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Colchas or CO'LICHAS (*Ko/lxas, *Koli/xas), a petty prince of Spain, who ruled over twentyeight cities, and furnished supplies of troops to Scipio against Mago and Hasdrubal in B. C. 206. (Pol. 11.20; Liv. 28.13.) In reward for his services, the Romans increased his dominions (Pol. 21.9); but in B. C. 197 he revolted, and drew away seventeen towns from their allegiance to Rome. The rebellion spread widely through Spain, but was eventually suppressed by M. Porcius Cato, Q. Minucius Thermus, and various other commanders, in B. C. 195. (Liv. 33.21, 26, 44, 34.8-21.) [E.E]
the course of the second Punic war, but at what time is uncertain, and obtained his liberty at the conclusion of the war in B. c, 201. To shew his gratitude to P. Scipio, he followed his triumphal car, wearing the pileus or cap of liberty, like an emancipated slave; and subsequently, on the death of Scipio, he attended his funeral, walking before the bier with the cap of liberty again on his head, and he likewise distributed mulsum, or sweet wine, among the attendants of the funeral. In B. C. 195, Culleo was one of the three ambassadors who were sent to Carthage to complain that Hannibal was forming the design of making war upon the Romans in conjunction with Antiochus. In B. C. 187 Culleo was praetor peregrinus, and he was appointed by the senate in this year as the commissioner to conduct the inquiry respecting the money of Antiochus, which was said to have been misappropriated by L. Scipio Asiaticus and his legates. This appointment was made under a plebiscitum which had been ca
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Flaccus, Vale'rius 7. L. Valerius Flaccus, P. F. L. N., a brother of No. 6, was curule aedile in B. C. 201, and in the year following he was elected praetor, and received Sicily as his province. In B. C. 195 he was made pontifex, in the place of M. Cornelius Cethegus. In the same year he was invested with the consulship, together with M. Porcius Cato, and received Italy for his province. During the summer he carried on the war against the Boians, and defeated them ; 8000 of them were slain, and the rest dispersed in their villages. Flaccus afterwards spent his time on the banks of the Po, at Placentia and Cremona, being occupied in restoring what had been destroyed by war. He remained in the north of Italy also in the year B. C. 194, as proconsul, and in the neighbourhood of Milan lie fought with great success against the Gauls, Insubrians, and Boians, who had crossed the Po under their chief, Dorulacus: 10,000 enemies are said to have been killed. In B. C. 191, although a consular,
of Cynoscephalae, Lucius, who was informed of the intention of the Acarnanians to join the Romans, sailed to Leucas, the chief place of the Acarnanians, and began to bockade it for the purpose of trying their intention. But the inhabitants resisted, and the town was taken by storm. The inhabitants were resolved to defend themselves to the last, and a great massacre took place; but when the news of the battle of Cynoscephalae arrived, all the tribes of Acarnania submitted to the Romans. In B. C. 195, when T. Flamininus marched against Nabis, Lucius went out with 40 sail to join him in his operations : he took several maritime towns, some of which were conquered by force, while others submitted voluntarily, and he then proceeded to Gythium, the great arsenal of Sparta. When Titus began besieging the same place by land, Gorgopas, the commander of the garrison, treacherously surrendered the town to the Romans. In B. C. 193, L. Flamininus sued for the consulship, and, as the remembrance
erred to the Roman senate, and the senate again referred them to Flamininus, so that they were obliged to acquiesce in his decision. The Achaeans received all the Macedonian possessions in Peloponnesus, and, as a particular favour towards Athens, Flamininus extended her dominions also. The peace thus established in Greece by the victory over Macedonia did not last long, for the alliance of the Romans with Nabis was as disagreeable to the Romans as it was disgraceful, and in the spring of B. C. 195 Flamnininus was invested with full power by the Roman senate to act towards Nabis as lie might think proper. He forthwith convoked a meeting of the Greeks at Corinth. All were delighted at the hope of getting rid of this monster of a tyrant, and it was only the Aetolians who again gave vent to their hostile feelings towards the Romans. But the war against Nabis was decreed, and after receiving reinforcements from the Achaeans, Philip, Eumenes of Pergamus, and the Rhodians, Flamininus march
Funda'nius 1. M. Fundanius, one of the tribunes of the plebs in B. C. 195. In conjunction with another tribune, L. Valerius, Fundanius proposed the abolition of the Oppian sumptuary law, which laid some restrictions on the dress and manners of the Roman women. Valerius and Fundanius were opposed by two members of their own collegium, M. Brutus and T. Brutus, and by one of the consuls of the year, M. Porcius Cato. But the matrons supported the proposed abrogation so strenuously and pertinaciously, that the law was rescinded. (See vol. i. p. 638; Liv. xxxiv.
He'lvia Gens plebeian, occurs only once in the Fasti--the ovation of M. Helvius Blasio, B. C. 195 [BLASIO]--and was first rescued from obscurity by the election of P. Helvius Pertinax to the empire, A. D. 193. The Helvia gens contained in the time of the republic the surnames BLASIO, CINNA, MANCIA. A few are mentioned without a cognomen. [W.B.D]
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Laeca, P. Po'rcius 1. was tribune of the plebs B. C. 199, and by his veto prevented Manlius Acidinus on his return from Spain from entering the city in an ovation, which had been granted him by the senate. [ACIDINUS, No. 1.] Laeca was appointed in B. C. 196 one of the triumviri epulones, who were first created in that year (see Dict. of Ant. s. v. Epulones); and in the following year, B. C. 195. he was one of the praetors, and was stationed with an army in the district of Pisae in Etruria, that he might co-operate with the consul Valerius Flaccus, who was carrying on war in Northern Italy against the Gauls and Ligurians. (Liv. 32.7, 33.42, 43.) The name of Laeca occurs on coins of the Porcia gens, of which a specimen is given below. On the obverse is the head of Pallas, with the legend P. LAECA, ROMA and x: the reverse represents three figures, the centre one is a man clad in the paludamentum, laying his right hand on the head of a citizen wearing a toga, and behind him stands a lict
Lao'dice 6. Daughter of Antiochus the Great by his wife Laodice [No. 4]. She was married to her eldest brother Antiochus, who died in his father's lifetime, B. C. 195. (Appian, App. Syr. 4; Liv. 35.15.) Froelich supposes her to have been afterwards married to her younger brother Seleucus IV., and to have been the mother of Demetrius Soter but there appears to be no authority for this statement.
er Caesar's victories in Spain, the senate decreed the erection of a temple to Libertas at the public expense (D. C. 43.44); and after the murder of Sejanus, a statue of her was set up in the forum. (D. C. 58.12.) From these temples we must distinguish the Atrium Libertatis, which was in the north of the forum, towards the Quirinal, probably on the elevated ground extending from the Quirinal to the Capitoline. (Cic. Att. 4.16; Liv. 43.16.) This building, which had been restored as early as B. C. 195 (Liv. 34.44), and was newly built by Asinius Pollio (Suet. Aug. 29), served as an office of the censors (Liv. l.c. 43.16, 45.15), and sometimes also criminal trials were held (Cic. p. Mil. 22), and hostages were kept in it. (Liv. 25.7.) It also contained tables with laws inscribed upon them, and seems, to some extent, to have been used as public archives. (Liv. xliii. ]6; Fest. p. 241, ed. Millerr) After its rebuilding by Asinius Pollio, it became the repository of the first public library
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