulted by those who are interested in points of zoological and medical antiquities. He is frequently quoted by Athenæus. See Smith's Dict. of Greek and Roman Biography,
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 36 (ed. Evan T. Sage, PhD professor of latin and head of the department of classics in the University of Pittsburgh), chapter 25 (search)
, through conferences with their chiefs, tried to induce the townspeople to surrender the city, not doubting that if Heraclea were captured first they would submit to the Romans in preference to him and that the consul would take the credit to himself in raising the siege. Nor was he deceived in this opinion; for immediately after the taking of Heraclea the message came that he should abandon the siege: it was fairer that the Roman soldiers, who had fought in the battle-line with the Aetolians, should enjoy the rewards of victory.Philip showed no signs of resentment at this treatment until 185 B.C. (XXXIX. xxiii. 9), when it was one of his grievances. So he retired from Lamia and, after the misfortune of a neighbouring city, the people escaped suffering a similar fate.The natural inference from the consul's message would be that the Roman army would at once take up the siege, but this was not done and Lamia was not taken until the next year (XXXVII. v. 3).
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 39 (ed. Evan T. Sage, Ph.D.), chapter 52 (search)
d.Inauguration day for consuls at this period was March 15; for tribunes, apparently at all times, December 10. Naevius then entered upon his office December 10, 185 B.C. (Ap. Claudius M. Sempronius coss.), and his term was concurrent with that of P. Claudius and Porcius (and of Cato and Flaccus) from March 15 to December 10, 184 accus beginning March 15, 184 B.C. He has rejected 187 B.C. (Antias) because he now believes that Naevius was the prosecutor (term beginning December 10, 185 B.C.). Since Livy thinks that death followed soon after the trial, this reasoning brackets both events as having occurred between December 10, 185 B.C., and March 15,185 B.C., and March 15, 184 B.C., this being the portion of the term of Naevius which does not overlap that of Cato and Flaccus. The whole is an interesting specimen of Livy's historical criticism, the more valuable because there are so few parallels. But his readiness to follow one source, almost blindly in Book XXXVIII, while professing
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 41 (ed. Evan T. Sage, Ph.D. and Alfred C. Schlesinger, Ph.D.), chapter 22 (search)
as his source. about this time, because certain of the DolopiansThe Dolopians had been liberated in 196 B.C. (XXXIII. xxxiv. 6), reconquered by Philip with Roman consent in 191 B.C. (XXXVI. xxxiii. 7), while their status after the settlement of 185 B.C. (XXXIX. xxvi. 14) was somewhat uncertain. Perseus obviously claimed some sort of authority over them, and from XLII. xli. 14 it would seem that their disobedience amounted to actual revolt. In 185 B.C. Rome had ordered Philip to stay inside the 185 B.C. Rome had ordered Philip to stay inside the ancient boundaries of Macedonia, and the conduct of Perseus now is in fact, if not literally, a defiance of Rome. were insubordinate and wanted to refer the arbitration of the matters which were in dispute to the Romans instead of to the king, setting out with his army brought the whole district under his sovereignty and sway. Thence, crossing over the Oetaean mountains, since certain religious difficulties beset his mind, he climbed up to Delphi to consult the oracle. When he had suddenly
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 45 (ed. Alfred C. Schlesinger, Ph.D.), chapter 16 (search)
three days and two nights. Especially for this last the Board of Ten was ordered to consult the books; they proclaimed to the people a single day of prayer andB.C. 167 offered a sacrifice of fifty goats in the forum. Because of the other prodigies, another day of prayer was observed at all the banquet-tables of the gods, sacrifice with greater victims was offered, and the city purified. Another matter concerning the paying of respects to the immortal gods was the senate's decree that, whereas the enemy had been conquered and the kings Perseus and Gentius along with Macedonia and Illyricum were under the sway of the Roman People, therefore the praetors Quintus Cassius and Manius Juventius should see to the presentation at all the banquet-tables of the gods of gifts as great as those given in the consulship of Appius Claudius and Marcus Sempronius because of the victory over King Antiochus.These are mentioned in XXXVI. ii. 2-5; the consuls served in 185 B.C.
ffered them a large sum of money as a present with a view of securing their favour, Apollonides of Sicyon strongly opposed the Achaeans' accepting the money, as something unworthy of them, and which would expose them to the influence of the king. He was supported by some other distinguished Achaeans, and they magnanimously refused accepting the money. (Plb. 23.8.) At this congress Roman ambassadors also had been present, and after their return, Spartan and Achaean ambassadors went to Rome, B. C. 185. Among the latter was Apollonides, who endeavoured to explain to the Roman senate the real state of affairs at Sparta, against the Spartan ambassadors, and to vindicate the conduct of Philopoemen and the Achaeans against the charges of the Spartans. (Plb. 23.11, 12.) At the outbreak of the war between the Romans and Perseus of Macedonia, Apollonides advised his countrymen not to oppose the Romans openly, but at the same time he censured severely those who were for throwing themselves into
Archon 2. Of Aegeira, one of those who defended the conduct of the Achaean league with reference to Sparta before Caecilius Metellus, B. C. 185. He was one of the Achaean ambassadors sent to Egypt in B. C. 168 (Plb. 23.10, 29.10), and is perhaps the same as the Archo, the brother of Xenarchus, mentioned by Livy. (41.29.)