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Browsing named entities in A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith). You can also browse the collection for 209 BC or search for 209 BC in all documents.

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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Flaccus, Vale'rius 6. C VALERIUS. FLACCUS, P. F. L. N., was inaugurated as flamen Dialis, in B. C. 209, against his own will, by the pontifex maximus, P. Licinius. He was a young man of a wanton and dissolute character, and for this reason shunned by his own relatives; but after his appointment to the priesthood, his conduct altered so much for the better, and his watchfulness and care in the performance of his duties were so great, that he was admitted into the senate. In B. C. 199 he was created curule aedile; but being flamen dialis, he could not take the official oath, and his brother, L. Valerius Flaccus (No. 7), who was then praetor designatus, took it for him. (Liv. 27.8, 31.50, 32.7.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Flamen, Q. Clau'dius praetor B. C. 209, the eleventh year of the second Punic war. His province was the Sallentine district and Tarentum, and he succeeded M. Marcellus in the command of two legions, forming the third division of the Roman army, then in the field against Hannibal. (Liv. 27.21, 22.) He was propraetor B. C. 207, and his command was prolonged through the next year. (27.43, 28.10.) In 207, while Flamen was in the neighbourhood of Tarentum, his outposts brought in two Numidians, the bearers of letters from Hasdrubal at Placentia to Hannibal at Metapontum. Flamen wrung from them the secret of their being entrusted with letters and then despatched the Numidians, strongly guarded, with the letters unopened to the consul, Claudius Nero. [NERO.] The discovery of the letters saved Rome; for they were sent to apprise Hannibal of his brother's presence in Italy, and to arrange the junction of their armies. [W.B.D]
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Flavus, C. Deci'mius a tribune of the soldiers, B. C. 209. He rescued M. Claudius Marcellus from defeat by repulsing a charge of Hannibal's elephants. (Liv. 27.14.) Flavus was praetor urbanus, B. C. 184, and died in his year of office. (Liv. 39.32, 38, 39.) [W.B.D]
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), P. Sulpicius Galba (search)
disband his army, and retained the command of only one legion and of the socii navales, i. e. of the fleet, and a sum of money was placed at his disposal to supply the wants of his forces. During this year, B. C. 210, Sulpicius Galba nacould do but little, and all we know is, that he took the island of Aegina, which was plundered and given to the Aetolians, who were allied with the Romans, and that he in vain tried to relieve Echinus, which was besieged by Philip of Macedonia. For the year B. C. 209, his imperium was again prolonged, with Macedonia and Greece as his province. Besides the Aetolians the Romans had contrived to ally themselves also with Attalus against Philip. The Aetolians in the battle of Lamia were assisted by 1000 Romans, whom Galba had sent to them, while he himself was stationed at Naupactus. When Philip appeared at Dyme, on his march against Elis, Galba had landed with fifteen of his ships on the northern coast of Peloponnesus, and his soldiers were ravaging and p
crossed the Pyrenees near their western extremity, and plunged into the heart of Gaul. What were his relations with the Gallic tribes--whether the period spent by him among them was occupied in peace or war--we know not; but, before he reached the foot of the Alps, many ot them had been induced to join him, and the mention among these of the Arverni shows how deep into the country he had penetrated. The chronology is also very obscure. It is certain that the battle of Baecula was fought in B. C. 209, but whether Hasdrubal crossed the Pyrenees the same year we have no evidence: he must, at all events, have spent one winter in Gaul, as it was not till the spring of 207 that he crossed the Alps, and descended into Italy. The passage of the Alps appears to have presented but trifling difficulties, compared with what his brother Hannibal had encountered eleven years before; and he arrived in Italy so much earlier than he was expected, that the Romans had no army in Cisalpine Gaul ready to
Gisco took in these is nowhere mentioned, but it is difficult to avoid the conjecture that they were in great part owing to his jealousy of the sons of Hamilcar; and Polybius expressly charges him (9.11, 10.35, 36) with alienating the minds of the Spaniards by his arrogance and rapacity, among others that of Indibilis, one of the chiefs who had been most faithfully attached to the Carthaginian cause. [INDIBILIS.] When Hasdrubal the son of Hamilcar, after his defeat at Baecula by Scipio (B. C. 209), moved northwards across the Tagus, he was joined by his two colleagues, and, at the council of war held by them, it was agreed, that while the son of Hamilcar should prosecute his march to Italy, the son of Gisco should confine himself to the defence of Lusitania and the western provinces of Spain, taking care to avoid a battle with Scipio. (Liv. 27.20.) This accounts for his inaction during the following year. In the summer of 207 we hear of him in the extreme south, near Gades, where
the Ebro to the haven of the Carthaginian capital of Spain. Laelius, during the assault, blockaded the port, after its capture occupied the city with his marines, and, for his services, received from Scipio a golden wreath and thirty oxen. (Plb. 10.3, 9; Liv. xxvi, 42, 48; Appian, Hispan. 20.) Having assisted in distributing the booty, the hostages, and the prizes of valour to the soldiers, he was dispatched to Rome with the captives and the tidings of victory. He arrived thither early in B. C. 209, and, after reporting to the senate and the people the fall of New Carthage, and delivering up his prisoners-among whom were Mago, the governor of the city, fifteen members of the great council of Carthage, and two members of the council of elders,-he rejoined Scipio at Tarraco. (Plb. 10.18, 19, 37; Liv. 26.48, 51, 27.7.) Throughout the war in Spain, Sicily, and Africa, Laelius acted as confidential legatus to his friend, nor until B. C. 202, when the senate appointed him Scipio's quaestor
Laeto'rius 5. C. Laetorius, curule aedile, B. C. 216, sent as ambassador by the senate to the consuls App. Claudius and Q. Fulvius Flaccus, B. C. 212, praetor, B. C. 210, and decenlvir sacris faciundis, B. C. 209. (Liv. 23.30, 25.22, 26.23, 27.7, 8.)
nce was dangerous to the public peace, he exported them to Rhegium, where they did the republic good service as a predatory force against Hannibal in Bruttium. The senate then ordered Laevinus to return to Rome, to hold the consular comitia for B. C. 209. But presently after his arrival he was remanded to his province, which was threatened with a fresh invasion from Africa. He was directed to nominate a dictator, to preside at the elections. But on this point Laevinus and the senate were at vaught in a bill, with the concurrence of the senate, to compel Laevinus's obedience to its orders. But he left Rome abruptly, and the nomination was at length made by his colleague Marcellus. Laevinus continued in Sicily as pro-consul throughout B. C. 209. His army consisted of the remains of Varro's and Cn. Fulvius Flaccus's legions, which, for their respective defeats by Hannibal at Cannae in B. C. 216, and at Herdonea in 212, were sentenced to remain abroad while the war lasted. To these he a
Lentulus 8. L. Cornelius Lentulus Caudinus, L. F. L. N., son of No. 6, curule aedile in B. C. 209. (Liv. 27.21.)