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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 27 27 Browse Search
Polybius, Histories 3 3 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 3 3 Browse Search
Appian, The Foreign Wars (ed. Horace White) 1 1 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 23-25 (ed. Frank Gardener Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 28-30 (ed. Frank Gardener Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 31-34 (ed. Evan T. Sage, Ph.D. Professor of Latin and Head of the Department of Classics in the University of Pittsburgh) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 43-45 (ed. Alfred C. Schlesinger, Ph.D.) 1 1 Browse Search
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monians. In B. C. 217 Aratus was the 17th time chosen general, and every thing, so far as the security of the leagued states was concerned, prospered; but the feelings and objects of the two men were so different, that no unity was to be looked for, so soon as the immediate object of subduing certain states was effected. The story told by Plutarch, of his advice to Philip about the garrisoning of Ithome, would probably represent well the general tendency of the feeling of these two men. In B. C. 213 he died, as Plutarch and Polybius both say (Plb. 8.14; Plut. Arat. 52), from the effect of poison administered by the king's order. Divine honours were paid to him by his countrymen, and annual solemnities established. (Dict. of Ant. s. v. *)Ara/teia.) Works Aratus wrote Commentaries, being a history of his own times down to B. C. 220 (Plb. 4.2), which Polybius characterises as clearly written and faithful records. (2.40.) Assessment The greatness of Aratus lay in the steadiness wit
Cae'pio 2. CN. SERVILIUS CN. F. CN. N. CAEPIO, was probably a grandson, and not a son, of No. 1. He was elected pontiff in the place of C. Papirius Maso, B. C. 213; curule aedile in 207, when he celebrated the Roman games three times; praetor in 205, when he obtained the city jurisdiction; and consul in 203. In his consulship he had Bruttii assigned to him as his province, and he was the last Roman general who fought with Hannibal in Italy. The engagement took place in the neighbourhood of Crotona, but no particulars of it are preserved. When Hannibal quitted Italy, Caepio passed over into Sicily, with the intention of crossing from thence to Africa. In order to prevent this, the senate, who feared that the consul would not obey their commands, created a dictator, P. Sulpicius Galba, who recalled Caepio to Italy. In B. C. 192, Caepio was sent with other legates into Greece, to encourage the Roman allies in the prospect of the war with Antiochus. He died in the pestilence in 174. (Liv
Carne'ades (*Karnea/dhs). 1. The son of Epicomus or Philocomus, was born at Cyrene about the year B. C. 213. He went early to Athens, and attended the lectures of the Stoics, and learnt there logie from Diogenes. His opinions, however, on philosophical subjects differed from those of his master, and he was fond of telling him, "if I reason right, I am satisfied; if wrong, give back the mina," which was the fee for the logic lectures. He was six years old when Chrysippus died, and never had any personal intercourse with him; but he deeply studied his works, and exerted all the energy of a very acute and original mind in their refutation. To this exercise he attributed his own eminence, and often repeated the words ei) mh\ ga\r h)=n *Xru/sippos, ou)k a)/n h)=n e)gw\. He attached himself as a zealous partizan to the Academy, which had suffered severely from the attacks of the Stoics; and on the death of Hegesinus, he was chosen to preside at the meetings of Academy, and was the four
Centumalus 3. CN. FULVIUS CN. F. CN. N. CENTUMALUS, son apparently of No. 2, was curule aedile in B. C. 214, and was elected to the praetorship while he held the former office. As praetor in the following year, B. C. 213, Suessula was assigned him as his province with the command of two legions. He was consul in 211 with P. Sulpicius Galba, and his command was prolonged in the next year, in which he was defeated by Hannibal near the town of Herdonia in Apulia, and he himself with eleven tribunes of the soldiers perished in the battle. (Liv. 24.43, 44, 25.41, 26.1, 28, 27.1; Plb. 9.6; Eutrop. 3.14; Oros. 4.17.)
Cethe'gus 1. M. Cornelius Cethegus, M. F. M. N., was curule aedile in B. C. 213, and pontifex maximus in the same year upon the death of L. Lentulus; praetor in 211 when he had the charge of Apulia; censor in 209 with P. Sempronius Tuditanus; and consul with the same colleague in 204. In the next year he commanded as proconsul in Cisalpine Gaul, where with the praetor Quintilius Varus he defeated Mago, the brother of Hannibal, and compelled him to quit Italy. He died in B. C. 196 (Liv. 25.2, 41, 27.11, 29.11, 30.18.) His eloquence was rated very high, so that Ennius gave him the name of Suadae medulla (ap. Cic. Cat. Maj. 14; comp. Brut. 15), and Horace twice refers to him as an ancient authority for the usage of Latin words. (Epist. 2.2. 116, Ars Poet. 50, and Schol. ad loc.
Cono'neus (*Konwneu/s), a Tarentine, is mentioned by Appian (Annib. 32) as the person who betrayed Tarentum to the Romans in B. C. 213. (Comp. Frontin. Strateg. 3.3.6, where Oudendorp has restored this name from Appian.) Polybius (8.19, &c.) and Livy (25.8, &c.) say, that Philemenus and Nicon were the leaders of the conspiracy; but Schweighäuser remarks (ad App. l.c.), that as Percon was the cognomen of Nicon (see Liv. 26.39), so there is no reason why we should not infer that Cononeus was the cognomen of Philemenus. [PHILEMENU
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Da'sius, Alti'nius of Arpi. When P. Sempronius and Q. Fabius, in B. C. 213, had taken up their positions in Lucania and Apulia against Hannibal, Dasius went at night time into the camp of Fabius, and offered to deliver up Arpi into his hands, if the consul would give him an appropriate reward. Fabius consulted with his other officers, and, as Dasius had on a former occasion betrayed the Romans, as he now proposed to betray Hannibal, it was resolved that for the present he should be kept in custody till the end of the war. In the mean time, his absence had created considerable uneasiness at Arpi, and a report of his treachery reached Hannibal, who is said to have availed himself of the opportunity to confiscate the property of the traitor, and also to order his mother and her children to be buried alive. (Liv. 24.45.) [L.S]
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Sardinia as soon as possible, and that he should appoint whomsoever he pleased as its commander, until Q. Mucius, who was severely ill, recovered. Flaccus accordingly appointed T. Manlius Torquatus commander of the legion. In B. C. 214 he was the only one among his colleagues that was re-elected to the praetorship, and a senatus consultum ordained, that he, extra ordinem, should have the city for his province, and that he should have the command there during the absence of the consuls. In B. C. 213 he was appointed magister equitum to the dictator, C. Claudius Centho, and the year after was raised to the consulship for the third time, together with App. Claudius Pulcher. In this year he was also a candidate for the office of pontifex maximus, which, however, he did not obtain. During his third consulship Campania was his province; and he accordingly went thither with his army, took up his position at Beneventum, and thence made an unexpected attack upon the camp of Hanno in the neigh
Fla'vius 2. FLAVIUS, a Lucanian, who lived during the second Punic war, and for a time was at the head of the Roman party among the Lucanians. But in B. C. 213 he suddenly turned traitor; and not satisfied with going over to the enemy himself, and making his countrymen follow his example, he resolved to deliver the Roman general, with whom he was connected by hospitality, into the hands of the Carthaginians. He accordingly had an interview with Mago, who commanded the Punic forces in Bruttium, and promised to deliver up to him the proconsul Tib. Sempronius Gracchus, on condition that the Lucanians should be free, and retain their own constitution. A place was then fixed upon where Mago might lay in ambush with an armed force, and whither Flavius promised to lead the proconsul. Flavius now went to Grachus, and promising to bring about a reconciliation between him and those who had recently deserted the cause of the Romans, he prevailed upon him to accompany him to the spot where Mago
Fu'ndulus 2. M. Fundanius Fundulus, one of the plebeian aediles in B. C. 213. With his colleague, L. Viliius Tappulus, he accused before the tribes, and procured the banishment of, certain Roman matrons, on a charge of disorderly life. (Liv. 25.2.) [W.B.D]