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Browsing named entities in A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith). You can also browse the collection for 209 BC or search for 209 BC in all documents.

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Phile'menus (*Filh/menos), a noble youth of Tarentum, who took a leading part in the conspiracy to betray that city into the hands of Hannibal, B. C. 212. Under pretence of pursuing the pleasures of the chase, he used frequently to go out of the city and return in the middle of the night, and thus established an intimacy with some of the gate keepers, so that they used to admit him on a private signal at any hour. Of this he availed himself on a night previously concerted with the Carthaginian general, and succeeded in seizing on one of the gates, by which he introduced a body of 1000 African soldiers into the city, while Nicon admitted Hannibal himself by another entrance (Plb. 8.26-32; Liv. 25.8-10). When Tarentum was recovered by Fabius, B. C. 209, Philemenus perished in the conflict that ensued within the city itself; but in what manner was unknown, as his body could never be found. (Liv. 27.16.) [E.H.
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), or Philippus V. (search)
n by the capture of Anticvra; but after this, instead of supporting their allies with vigour, they withdrew the greater part of their forces, and P. Sulpicius Galba, who had succeeded Laevinus in the command, found himself unable to effect anything more than the conquest of Aegina, while Philip succeeded in reducing the strong fortress of Echinus in Thessaly, notwithstand ing all the efforts of the Romans and Aetolians to relieve it. (Liv. 26.25, 26, 28; Plb. 9.41, 42.) The next summer (B. C. 209) * Concerning the chronology of these events, and the error committed by Livy, who assigns this campaign to the year 208, see Schorn (Gesch. Griechenl. p. 186, not.), and Thirlwall (Hist. of Greece, vol. viii. p. 268, not.). Clinton (F. H. vol. iii. p. 48) has.followed Livy without comment., the arms of Philip were directed to the support of his allies, the Achaeans, who were unable to make head against the Lacedaemonians, Messenians, and Eleans. Marching through Thessaly, he defeated the
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Philo, Vetu'rius 2. L. Veturius Philo, L. F. L. N., was curule aedile B. C. 210, and praetor B. C. 209, when he obtained the jurisdictio peregrina, and likewise Cisalpine Gaul as his province. He remained in Gaul as propraetor during the following year, B. C. 208, and next year, B. C. 207, he served under Claudius Nero and Livius Salinator, and was sent to Rome along with Q. Caecilius Metells to convey the joyful news of the defeat and death of Hasdrubal. It was mainly owing to his services in this war that he was elected consul in B. C. 207, with Q. Caecilius Metellus, who had shared with him in the glories of the campaign. The two consuls received Bruttii as their province, in order to prosecute the war against Hannibal; but their year of office passed by without any important occurrence, and Philo returned to Rome to hold the comitia, while his colleague remained in Bruttii. In B. C. 205 Philo was magister equitum to his former colleague Metellus, who was nominated dictator for th
of the Achaean cavalry. He immediately introduced great reforms into this branch of the service, which, as well as the rest of the Achaean army, was in a miserable condition. Instead of allowing the wealthy citizens to send ineffective substitutes, he induced the young men of the higher class to serve in person, and by his personal influence and his judicious training soon formed them into an effective and well-disciplined body. At the head of his cavalry, Philopoemen accompanied Philip in B. C. 209, in his expedition against Elis, and, as usual, distinguished himself by his bravery. In an engagement near the borders of Elis and Achaia, he slew the Elean commander Demophantus with his own hand. In B. C. 208, Philopoemen was elected strategus, or general of the Achaean league. The reforms which he had introduced with so much success in the cavalry, encouraged him to make still greater changes in the main body of the Achaean army. lle discontinued the use of the light arms which the A
Piso 1. Calpurnius Piso, was taken prisoner at the battle of Cannae, B. C. 216, and is said to have been sent with two others to Rome to negotiate the release of the prisoners, which proposition the senate refused to entertain. He was praetor urbanus in B. C. 211, and on the expiration of his year of office was sent as propraetor into Etruria B. C. 210. From thence he was commanded by the dictator, Q. Fulvius Flaccus, to take the command of the army at Capua ; but next year (B. C. 209) the senate again entrusted Etruria to him. (Liv. 22.61, 25.41, 26.10, 15, 21, 28, 27.6, 7, 21.) Piso in his praetorship proposed to the senate, that the Ludi Apollinares, which had been exhibited for the first time in the preceding year (B. C. 212), should be repeated, and should be celebrated in future annually. The senate passed a decree to this effect. (Liv. 26.23; Macr. 1.13 ; Festus, p. 326, ed. Müller, where he is erroneously called Maarcus instead of Caius.) The establishment of these games b
Polyxe'nidas (*Poluceni/das), a Rhodian, who was exiled from his native country, and entered the service of Antiochus III., king of Syria. We first find him mentioned in B. C. 209, when he commanded a body of Cretan mercenaries during the expedition of Antiochus into Hyrcania (Plb. 10.29). But in B. C. 192, when the Syrian king had determined upon war with Rome, and crossed over into Greece to commence it, Polyxenidas obtained the chief command of his fleet. After cooperating with Menippus in the reduction of Chalcis, he was sent back to Asia to assemble additional forces during the winter. We do not hear anything of his operations in the ensuing campaign, B. C. 191, but when Antiochus, after his defeat at Thermopylae, withdrew to Asia, Polyxenidas was again appointed to command the king's main fleet on the Ionian coast. Having learnt that the praetor C. Livius was arrived at Delos with the Roman fleet, he strongly urged upon the king the expediency of giving him battle without delay
Publi'cius 3. C. Publicius Bibulus, tribune of the plebs B. C. 209, distinguished himself by his hostility to M. Claudius Marcellus, whom he endeavoured to deprive of his imperium; but Marcellus made such a triumphant reply to the accusations of Publicius, that not only was the bill for taking away his imperium rejected, but he was elected consul on the next day. (Liv. 27.20, 21.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Scae'vola, Mu'cius 2. Q. Mucius Scaevola, the son of Publius, was praetor in B. C. 215, in the consulship of C. Postumius Albinus III. and T. Sempronius Gracchus: he had Sardinia for his province (Liv. 23.24, 30), where he fell sick (100.34, 40). His command in Sardinia was prolonged for the two following years (Liv. 24.9, 44), and again for another year (Liv. 25.3): nothing is recorded of his operations. This appears to be the Mucius who is mentioned by Pomponius (Dig. 1. tit. 2. s. 2.37), if Mucius is the right reading there (comp. Liv. 21.18; Gellius, 10.27; Florus, 2.6). Quintus was decemvir sacrorum, and died in B. C. 209. (Liv. 27.8.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Sci'pio Africanus (search)
turn to Tarraco without molestation, where he remained quietly during the remainder of the year, as his forces were not sufficiently numerous to face the enemy in the field, and he was anxious to strengthen himself by alliances with the Spanish chiefs. In this he was more successful than he could have anticipated. The capture of Carthage, as well as his personal popularity, caused many of the Spanish tribes to desert the Carthaginian cause; and when he took the field in the following year, B. C. 209, Mandonius and Indibilis, two of the most powerful and hitherto the most faithful supporters of Carthage, quitted the camp of Hasdrubal, and awaited the arrival of Scipio. Hasdrubal was encamped in a strong position near the town of Baecula, in the upper valley of the Guadalquiver, where he was engaged in collecting money from the silver mines in the neighbourhood. As he had now fully resolved to march to the assistance of his brother in Italy, he did not wish to risk the lives of his sold
Servi'lius 2. C. Servilius, C. F. P. N., son of the preceding, is first mentioned in B. C. 212, when he was sent into Etruria to purchase corn for the use of the Roman garrison in the citadel of Tarentum, which was then besieged by Hannibal. He succeeded in forcing his way into the harbour, and supplying the garrison with the corn. In B. C. 210 he was elected pontifex in the place of T. Otacilius Crassus, in B. C. 209 plebeian aedile, and in B. C. 208 curule aedile. In the last year, while holding the office of curule aedile, he was appointed magister equitum by the dictator T. Manlius Torquatus. He was praetor B. C. 206, when he obtained Sicily as his province, and consul B. C. 203 with Cn. Servilius Caepio. Livy, in speaking of his consulship (29.38, 30.1), as well as subsequently, calls him C. Servilius Geminus ; but in the Capitoline Fasti his name is given C. SERVILIUS C. F. P. NEPOS. It is therefore probable that his cognomen Geminus is a mistake. C. Servilius obtained Etruria
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