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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 32 32 Browse Search
Polybius, Histories 8 8 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 5 5 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 1 1 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 26-27 (ed. Frank Gardner Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 21-22 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.) 1 1 Browse Search
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), History of Rome, books 1-10 (ed. Rev. Canon Roberts) 1 1 Browse Search
Appian, The Foreign Wars (ed. Horace White) 1 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith). You can also browse the collection for 222 BC or search for 222 BC in all documents.

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Alexander (*)Ale/candros), a son of AEMETUS, was one of the commanders of the Macedonian xalka/stides in the army of Antigonus Doson during the battle of Sellasia against Cleomenes III. of Sparta, in B. C. 222. (Plb. 2.66.) [L.
Anti'genes 2. One of the followers of Cleophantus, who must have lived about the middle of the third century B. C., as Mnemon, one of his fellow-pupils, is known to have lived in the reign of Ptolemy Euergetes, B. C. 247-222. [CLEOPHANTUS ; MNEMON.] One of his works is quoted by Caelius Aurelianus (De Morb. Acut. 2.10, p. 46), and he is probably the physician mentioned by Galen (Comment. in Hippocr. " De Nat. Horn." 2.6, vol. xv. p. 136), together with several others who lived about that time, as being celebrated anatomists.
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Apollo'nius or Apollo'nius Pergaeus (search)
Apollo'nius or Apollo'nius Pergaeus surnamed PERGAEUS,from Perga in Pamphylia, his native city, a mathematician educated at Alexandria under the successors of Euclid. He was born in the reign of Ptolemy Euergetes (Eutoc. Comm. in Ap. Con. lib. i.), and died under Philopator, who reigned B. C. 222-205. (Hephaest. apud Phot. cod. cxc.) He was, therefore, probably about 40 years younger than Archimedes. His geometrical works were held in such esteem, that they procured for him the appellation of the Great Geometer. (Eutoc. l.c.) He is also mentioned by Ptolemy as an astronomer, and is said to have been called by the sobriquet of e, from his fondness for observing the moon, the shape of which was supposed to resemble that letter. Works Conic Sections Apollonius' most important work, the only considerable one which has come down to our time, was a treatise on Conic Sections in eight books. Of these the first four, with the commentary of Eutocius, are extant in Greek; and all but the
ected general of the league, and made Corinth and Sicyon his winter quarters. What hope was there now left that the great design of Aratus' life could be accomplished,--to unite all the Greek governments into one Greek nation? Henceforward the caprice of the Macedonian monarch was to regulate the relations of the powers of Greece. The career of Antigonus, in which Aratus seems henceforward to have been no further engaged than as his adviser and guide, ended in the great battle of Sellasia (B. C. 222), in which the Spartan power was for ever put down. Philip succeeded Antigonus in the throne of Macedon (B. C. 221), and it was his policy during the next two years (from 221 to 219 B. C.) to make the Achaeans feel how dependent they were on him. This period is accordingly taken up with incursions of the Aetolians, the unsuccessful opposition of Aratus, and the trial which followed. The Aetolians seized Clarium, a fortress near Megalopolis (Plb. 4.6.), and thence made their plundering excu
Brachylles or BRACHYLLAS (*Braxu/llhs, *Braxu/llas), was the son of Neon, a Boeotian, who studiously courted the favour of the Macedonian king Antigonus Doson; and accordingly, when the latter took Sparta, B. C. 222, he entrusted to Brachyllas the government of the city. (Plb. 20.5; comp. 2.70, 5.9, 9.36.) After the death of Antigonus, B. C. 220, Brachyllas continued to attach himself to the interests of Macedonia under Philip V., whom he attended in his conference with Flamininus at Nicaea in Locris, B. C. 198. (Plb. 17.1; Liv. 32.32.) At the battle of Cynoscephalae, B. C. 197, he commanded the Boeotian troops in Philip's army; but, together with the rest of his countrymen who had on that occasion fallen into the Roman power, he was sent home in safety by Flamininus, who wished to conciliate Boeotia. On his return he was elected Boeotarch, through the influence of the Macedonian party at Thebes; in consequence of which Zeuxippus, Peisistratus, and the other leaders of the Roman par
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), or Cn. Scipio (search)
Cn. Corn'elius Scipio Calvus or Cn. Scipio consul, B. C. 222. [SCIPIO.]
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), or Cato the Censor (search)
.40) and Plutarch (Plut. Cat. Ma. 15) he was 90 years old when he died. The exaggerated age, however, is inconsistent within a statement recorded by Plutarch (Cat. Aaj. 1) on the asserted authority of Cato himself. Cato is represented to have said, that he served his first campaign in his 17th year, when Hannibal was over-running Italy. Plutarch, who had the works of Cato before him, but was careless in dates, did not observe that the reckoning of Livy would take back Cato's 17th year to B. C. 222, when there was not a Carthaginian in Italy, whereas the reckoning of Cicero would make the truth of Cato's statement reconcileable with the date of Hannibal's first invasion. When Cato was a very young man, the death of his father put him in possession of a small hereditary estate in the Sabine territory, at a distance from his native town. It was here that he passed the greater part of his boyhood, hardening his body by healthful exercise, superintending and sharing the operations of t
Ce'rcidas 2. A Megalopolitan, who was employed by Aratus in an embassy to Antigonus Doson to treat of an alliance, B. C. 224. He returned home after he had succeeded in his mission, and he afterwards commanded a thousand Megalopolitans in the army which Antigonus led into Laconia, B. C. 222. (Polyb 2.48-50, 65.) He may have been a descendant of the preceding, but on this point we have no information. [P.S]
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
the completion of this reform he was aided by the philosopher Sphaerus. The line of the Proclidae being extinct, he took his brother Eucleidas for his colleague in the kingdom. In his own conduct he set a fine example of the simple virtue of an old Spartan. From this period must be dated the contest between the Achaeans and Cleomenes for the supremacy of Greece, which Polybius calls the Cleomenic war, and which lasted three years, from B. C. 225 to the battle of Sellasia in the spring of B. C. 222. For its details, of which a slight sketch is given under ARATUS, the reader is referred to the historians. Amidst a career of brilliant success, Cleomenes committed some errors, but, even if he had avoided them, he could not but have been overpowered by the united force of Macedonia and the Achaean league. The moral character of the war is condensed by Niebuhr into one just and forcible sentence :-- " Old Aratus sacrificed the freedom of his country by an act of high treason, and gave up
Conon (*Ko/nwn), of Samos, a mathematician and astronomer, lived in the time of the Ptolemies Philadelphus and Euergetes (B. C. 283-222), and was the friend and probably the teacher of Archimedes, who survived him. None of his works are preserved. His observations are referred to by Ptolemy in his fa/deis a)planw=n, and in the historical notice appended to that work they are said to have been made in Italy (Petav. Uranolog. p. 93), in which country he seems to have been celebrated. (See Virgil's mention of him, Ecl. 3.40.) According to Seneca (Nat. Quaest. 7.3), he made a collection of the observations of solar eclipses preserved by the Egyptians. Apollonius Pergaeus (Conic. lib. iv. praef.) mentions his attempt to demonstrate some propositions concerning the number of points in which two conic sections can cut one another. Conon was the inventor of the curve called the spiral of Archimedes [ARCHIMEDES] ; but he seems to have contented himself with proposing the investigation of its