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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) | 8 | 8 | Browse | Search |
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 23-25 (ed. Frank Gardener Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University) | 1 | 1 | Browse | Search |
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) | 1 | 1 | Browse | Search |
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Browsing named entities in A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith). You can also browse the collection for 235 BC or search for 235 BC in all documents.
Your search returned 8 results in 8 document sections:
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Apollonius RHODIUS (search)
Apollonius RHODIUS
23. RHODIUS, was, according to Suidas and his Greek anonymous biographers, the son of Silleus or Illeus and Rhode, and born at Alexandria (comp. Strab. xiv. p.655) in the phyle Ptolemais, whereas Athenaeus (vii. p. 283) and Aelian (Ael. NA 15.23) describe him as a native or, at least, as a citizen of Naucratis.
He appears to have been born in the first half of the reign of Ptolemy Euergetes, that is, about B. C. 235, and his most active period falls in the reign of Ptolemy Philopator (B. C. 221-204) and of Ptolemy Epiphanes. (B. C. 204-181.)
In his youth he was instructed by Callimachus, but afterwards we find a bitter enmity existing between them.
The cause of this hatred has been explained by various suppositions; the most probable of which seems to be, that Apollonius, in his love of the simplicity of the ancient poets of Greece and in his endeavour to imitate them, offended Callimachus, or perhaps even expressed contempt for his poetry.
The love of Apollonius f
14. One of ten ambassadors sent by the Carthaginians to Rome in B. C. 235 to avert the war which the Romans had threatened to declare in consequence of the alleged support given to the revolt in Sardinia. Hanno is said to have effected, by the bold and frank tone which he assumed, what all the previous embassies had failed to accomplish, and obtained a renewal of the peace on equitable terms. (Dio Cass. Exc. 150; Oros. 4.12.) From the terms in which he is mentioned by Dio Cassius and Orosius (*)/Annwn tir--minimus homo inter legatos), he can hardly have been the same with the preceding, which would at first appear not improbable.
a painter of the Sicyonian school, contemporary with Aratus, whose portrait he painted, with a trophy (Plin. Nat. 35.11. s. 40.35).
It seems almost idle to inquire which of the victories of Aratus this picture was intended to celebrate. Harduin quotes Plutarch (Plut. Arat. 38, fol.), as making it probable that the victory referred to was that over Aristippus, the tyrant of Argos.
This would place the painter's date about B. C. 235. [P.S]
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
(*Qeodwri/das), of Syracuse, a lyric and epigrammatic poet, who is supposed to have lived at the same time as Euphorion, that is, about B. C. 235; for, on the one hand, Euphorion is mentioned ill one of the epigrams of Theodoridas (Ep. ix.), and, on the other hand, Clemens Alexandrinus (Strom. v. p. 673) quotes a verse of Euphorion e)n tai=s pro\s *Qewri/dan a)ntigrafai=s, where Schneider suggests the emendation *Qeodwri/dan.
He had a place in the Garland of Meleager.
In addition to the eighteen epigrams ascribed to him in the Greek Anthology, about the genuineness of some of which there are doubts (Brunck, Anal. vol. ii. p. 41; Jacobs, Anth. Graec. vol. ii. p. 42, vol. xiii. p. 959), he wrote a lyric poem *Ei)s *)/Erwta, upon which a commentary was written by Dionysius, surnamed o( *Lepto/s (Ath. xi. p. 475f.), a dithyramb entitled *Ke/ntauroi (Ath. xv. p. 699; Eustath. ad Odyss. p. 1571, 16), licentious verses of the kind called flu/akes (Suid. s.v. *Swta/dhs, as corre
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Torqua'tus, Ma'nlius
6. T. Manlius Torquatus, T. F. T. N., son of No. 3 and brother of No. 5, was consul for the first time in B. C. 235 with C. Atilius Bulbus, in which year he conquered the Sardinians, and obtained in consequence a triumph. His first consulship was memorable from the circumstance that the temple of Janus was closed in this year, in consequence of the Romans enjoying universal peace, which is said not to have occurred before since the reign of Numa Pompilius. (Eutrop. 3.3; Liv. 23.34; Vell. 2.38; Oros. 4.12; Liv. 1.19; Plut. Num. 20.) In B. C. 231 Torquatus was elected censor with Q. Fulvius Flaccus, but was obliged to resign through some unfavourable symptom in the auspices. (Fasti Capit.) In B. C. 224 he was consul a second time with Q. Fulvius Flaccus, and along with his colleagues carried on the war with success against the Gauls in the north of Italy.
These consuls were the first Roman generals who crossed the Po. (Plb. 2.31 ; Liv. Epit. 20 ; Oros. 4.13.) This